The Path of the Righteous lyrics
by Daredevil
Kid watching cartoons, when suited folks - including
[music playing on TV] [thud]
We need a doctor! Now!
Let's get a gurney out here!
- What happened?
- She drank something.
What did she ingest? I need you to be specific.
[Wesley] I have no idea. It was at the Van Lunt building, the benefit. There were others -
LELAND: Uh, I had a glass in my hand. Do I need to be checked out?
[doctor] How long's she been unconscious?
[Wesley] Twenty minutes. Maybe a little longer.
Place is a rat hole.
It was the closest ER.
I reached out to Dr. Rosenberg. He's on the jet.
[doctor] Pupils are sluggish. I need an intubation tray, stat! Let's start 1,000 cc's of Ringer's lactate to KVO until we know what's going on.
Insert a Foley catheter [continues indistinctly]
- Hemodialysis and gastric lavage?
- I need a tox screen, liver and kidney function, coagulation tests.
I'll call ICU for a bed.
You said there were others, how many?
Uh, four or five maybe.
Are you sure someone shouldn't be looking at me? We'll have a nurse come check you out.
FISK: I'm coming with her.
- I'm sorry, we can't have you in there, sir.
FISK: [yelling] Don't you know who I am?
- Doesn't matter. Fill out the paperwork. We'll update you on her condition as soon as we know anything.
[knocking on door]
KAREN: Matt, it's Karen. Come on, open the door. I can't get a hold of Foggy and there's nobody at the office.
What the hell is going on? [knocking continues] Matt....
[door unlocking]
KAREN: Oh, my God. You look like sh*t.
Then I'm looking better than I feel.
KAREN: We gonna sue? We should sue. You know, whoever hit you, we should go after 'em and What kind of car was it? Please tell me it was, uh, expensive and German.
[sighs] Japanese and it was my fault. I, uh should have been more careful.
KAREN: What the hell happened in here?
Nothing, don't worry about it.
KAREN: Oh, okay, I'll just, uh...
KAREN: Little early for beer, isn't it?
Depends on the kind of day you're having.You, uh you want one?
Uh, no.No, thanks. So where were you when this car hit you?
Uh, does it matter?
I'm thinking it might if there really wasn't any car.
- [groans] Karen
- Does this have anything to do with Fisk? With your going to see that Vanessa woman?
I told you, it was my fault.
- Let's just leave it at that, okay?
- No.No, not okay.Definitely not okay. Look at you.
- Did somebody break in?
- No one broke in. And no one beat the crap out of you either, I'm guessing. [Matt sighs] Do you remember the last time that I was here?
MATT:Yeah, I remember.
And I was scared terrified. But then, you, you gave me your shirt and you made me feel safe.
You made me feel like I could trust everything that you said.
MATT: And you lied to me [scoffs] About having the Union Allied pension file.
I didn't want anyone to get hurt like Daniel Fisher, because of what I was doing.
MATT:[sighs] Yeah, I know the feeling.
So that's it. That's all you're giving me.
That's all that I have right now, Karen.
[groans] Well, it's not all I have. I found something. Just a scrap of paper at the county clerk's office misfiled. It's probably why Fisk didn't get it sucked into a black hole.
What was it?
KAREN: A marriage certificate for his mother, Marlene.
How does that help?
Because it's not to his father. It's for when she remarried which was two years after all the reports say she died.
She's still alive?
Yeah, she's living at a care facility upstate.Now, Ben and I took a drive...
Oh, Karen, Karen. Fisk could have people watching.
- I know. I know.I didn't leave my real name.
- You should have You should have talked to me or Foggy before you ran off like that.
I tried but you weren't picking up.
- Did you speak to her, Fisk's mother?
- Yeah she's not all there, but Matt, what she said about Fisk he killed his father when he was 12. Bashed his head in with a hammer, and then she helped him cover it up.
Well, he was a minor.It's not gonna be enough.
KAREN: To put him in jail, no. But it doesn't line up with everything that Fisk has been saying. Everything that he has altered on the Internet and at the the county clerk's. It might be enough to at least get people looking at him more closely.
MATT: From an old woman who's not all there.
KAREN:[scoffs] Well, I'm not hearing you and Foggy come up with anything better.
Did you did you speak to him to Foggy?
KAREN:Not since yesterday on the phone when I guess he was covering for whatever it is you're not telling me.
