Shadows in the Glass lyrics



Wilson Fisk stares at the Rabbit in a Snowstorm painting, before making pancakes and eating them all alone in his penthouse. He then chooses a suit and a pin, before checking himself on the mirror and seeing a bloodied boy.


Matt's apartment is a mess, when his alarm clock rings.
ALARM: Seven o'clock a.m.

He wakes up, tired and pensive, before putting on his suit.

Cut to Karen and Foggy entering the office.
KAREN: Matt wouldn't understand. You know what he would say.
FOGGY: That we're awesome?
KAREN: No, that we're being stupid.
FOGGY: I prefer the term "foolheartedly provocative."
KAREN: Yeah, that's lawyer talk for stupid. You want coffee?
FOGGY: If we're gonna be Nancy Drew-ing together, I think a certain level of honesty is required.
KAREN: What? You don't like my coffee?
FOGGY: No, I hate it. I appreciate the effort, but the technique, or lack thereof...
KAREN: My God, you are such a di*k.
FOGGY: On occasion some di*kery may leak out, but doesn't mean I'm wrong.
KAREN: Well, it means somethin'.
FOGGY: Okay, let's say we keep Matt in the dark. How long do you think...
The door opens.
FOGGY: ...I should grow my hair? Matt, what's your take on that? Mullet? Full pony?
- Holy sh*t.
- Did you fall down again?
- Oh, it's nothing.
- Don't tell me what?
KAREN: Damn it! You heard that?
Guy's like a bat. Not blind like a I mean, you know, with the hearing.
- Bats aren't blind, Foggy.
- They're not?
It's a myth.
So, we're good.
- Karen.
- Yeah? What don't the two of you want me to know? We're investigating Union Allied.
Remind me to keep you off the witness stand.
- You can't be doing that.
- Why not? For starters, you signed legal papers and took money to leave it alone.
KAREN: No, I signed papers saying that I wouldn't go public and I won't. We have someone lined up for that part.
- What part?
KAREN: Breaking the story that, uh... Look, whoever is behind Union Allied, or whatever they call themselves now, they are trying to strong-arm people like Elena so that they can sweep their homes away from them and build condos no one can afford.
MATT: And what do you think's gonna happen when these "whoevers" find out what it is you're up to?
FOGGY: We already took care of it.
- Took care of what?
KAREN: The, uh, guys who busted up Elena's apartment. They, uh, came after me when I was leaving her place last night.
Are you okay?
KAREN: Yes. Foggy was following me.
- Mmm-hmm.
Why? Why were you following her?
- She was acting funny.
KAREN: No, there was no funny.
- There was a little funny.
This is what I'm talking about. There are things out there. You can't be doing this. You're gonna get yourselves hurt.
KAREN: No, I have already been hurt by those bast*rds. You know, I don't care what I signed or how much money they paid me to forget. I don't. And I'm not just going to stick my head in the sand and let it happen to somebody else because I am scared. Which I am, a lot.
FOGGY: And if you could see her face, you'd know she means it.
MATT: Yeah, I kind of got that. Right, who else is involved? Who's helping you break whatever it is you think you're gonna find out? KAREN: Ben Urich, from the Bulletin.
MATT: The one who wrote the Union Allied piece?
Karen's been working with him. He seems like a good guy.
MATT: Yeah, everybody does, until they aren't.
KAREN: No, I trust Ben as much as I do you or Foggy, Matt.
I know what I am doing. I am not some kid...
Then don't act like one. Both of you. I know you're just trying to do the right thing here, but we have to be smart about this.
MATT: First rule, no more skulking around, asking to get hurt. We do this, it's gonna be on our turf. The legal system.
KAREN: That's not nearly as heroic as you might think.
MATT: I don't want anyone to be a hero, Karen.I want you to be safe. And I want to protect this firm and everything we're trying to build here.We know the law. We'll use it to our advantage. Agreed?
Do we have a choice?
Not so much.
KAREN: Yeah, okay. So, what's the second rule?
MATT: I don't know, I'm making this up as I go along.

