Barbara Allen lyrics
by Emmylou Harris
'Twas in the merry month of May
When all gay flowers were bloomin'
Sweet William on his death-bed lay
For the love of Barbara Allen
He sent his servant to the town
To the place where she was dwelling
Said, "You must come to my master's house
If your name be Barbara Allen."
So slowly, slowly she gets up
And to his bedside going
She drew the curtains to one side
And says, "Young man, you're a-dying."
"I know, I'm sick and very sick
And sorrow dwells within me
No better, no better I never will be
'Til I have Barbara Allen."
"Don't you remember last Saturday night
When I was at the tavern
You gave your drinks to the ladies all
But you slighted Barbara Allen?"
He reached up his pale white hands
Intending for to touch her
She turned away from his bedside
And says, "Young man I won't have you."
He turned his cheek into the wall
And bursted out a crying
"Adieu to thee, adieu to all
And adieu to Barbara Allen."
She had not more than reached the town
She heard the death bells ringing
And as they rung they seemed to say
"Hard-hearted Barbara Allen."
"Oh Mother, oh mother go make my bed
Make it both long and narrow
Sweet William died for me today
I'll die for him tomorrow."
Sweet William was buried in the old churchyard
And Barbara there laid nigh him
And out of his grave grew a red, red rose
And out of hers, a briar
They grew and grew to the old church gate
Where they could grow no higher
And there they tied in a true love's knot
The rose wrapped 'round the briar