MATT: All right, go to the office and wait for him. Tell him what you found, and Karen, tell him tell him that I said [sighs] No, don't bother. Just tell him what you found. Karen, be careful, please.
KAREN:You know maybe you should take your own advice.
I I got you a... [brings in from near her purse] It's, um it's a balloon.
I, um It's got a monkey on it.
[door closes] [cell phone ringing] [groans]
[Marci] You got somewhere to be? [grunting] You're not in the woods. Grunts don't count as words, Foggy Bear.
Please don't call me that.
MARCI: I'll call you whatever I damn well please.
Okay, just can you do it with your inside voice, without speaking? MARCI: That's a very as*h*le thing to say.
- I'm impressed.
- Sorry.
And now you've ruined it.
You going to work or what?
Not today. Maybe never, not with Matt.
You two have been friends as long as I've known you. Whatever's going on between the two of you I don't really care okay? Not gonna get sucked into the drama. [kiss his forehead] Mmm. Lock the door behind you when you leave.
Fisk on the waiting room.
[sighs] [door closes] [door opens]
[Leland] This is awful. Look at him. How's he gonna run things?
WESLEY: Not the time, Leland.
This is exactly the time. You keeping score here? You think whoever did this was trying to take little miss hairdo out of the equation? That - That does seem unlikely.
So where does that put us? They almost got me, God damn it.
All to get to the big guy, Christ.
WESLEY: Did Gao give any indication she was still unhappy when you spoke with her?
[scoffs] Not that I could tell. My money's on the Japanese. After what he did to Nobu...
The titles for all the buildings in the city block the Japanese wanted have been transferred to them, per our original agreement.
As for Nobu they believe the man in the mask was responsible for his accident.
Right, sure. Well maybe he's the one who slipped a hot dose into Vanessa's Bellini.
WESLEY: Keep an eye on their accounts. If there are any sudden shifts, it might tell us something. [smeone approaches Wesley] Yeah? [whispering] Thank you, Francis.
LELAND: What? What happened? Is she dead?
No, but three of the others who drank whatever that was have passed.
"Passed" always hated that description. Such a sad attempt to avoid the bare-knuckle truth.
She'll make it. You got a med degree in your pocket I don't know about? Why are you so sure?
Because she has to.
Don't get all weepy, we have matters that need to be addressed.
Hmm. Reach out to Gao.
- Me?
- Mmm.
-What if she's the one who did all this?
-Well, you said you didn't think it was her.
What the hell do I know? I was almost poisoned. I'm not thinking straight.
Speak with Gao if she wasn't involved, we might need her support against further unpleasantries.
And if she was involved?
Then it's been an honor doing business with you.
[clears throat] [Claire] This might hurt.
Claire is stitching matt.
- [groans] - You okay? - You talking about the stitches? - Mostly.
How'd you open this up again?
I just wanted to see how much I could move.
- You really shouldn't be moving at all.
- [quietly] I know.
You really need to rest. Let yourself heal.
I meditate for that.
You meditate?
I learned when I was a kid. Helps with the pain and healing faster.
Is that why you're still alive?
Or I'm just a contrary son of a b*tch.
Either way, you really need to ease up, or I'll be stitching a corpse next time around. You really should get some kind of body armor, like I told you.
- Yeah, I'm thinking you might be right.
- There's a first.
MATT: When Fisk came at me in the warehouse, I sliced his jacket open.
- You cut him?
- No he was wearing some kind of armor in the lining. It was, uh light and tough. Like nothing I've ever come across before.
CLAIRE: That's what you get when you have all the money in the world.
MATT: Hey, you want a drink or something?
No, Matt I don't want a drink.
Second woman today that's turned me down.
Got a revolving door, do you?
MATT: That's not not what - I didn't mean it
- Forget it.
I have to get going.
I need to pack.
- Pack?
- Yeah. Taking some time off get out of the city for a while.
How much time?
-Why? You gonna miss me?
-[scoffs] And if I said I would?
-[sighs deeply] I didn't think I was ever gonna see you again not alive. Not after that last call the night half the city blew up.
-I left you a message when when it was over.
-Yeah, you left a message.
-Come on, what'd you expect, Claire? You made it pretty clear you didn't want to move forward with whatever this was.
-You know what it was - what it could've been.
- If I stopped.
I'm not looking to go around in circles, Matt. I know you're not going to stop.
MATT: Not until this city is safe from people like Fisk.