FISK: I understand your position. You need to understand mine!

[talks in Mandarin]
He questions the validity of your position.
I say it is of p*ss and sh*t.

FISK:Well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Nevertheless, my point is valid.
You made guarantees.
FISK: Which I met.
The Black Sky is dead.
FISK:You asked that the docks and your transit path be clear of police interference. Did you observe any police?
FISK: Of course not, because I'm a man of honor!
It will be difficult to locate another Black Sky. They are extremely rare.
FISK:Perhaps you should have told me the importance of your cargo before you lost it.
He's asking if you'd like to renegotiate the terms of your relationship.
FISK:I'm sorry if I offended you. My apologies.

You get that last part?
FISK:Yes, threats are clear in any language.
He needs to be taught some manners.
FISK:Leave it alone.
If the Russians had spoken to you this way...
FISK: They aren't the Russians.
No, the Russians actually contributed. Leland's financials, Gao's product, and Vlad and Anatoly's distribution until we absorbed that facet. What do Nobu and his men bring to the table? What - What are they in all this?
FISK:A necessary evil.
I just I don't like the way he speaks to you, that's all. Especially now, when everything's going our way.
FISK: That's exactly when you need to be cautious.
"Brown Sugar" plays as kids play in the streets of 1970s Hell's Kitchen . We see it is playing
Can you please turn that down?
Your mom don't like music.
WILSON: I like it.
- That's 'cause you got taste.
I love music. Just not so loud.
What the hell good is it if you can't hear it?
- Right, Willie?
- Right! Never trust the quiet ones.
Those are the pricks that are always up to something.
You cut it too short.
What did I tell you? Sorry.
Sorry, what?
Respect. You gotta give it if you want it.
Don't forget that.
Make the next one longer.
You want your pop's face in the dirt?
- No, sir.
- Damn right.
You see that? That's our ticket.
Once you get on the city council, everybody wants to put a little somethin' in your pocket.
Remember Mr. Flores from up the street?
- No.
- 'Course not.
You know why? 'Cause he got on the council back when you were still sh*tting in your pants.
But he ain't around no more.
One year after he got voted in, packed up, got himself a real house.
Just like we're gonna buy. [drinks his beer] This city? It's everything. It's right there. All you gotta do is put your mind to it and make it happen. You want a sip?
- He most certainly does not.
- Huh? My dad let me take a sip from his glass before I could talk.
Go on. [hands him the beer] Go on. What are you lookin' at her for? I said it's okay. Take a big one. Go on. That's it.
Wilson coughs it out.
Bill, what are you doing? Jesus!
BILL: Come on, it's funny. He's a man. Let him be a man.
- You worry too much.
- Somebody has to. How are we paying for all this?
-Got it covered. I took a loan.
-A loan? What'd the bank make you put up?
- No, no, no. Screw the bank. Rigoletto floated me.
- Rigoletto?
- Who's that?
-Nobody, forget it. It's an investment, Marlene. You gotta spend money to make money. Once I get on the council, this is all taken care of.
- I don't know about all this.
- You don't know about nothin'! You gotta take risks. You want something out of life, you gotta put yourself out there.
WILSON: You gotta put yourself out there, Mom!
You see? The kid is smarter than you.
Back to the present, Fisk is on the phone.
FISK: Yes, honestly. I've spent most of my time abroad in Asia.
Yes. I would. Maybe, we We Could you please hold on a second? [presses a button to talk to the other line] Wait. [returns] I'm so sorry. I need to take this. I know, me, too. Good night, Vanessa.[turns off,] Yes? We have a situation.
- Nobu?
- Detective Blake, he just woke up.
Our contacts in the media tell us that it's gonna be tonight's lead.
FISK: Has he said anything we need to be concerned about?
No, he's conscious, but his injuries were extensive. I'm hearing he can't speak yet.
That changes, unlikely he's gonna be overjoyed we had him shot.
FISK: Yes. Well, take care of him.
That poses an issue. There's a detail on his floor. Twenty-four hour presence, in case the man in the mask tries to finish the job.
FISK: Are any of them ours?
Two, but not on the door. They try to get in, it'll be noticed.
FISK: What about his partner, Hoffman?
I can reach out, but they go back, since before the academy. I, uh I doubt he'll be receptive.
FISK: Set a meeting and I'll speak with him myself.

FOGGY: This is pointless, Matt. We should be out on the streets, cracking names and taking skulls.
- I think you have that backwards.
- Not the way I do it.
Five minutes out there and you'd end up in intensive care.
FOGGY: Hey, I handled myself pretty damn skippy against baldy and his tattooed gorilla. Tell him, K.
KAREN: No, you did. What? I'm What, I'm "K" now?
FOGGY: Trying something new.
- Mmm-mmm.
MATT: Wait, this is interesting. Confederated Global Investments.
FOGGY: The company that hired us to defend that bowling alley nut?
MATT: Yeah. Karen, do you have a list of the subsidiaries you were able to track down through their check?
KAREN: Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah, I got it.
MATT: Can you tell me if Westmeyer-Holt Contracting is on the list?
KAREN: Um... Yeah. Yeah, it is.
MATT: There are half a dozen complaints against them for doing the same thing they did at Elena's tenement.
FOGGY: Confed Global's trying to force renters out of tenements? KAREN: What about Elena's landlord? That Tully guy? I mean, he's gotta know something about this.
FOGGY: See if I can track him down.
MATT: Use the phone.
Oh, come on!
MATT: I'm making that rule number two.
- Your rules suck. I want that on record.
MATT: Fine, noted.
KAREN: Oh, my God.
- What do you got?
KAREN: Uh, no, it's not, um - The New York Bulletin online just reported that that cop that got shot, he just regained consciousness.
MATT: Detective Blake?
KAREN: Yeah.
FOGGY: Guy's a real di*k. Still, he didn't deserve a bullet from that masked douchebag.
KAREN: Okay. Nobody knows what really happened out there.
MATT: Detective Blake might.
Be interested in what he has to say.
MATT: Yeah, so would I.

FISK: We can't allow this to happen. I know that you have feelings regarding this matter. I respect that. But if Detective Blake chooses to speak out of turn the result would be unpleasant, for you and for me.
HOFFMAN: Out of turn? You shot him.
FISK: Technically, we paid someone else to shoot him. Do you know what made us go down this path? What led to a decision of such finality?
HOFFMAN: If you're worried about me, I know how to keep my mouth shut.
FISK: If we doubted that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Being informed knowing facts as they are not how we wish to perceive them, can tip the balance between life and death.
Unlike you, your partner was inconsistent in his attention to detail.
HOFFMAN: Well, that masked as*h*le beat him senseless and broke his arm. It wasn't his fault.
FISK: Yes, I forgave him for that. What I find indefensible is we were not alerted that the addresses we provided had been compromised. They were given to ensure that any Russian who survived the bombings would be properly attended to. Not to aid the man in the mask at locating Vladimir Ranskahov. That led to an unfortunate complication. One that your partner was directly responsible for.
HOFFMAN: Yeah. So, how long before I do something that p*sses you off?
FISK:Oh, the answer to that is entirely up to you.
HOFFMAN: See, he's more than my partner, right? He's my friend. I've known him since I was a kid. That's 30, 35 years.
FISK:How much are each of those years worth to you?
HOFFMAN: Hmm? In round figures?

- Hey.
- Hey.
Good news, right? Yeah, he always was a tough son of a b*tch.
Hey, you gotta sign in.
Oh, yeah, sure, sure.
- And I gotta check the bag.
- Yeah.
Mmm, meatball?
HOFFMAN: Yeah, from Marchioni's. He loves that place.
I don't know, I thought it might trigger something.
- Yeah.
Well, come on in.
- Thanks.