CLAIRE: Which is never. It'll always be something, someone, you know that, right? [mouthing] You told me you were the man this city needs. I think that was only half true. I think you're also the man this city created, for better or worse.
MATT:I'm sorry you got pulled back into this.
CLAIRE: [sighs] At least I got to see you with your shirt off again.
- So, hey - [Kisses foreheadd, Matt laughs softly] It's not all bad.
-Thank you, Claire. I know I keep saying it, and it probably doesn't mean anything at this point, but thank you.
-I'll always be there when you really need me to patch you up.
-Beyond that...
- Yeah. Yeah. [before she leaves]You know, the only thing I remember from Sunday school is the martyrs, the saints, the saviors, they all end up the same way.Bloody and alone.
MATT:I never said I was any of those.
-You didn't have to.
Karen mets Ben at the port.
[Karen] Hey.
[Ben] Hey.
You still mad?
What do you think?
I'm sorry, Ben, I needed you
You know who needs me, Karen? My wife. She needs me.
- It was important.
- You could've just told me but no, instead you gotta spin some story about this great place upstate could be good for Doris.
Like you give a damn.
Hey, that's not fair.
Welcome to my life.
Wait, you're right.
You're right.
I should've told you.
Then why didn't you? I was afraid you'd say no.
Probably would've.
This isn't a story.
This is people's lives.
And what Fisk has been doing, the person that he really is - We finally have the smoking gun or or whatever.
More a whatever than a gun.
KAREN: You need to print this. Get it out there for everyone to see.
BEN: Not that simple.
Fisk killed his father, people need to know that.
BEN: She's an old lady, confused, talking about things that maybe happened a long time ago.
So you don't believe her?
Okay let's play this out. So I write up the story get it on the front page.
Then what happens?
Well, everybody will see that he's been lying about his past.
Yeah, sure, absolutely will. Then he goes on TV again, tells everybody, yes, he lied about his past because he was just a scared little kid trying to protect his mother. Maybe he even rolls the old girl out, gets all teary-eyed.See where I'm going with this? Sounds like you're going nowhere.
Need to think this through, all I'm saying.
He's gonna win.
If we don't do something, Fisk is gonna win.
There are no winners and losers in something like this.
Well, Elena Cardenas might disagree with you if she still could.
BEN: Maybe we don't have to do anything.
What does that mean?
BEN: Hear about the benefit the other night at the old Van Lunt building? Fisk raising money for his better tomorrow?
Yeah, a bunch of one-percenters j*rking each other off. Though, I read they all got food poisoning.
Don't think it was bad hors d'oeuvres. Got an unconfirmed source, says it was something in the drinks. Maybe even a couple fatalities.
Holy sh*t. Why isn't this all over the news?
Fisk spinning it, I guess. Which means he's got a lot of pull in the media. Maybe even at the Bulletin, I don't know.
Wait, uh, back up. If this is true, why would someone attack a benefit?
Fisk made himself public. People who he's connected with might be less inclined to be dragged out of the shadows.
You think someone's trying to kill Fisk?
I've been writing about crime in this city since before you were born. The only thing I know without a doubt is you don't get to be the man at the top without making enemies looking to tear you down to the ground.
[Wesley sighs]
FISK:There was a time when I I believed that I was complete that I needed no one to truly understand who I am. If she dies - WESLEY:Rosenberg's in from Hartford, and she's strong. We've all seen that.
- Yes.
WESLEY:Leland thinks it might have been Nobu's men.
FISK: It was something Gao said to me. I had to choose a path or fate would choose for me.
WESLEY:I sent Leland to speak with her.
You suspect her hand in this?
WESLEY:Until we know for certain, I suspect everyone.
You need to find who did this. You need to.I want to look in their eyes when I salt the earth with their blood.
WESLEY: Understood.
I told her the safest place she could ever be was by my side.
WESLEY:This wasn't your fault.
Well, she's lying in there because she was by my side. [Wesley sighs deeply] We'll make the arrangements. If she recovers, I want her sent away. Somewhere far from me and the city.
WESLEY:I doubt she would want that.
Well, we seldom get everything we want, not in this world.
WESLEY:But some of us deserve to.
Just move the appropriate funds into place.
WESLEY:I'll have Leland attend to it.
No, no, I want it done quietly. Handle it yourself.
WESLEY:I'll have the papers messengered to your penthouse.
- Thank you, Wesley.
I - Thank you.
The door opens, FIsk
[Doctor Rosenberg] I know you've waited a while.