He takes a syringe out of the sandwich package.
HOFFMAN: I'm sorry.
He injects something in his intravenous.
BLAKE: What are you doin'?

The masked Matt appears behind and strangles him unconscious.
MATT: I need you to listen to me. We don't have much time.W hatever your partner just injected you with has already reached your heart. You're gonna be dead soon. And there's nothing anyone can do about it. [the heart monitor beeps] But you can make the man responsible for this pay for what he's done. Hoffman! Tell me everything you know about Wilson Fisk.
- Hoffman! Open the door! - Is it my turn for this? Hoffman, what the hell is going on in there? - Go! Go! - Get in there! Move, move, move! - Move! - Come on! Let's go! Go!

OWLSEY: Look at my face. I can't go into the office like this. I'm afraid to go anywhere with that masked psychopath running around. My son was coming to visit. I had to tell him, "Nope, stay out of New York, Lee. sh*t's goin' on." I'm 73 years old. You know how many times I have left to see him?
FISK: I apologize for the inconvenience, Leland.
OWLSEY: I'm not looking for... Are you done? This thing itches like a son of a b*tch.
It'll keep you safe when he's finished.
What's this coated with?
-Polyethylene, glycol, silicate. Hydro-clusters form when kinetic energy
- Yeah, great.
I'm a 46" long.
- That'll be all, Mr. Potter.
- Okay.
You need anything else, Mr. Fisk, sir?
FISK: Not today, Mr. Potter.
Thank you.
- Okay.
Kid's half an idiot.
FISK: It's the other half that counts.
So what am I supposed to do here? Seriously? He knows who I am.
He found me once, he'll do it again.
I'll move you someplace safe until it's resolved.
- I'll put six men on you.
- Make it a dozen.
If he drops me off a roof, an awful lot of money is going along for the ride.
- That sounds like a threat.
- No, just stating the obvious.
Never thought I'd have to with you.
Is it taken care of?
Yes, but there was a complication.
Well, there's a word I'm hearing more and more. What happened? Right after Hoffman injected Blake, he was incapacitated by our masked friend.
When Blake was still alive? And talking, according to Hoffman.
That's great.
That's wonderful.
So we have no idea what the guy you had shot might have said to the whack job you had framed for it? - No, but there is an upside.
- Mmm-hmm.
Hoffman was able to spin it.
Told everyone he was assaulted by the man in the mask, then he finished what he started with Blake.
So we're not exposed on that front.
Well, let's have a parade.
This guy, Hoffman, how much does he know?
FISK: We're taking care of it, Leland.
Well, that fills me with warm comfort. Situation's being handled, all right. Just not by you.

A sad Wilson in the dining room.

You're gonna be all right, Wilson. It's okay, honey.
Have some Zuppa, okay?
WILSON: I'm not hungry.
- You eat it.
It'll make you feel better.
- Are you having some? - Sure, baby.
WILSON: Do you think it's true? What Bernie said?
You can't listen to people like that. You have to just block them out.
BILL: The hell happened to you?
It's all right, I've got this.
You feed him too much of that sh*t.
You want him to get fatter than he already is?
- Bill!
- Come on, what happened?
- It was that Bernie Walker kid
- Am I asking you? What did he do?
WILSON:He was knocking your signs down. I told him to stop, but he wouldn't. He said I was a loser just like my dad.
Get your coat. [bangs hand on table] Get your coat!