[Fisk] Just please tell me what's going on. Is she gonna make it?
She's in an induced coma now. She's gonna pull through. She'll pull through.
Thank you, Doctor. Thank you so much.
[Doctor Rosenberg] Don't thank me.
FATHER: Morning service was hours ago.
MATT: I know.
[church bell tolling]
FATHER: Confession? Latte?
MATT:Not today, Father.
FATHER: Probably for the best, already had four cups. Decaf. But you know there's still a bit of caffeine in there they just can't get out. Some things are just too ingrained, I guess. That thing brought you here last time didn't go so well?
MATT: Not so much.
FATHER: The man you talked of, did you...
MATT: No, I didn't kill him. [sighs deeply] But I tried to.
FATHER: And are you disappointed that you didn't succeed or maybe a little relieved?
MATT:A friend of mine says that if I don't change the way I do things the way I live my life I will end up bloody and alone.
FATHER: You believe that?
MATT:I'm not afraid of dying.
FATHER: Lot of people aren't, comes right down to it. It's living scares the holy crap out of 'em.
MATT: You know what I do? Who I am?
Sacrament of Penance, like I told you. Don't have to worry about
MATT: It's not what I'm asking.
FATHER: Yes, Matthew, I'm not an idiot. I have a pretty good idea who you are and what you do. How you do it [exclaims] That's something else entirely.
MATT:Accident when I was a kid. Used to think it was God's will.
FATHER: Used to?
MATT:Yeah, he made each and every one of us with a purpose, didn't he? A reason for being.
FATHER: I believe so, yes.
MATT:Then why did he put the Devil in me? Why do I feel it in my heart and my soul clawing to be let out if that's not all part of God's plan? [groans]
FATHER: Maybe you're being called to summon the better angels of your nature. Maybe that's the struggle you're feeling deep within you.
MATT:And how do you know the angels and the Devil inside me aren't the same thing?
FATHER: I don't, but nothing drives people to the church faster than the thought of the Devil snapping at their heels. Maybe that was God's plan all along. Why he created him, allowed him to fall from grace to become a symbol to be feared warning to us all, to tread the path of the righteous.
Matt meditating, reemembers all the fights.
[thunder rumbling softly] [yells] [screams] [Fisk yelling] [gasping] [thunder rumbles] [groans] - [gun firing] - [glass shattering] [grunts] [groans] [breathing heavily]
MATT: I'm really not in the mood for this tonight.
It's cool, man, it's cool. [he kicks the gun away] We don't gotta do all that.
Go for the knife in your boot, I break your leg. Go for the backup piece tucked behind your belt, I throw you off the roof.
- We good?
- Yeah. Yeah, man, we good.
[grunting] I didn't say, "Get up."
What're you beating on me for? I ain't done nothin'.
It's not about you. I want information.
What I look like, public damn library?
Ow! Jesus, all right! What do you want to know, man? sh*t.
- I don't know where he is, I swear.
- That's not the question.
Fisk wears some kind of body armor light, strong. Where's he get it?
The hell should I know?
- Then you're no use to me.
- Whoa. Whoa, whoa! Wait, wait, wait! Wait, wait! Body armor, body armor. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, body armor. I think I might I think I might know a guy.
MATT: Give me the name.
Fisk receives a call from his mom. He then goes to see Vanessa, the
- [cell phone vibrating] - [monitor beeping]
Yeah, no, we're on the same page. Let me call you I'll call you back.
How is she?
Well, she hasn't woken up. Rosenberg says that there may be complications.
If that happens, we'll deal with it.
My mother called. Can you return, see what she needs?
- I'll take care of it.
- [Leland] Get out of my way. Um how is she? She, uh still with us? - Yes.
- [Leland sighs] Well that's something.
I don't want to be disturbed.
I could use a minute, before you
What am I, invisible?
Did you speak with Gao?
We had a chat, yeah.
LELAND: And what? She said she was deeply saddened and quoted a fortune cookie or some mystical sh*t.
[sighs] Did she sound sincere?
The hell do I know? She was speaking in Chinese.
I don't think the guy translating for her liked me very much. He kept staring at me funny.
Funny how?
Funny! [scoffs] Who the hell cares? She said she'd stand with us if it comes to that.
- You believe her?
- [sighs] I don't know, maybe.
-We need to be sure.
- The only thing I know for sure is that he needs to get back to business while there's still business to get back to.
- He will.
- When?
When he deems it appropriate.