Bernie is breaking bottles with his baseball bat
BILL: Hey! That him? You been knocking down my signs?
Yeah, so? Election's over.
BILL: Doesn't give you the right to destroy other people's property, does it?
BILL: Oh, you're not running your mouth now, huh? My boy said you had plenty to say to him.
I put myself out there.
You think it's my fault they don't see it, what I could bring? You wanna call me a loser to my face, you little sh*t? I didn't call you a loser, man.
BILL: Oh, my boy's a liar now, huh? He say it, or not? Speak up when I'm talking to you.
WILSON: He said it.
No, I didn't. My dad did.
I was just repeating it.
BILL: You think that's funny? Huh? What a man tries to do? How he puts himself out there?
- Whatever, man, Jesus.
Hey! Hey, I'm talking to you.
BILL: Dad!
Say something funny! Say something funny! Go ahead!
BILL: Dad, stop!
Huh? - Come here.
- Dad!
Come here. Come here. Come here.
Wilson comes closer.
BILL: It's people like this that wanna keep you down. Keep you afraid. You have to show 'em that that can never happen. You gotta show 'em that you're a man. Kick him. Don't give me that look like your mother. You do what I tell you. Kick him.
Wilson does so.
Kick him! Kick him again. Kick him! Keep kicking him! Kick him! Harder! Kick him! Kick him! Harder!

Back to present, Fisk is struggling to breathe. The day starts again, with all from the opening scene before his phone rings.
FISK: Yes?
WESLEY: Gao reached out. She'd like a word.
FISK: Send the car around.
WESLEY: She's coming to you. Now.
FISK: Can you be here before she arrives?
WESLEY:I'm already on my way.
FISK: Thank you, Wesley.

She approves of your choice of tea.
FISK: I picked it up on my last visit to your country. I thought you might enjoy it.

She says she didn't come for tea.

GAO: He does not need you to form my words. Do you, Wilson? FISK: You speak English.
GAO: I speak many languages.
FISK: How many?
GAO: All of them. [in Chinese] And you speak my tongue, do you not?
FISK: How long have you known?
GAO: Since the beginning. It is the clever man who plays the fool. And a foolish woman who does not recognize it. Tell me, has Nobu guessed you speak Japanese as well?
FISK: I don't believe so, no.
GAO: [to Wesley] You may leave us.
FISK: Wait outside.
Wesley leaves.
GAO: Nobu isn't very happy with you.
FISK: That man is never happy with anyone.
GAO: [laughs] True. But I have heard Leland is equally displeased.
FISK: It's under control.
GAO: How do you think I knew where you live, Wilson? This is one of your most guarded secrets, yes? The king in his castle. Did I divine the location from bones and spells, chanted beneath the moonlight? No. I discovered it because you have become sloppy. Tsk, tsk, tsk. And emotional. Just as the Russians became, in their final moments.
FISK: Recent events have been trying, I admit. But I promise --
FISK: I am not here to pluck flowers from a thicket. This is a courtesy, because you have shown me respect. Restore your house to order. Or I will begin dealing with Nobu and Leland directly. Gratitude for the tea.
She leaves. Wilson gets angry and flips the table. Wesley enters.
FISK: Get out.
WESLEY: Sir, if there's anything I can bring --

Bill puts a chair in front of the wall.
BILL: Think of the man you wanna be. You sit here and you stare at that wall and you think about that. You're my son. You should be a king, not some fat little pus*y. Sit. [he does so] What'd I say? Don't look at me, look at the wall. Don't take your eyes off till I get back.
MARLENE: It's late, where are you going?
BILL: I gotta take care of something, what's it matter?
MARLENE: Can't it wait till tomorrow?
No, Marlene, it can't, all right? I gotta talk to Rigoletto tonight.
- Oh, Jesus.
- Don't worry.
- How much you owe him? - Don't worry about it.
- How much? - I got it covered.
That's all you need to know.
You know, I told you, you shouldn't have borrowed money from him.
But no, you had to be the big shot, huh? You had to have your face plastered all It's not enough I get that sh*t out there? I gotta get it in my own house? In my own house?
He takes out his belt and starts beating her - offscreen, as the camera focuses on Wilson looking at the wall
- Bill! No, no, no, no, no!
- Shut up! Shut up!
- Shut up!
- No, please!
- Shut up! Shut up! - No, please! No! Shut up!

FISK: I didn't call for you.
No, I just thought you might need something.
FISK: If I needed you, I would've asked.
I don't think that's always true, sir.
Vanessa enters besides Wesley.
VANESSA: We'll be all right. Thank you.
Wesley leaves;
VANESSA: I like your place. Not sure about the table. Looks like you aren't, either.
- Please go.
VANESSA: If that's what you really want. He's worried about you, your friend.
FISK: Ah, he shouldn't be.
VANESSA: You made a promise to always be honest with me. What is it?
FISK: I'm afraid.
VANESSA: Of what?
FISK: The way you'd look at me if you knew.
VANESSA: Tell me.

Wilson is flinching as he stares at the wall and hears his mom being beaten.
Shut up! No, please! Shut up! I don't wanna hear it! - I lost because of you! - No! - Because of this family.
- No! They see it! They see you and that little bast*rd and they laugh! - And you don't believe in me! - I do.
- And you see what happens? - No! - You see what happens? - No! Oh, God, no!

Wilson grabs a hammer from the table.
You don't believe in me! Shut up! Stop it!
What are you gonna do with that, fatty? Huh? Huh? That's what I thought.
You believe this kid? He gets that sh*t from you.
Wilson throws the hammer on the back of his father's head.

Oh, God.
Wilson starts bashing Bill's head with the hammer.
Keep kicking him! Keep kicking him! Keep kicking him! Keep kicking him! Wilson
- It's okay.
- Mommy.
It's all right. It's all right, baby.It's all right. [they embrace] It's all right. It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay, baby. It's okay. Okay. Get the saw.

A duct tape is stretched, and Bill's corpse is undressed.

FISK: We carried him in bags down to the river. One every night, for the next week. Everyone in town knew that he owed money to Rigoletto. So, I guess they thought that he'd left town to avoid him. My mother, she sent me to live with relatives on the farm that I told you about.
VANESSA: It wasn't your fault. You were protecting your mother.
FISK: I didn't do it for her. I did it for me. That's why I still wear these. [shows his cufflinks] To remind myself that I'm not cruel for the sake of cruelty! That I'm not my father! That I'm not a monster! Am I?
VANESSA: No, Wilson. You aren't.
FISK: But soon it won't matter. There are people out there that want to expose me. They don't understand what I'm trying to do for this city. They want to drag my name through the streets! They want to destroy everything that I'm trying to accomplish.
VANESSA: And are you going to let them?

Ben Urich walking to his car in the rain.
BEN: It was a total bust. No, I... Ellison. Ellison, no - He's a crazy old man in a tinfoil hat. And why are we chasing a story like this anyway? What? [he drops his keys] sh*t. Look, can I call you back? I'm drowning out here. Yes, yes, okay. Fine.
Ben notices someone behind him - the Masked Man.
MATT: We need to talk. Do you know who I am?
BEN: The Devil of Hell's Kitchen.
MATT: Do you believe that? What they're saying about me?
BEN: You've been in an awful lot of wrong places at the wrong time lately. But I've heard the other stories. About the man in the mask, helping people. Sounds like maybe there's more than one side to you.
MATT: I didn't blow the hell out of the Russians. And I didn't shoot those cops.
BEN: So, what?
MATT: You want me to write your side of this? No, I want you to expose the man responsible. The man who's tearing this city apart, piece by piece.
BEN: You got a name?
MATT: Wilson Fisk.
BEN: Never heard of him.
MATT: Because he doesn't want you to. That's what makes him dangerous. Living in the shadows, no one knowing who he is.
BEN: Said the man in the mask.
MATT: I'm trying to protect this city.
BEN: Maybe. But right now they hate you. And have no idea who this Fisk guy is.
MATT: You can change that.
BEN: So could 100 other reporters. Why me?
MATT: There are good people who trust you, Ben. I have faith in their judgment.
BEN: Union Allied. Guessing that was you who dumped that guy on the doorsteps of the Bulletin?
MATT: I think he's connected to Fisk.
BEN: That woman you saved that night? She's a good kid. Still believes you're a hero, despite what everybody's saying. People like her are why I do this. If I do the smart thing and say no?
MATT: Then I'll have to stop him some other way.
BEN: That has a ring of finality to it.
MATT: I'm not a killer. I keep telling people that.
BEN: But that could change, couldn't it? [walks towards Matt] What do you got?
Bits and pieces. Russians. Triads. Yakuza. all funneling money through a man named Leland Owlsley.
BEN: The Wall Street guy? How'd you get all this?
MATT:How do you think?
BEN: So all you got is what you've beaten out of people? I can't print that without credible -
MATT:Detective Blake. I was at the hospital when he died.
BEN: Yeah, they're saying you sent him on his way.
MATT: It was his partner, Hoffman. They both worked for Fisk. Blake gave Fisk up, before he went.
BEN: You get this on tape? Somebody else in the room to corroborate what he said? I need reliable sources. A bunch of "he said, she said" is not gonna put this guy away.
MATT: We don't need to put him away. Just drag him into the light. Give him nowhere to hide. Once the city knows who he is they'll tear him apart.
And this is the guy at the top. You sure about that?
MATT: I'd bet my life on it.
BEN: You're betting mine now, too. Tell me everything you know.