Well, doesn't that just fill me with confidence? Do you think whoever did this just roll up the sidewalk and move on? If they came after him once, they'll come after him again, sooner or later.
-Go home, get some rest. We'll call if you're needed.
-Sure, I'll wait by the phone. It's not like I have anything better to do.
[sighs, then makes a call, clears throat] Hello, Marlene? It's Wesley.
No, I work with your son. We've met before. James Wesley, that's right. Uh, no, he's indisposed at the moment, I'm sorry. Was there something I could help you with? Wait, I'm sorry. Who came to visit you?
Matt enters a workshop.
[shutter door opening]
You shouldn't be here.
You work for Fisk? I asked you a question.
[grunting] You shouldn't be here.
WESLEY: No, no, it's nothing. I'll see to it, Marlene. Yes, I'll have him call you as soon as he's free. [laughs] You, too. Good night. [turns off , then goes to a bodyguard] I need your piece. Discreetly, please. [sighs, and gives him the pistol] Keys.
You want I should drive you?
No, I want as many men on him as possible at all times. No one goes in or out of that room without you checking 'em first, clear? Yeah, what if he asks for you?
Tell him I won't be long.
The fight continues.
[yelling] [panting] That wasn't very nice.
[straining] [both gasping]
[sobbing] You're not supposed to be in here. Mr. Fisk's gonna be mad. He's gonna hurt her. Who Who's he gonna hurt?
- [Melvin sniffling]
- Melvin, that's your name, isn't it? Melvin Potter? [sniffling] [stammering]
How do you know that? Who's Fisk going to hurt, Melvin?
[sobbing] Betsy.
Who's - Who's Betsy?
She's nice, she helps me [sniffling] when I when I get confused.
MATT:Why would why would Fisk want to hurt her?
No one's supposed to be here, in in the shop, unless he brings them.
So you do work for Fisk.
I said no, when he asked. [stuttering] Said no, Betsy wouldn't like it. She wants me to be good. I gotta be good. So I, I make things. I'm good at making things.
[softly] I'm sorry, Melvin. Fisk has hurt people that I care about, too. I know what it's like to worry about them, wanting to keep them safe.
He make you work for him, too?
No, I don't work for Fisk. I want to stop him from hurting anyone else, from hurting Betsy.
- You could do that?
- Maybe. Did you make a suit for Fisk?
Did you make a suit lined with this?
Made a whole bunch.
It keeps him safe.
Can you make something for me out of this?
[stuttering] You want a suit, like like Mr. Fisk?
MATT:No. No, I want something very special. And if you do this for me I promise to get Fisk out of your life and to keep Betsy safe.
You can do that?
With your help, I I think maybe I can.
What do you want me to make?
MATT:A symbol.
Karen enters Josie's, where Foggy is drinking.
[soft rock music playing] [Foggy sighs]
You're a di*k.
The hell did I do?
I've been calling you all day.
Been busy.
- Did you even listen to my messages?
- Yeah.
- And?
- And what? [laughs] You got a crazy old lady with a story about a young Willie Fisk beaning his dad with a hammer.
[stammering] He beat his father to death.
He was 12, 40 some years ago.
Jesus, why don't any of you -- His mother is supposed to be dead. [stammering] Foggy, this proves that Fisk's been lying.
-You know who we're dealing with. It won't be enough.
-You sound just like Matt.
You talked to him?
-He asked the same about you.
- He did?
- When I was over at his place. What the hell happened? And don't don't tell me that it was a car accident.
Ask him.
- I did.
- What'd he say?
Just that it was his fault.
FOGGY: [scoffs] Got that right.
What is going on with you two? Why weren't you at the office?
- It's not like we have any clients.
- Foggy...
We're going through a rough patch.
-Found the Nelson and Murdock sign in the trash.
-[laughs] A very rough patch.
-You wanna talk?
Yeah but I can't.
-[sighs] It's...
-If you say "it's complicated," I will punch you in the face.
- [slams fist] - It's personal! It's personal, okay?
- Okay, okay, it's personal, I get it.
-Really don't. Trust me.
-They started tearing down Elena's tenement building today. Did you know that?
-No, I didn't.
-Fisk is still out there, Foggy. Be nice if you and Matt could get your heads out of your asses and help do something about it before there's nothing left of Hell's Kitchen to fight for.
[she leaves]
Uh, Matt, it's Karen. I just saw Foggy at Josie's. He's, um Can you two please get your sh*t together? I thought we were supposed to be a team, not whatever this is, okay? Call me back. Seriously. [trembling] Bye.