Fisk awakens from a nightmare. Vanessa is in the bed next to him.

As Fisk prepares breakfast and is greeted by Vanessa smooching on his neck. After eating, she chooses him a gray suit,

BEN [VO]: "'You get what you deserve.' It's an old saying. One that survived the years, because it's true. For the most part. But not for everyone. Some get more than they deserve. Because they believe they aren't like everyone else. That the rules, the ones people like me and you, the people that work and struggle to live our lives, just live, don't apply to them. That they can do anything and live happily ever after, while the rest of us suffer. They do this from the shadows. Shadows that we cast. With our indifference. With a pervasive lack of interest in anything that doesn't directly affect us, we, in the here and now. Or maybe it's just the shadow of weariness. Of how tired we are, struggling to claw our way back to a middle class that no longer exist, because of those who take more than they deserve. And they keep taking, until all that's left for the rest of us is a memory of how it used to be before the corporations and the bottom line decided we didn't matter anymore. But we do. You and I, the people of this city we still matter. There's someone in Hell's Kitchen that doesn't share this belief. He's been among us for quite some time. You've never heard his name. You've never seen his face. He's stayed in the shadows. Because men like him, men that want to control our city, our lives, fear the light and what it reveals. This man must no longer be allowed to operate in the darkness. If he has nothing to hide, let him step forward."

Ben sees a press conference by Fisk in front of a public building - Vanessa next to him, and both Wesley and Owlsey also standing close by.
FISK: I'm not very good at this, out, being in public. But I felt the need to speak up for this city that I love with all my heart. No one should have to live in fear.In fear of madmen who have no regard for who they injure.

We see Matt hearing the broadcast in his apartment.
FISK: In fear of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, who has inflicted untold pain and suffering. This masked terrorist and psychopaths of his kind, we must show them we will not bow down to their campaign of coercion and intimidation. We must stand up to them.

Foggy watching on a convenience store.
FISK: As this man, my dearest friend, Leland Owlsley, a pillar in the financial community, stood up when he was recently assaulted.
But this assault was for no other reason than to send me a message. A message warning me to stop.

Karen is watching the broadcast on her laptop.
FISK: To give up my dream that I have for this city. A dream of a better place. A place for its citizens to feel safe. To feel pride. I tried to do this quietly, not wanting to draw attention. The last thing I wanted was for anyone close to me to become a target from those who do not share my dream. For those who will have this city stay exactly as it is, mired in poverty and crime. But I know now it was foolish to make that decision. That I can no longer do it alone.That I cannot keep living in the shadows afraid of the light. None of us can. None of us should be forced to. We must do this together. We must resist those who would have us live in fear.

Ben decides not to save the article.

FISK: My name is Wilson Fisk. And together, we can make this city a better place.
The crowd cheers. Meanwhile, an angry Matt yells and throws something off the table.
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