[cell phone ringing] - Yeah.
- Hi, it's Karen.
- I know.
They got this thing, caller ID, might have heard of it.
You still sound p*ssed.
Just tired.
You okay?
Will be. What's up?
Matt and Foggy are, I don't know what. They had some kind of fight and now I feel like it's falling apart, Ben. All of it.
-Ah, it's usually right around the time you know the story's getting interesting.
How do you do this day after day?
One foot in front of the other, just like everybody else.
-Yeah, but you're not like everybody else. You know that, right?
-We all do what we can. Sometimes it's enough.
-Thank you, Ben.
-[sighs] I didn't say I was writing that story.
-[sniffling] I know. I know. Just thank you for for being there, for, for caring.
-You, too.
-Talk tomorrow?
-Yeah, talk tomorrow.
Ben is checking an old photograph and finds a "Vote Bill Fisk" sign.
sh*t, seriously?
[muffled scream]
FISK:I don't know how to pray. My father was not a religious man.My mother wanted to be I think, needed to be, but she never quite found it within herself. I'd seen it in movies, and watched it on television. I read it in books when I was a child, after I was sent away. And I tried to mimic words, the sentiment, but it was false.
It was imitation of faith. So I can't pray for you. All I can do is make you a promise. One that not even God, if there is such a thing, can prevent me from keeping. The people that did this to you they will suffer. They will suffer.
[water dripping] [gasping] [Wesley sighing]
WESLEY:I thought maybe you weren't coming out of it. That would have been a shame.
[Wesley] Tut-tut. You might wanna take a moment. In the meantime, I I thought we could chat.
KAREN:[sighs] You can't do this.
And yet, here we are. [gasping] You know, funny story, after the Union Allied article, I inquired as to whether you needed further attention. The feeling was you'd already done whatever damage you could, so it wasn't necessary. You were a nobody, a very small cog in the machine. So, an offer was made through a third party.
A legal agreement, one you signed in exchange for a reasonable amount of money. Well reasonable to you. You were supposed to go away, Miss Page.Fade back into wherever people like you fade.
But you made a choice and that choice has brought you here on this night, at this particular moment in time.[breathing raggedly] Perhaps that's the way it was always gonna be.
Perhaps we're destined to follow a path none of us can see, only vaguely sense, as it takes our hand, guiding us towards the inevitable.
Is that supposed to scare me?
No, no uh, this is. [shows the gun, Karen gasps, and then he puts the pistol in the middle of the table]
WESLEY: Do I have your attention? Hello, could you, like, nod or something? [inhales sharply] Do you love this city?
WESLEY: It's a simple question. Do you love this city?
I I, um haven't been here long enough.
WESLEY: Huh. I find a few days, a week at most, is ample time to form an emotional response. Growing to love something is really simply forgetting slowly what you dislike about it. I'll be perfectly honest, the situation calls for it, I do not love this city. The crush of the unwashed garbage stacked on the sidewalk, the air that seems to adhere to your skin, the layer of filth you can never completely wash away.
- Maybe you should move.
WESLEY: [Wesley laughs] I'm not here because I want to be.
I'm here because I'm needed.
By Fisk?
WESLEY: He loves this city. In a way you and I never could. I don't expect you to understand that. There are moments when even I struggle to, but he does very deeply. Almost, I suspect, as much as he loves his mother. Frankly, I was surprised she remembered you. Recent memories for her are fleeting gossamer often plucked from grasp by the slightest breeze. But you, you left an impression. The nice blonde lady with the big blue eyes. And the man you were with, Mr. Urich, I'm guessing. [Wesley sighs heavily] My employer... Sorry, old habits. Mr. Fisk as I said, loves his mother. He would be extremely disturbed if he knew you'd found her. Even more so that you've been to see her.
You haven't told him?
WESLEY: He's preoccupied with more important matters, so I've taken it upon myself to address the situation.
If you're going to kill me just do it. I'm sick of listening to your bullsh*t.
WESLEY: [laughing] I'm not here to kill you, Miss Page. I'm here to offer you a job.
[laughing weakly]
FISK: Can I get a coffee, please? Black.
FRANCIS: Can I get you anything to eat, sir?
FISK: No, thank you, Francis.Where's Wesley?
KAREN: So, after all of this, I'm supposed to, what [scoffs] Be your secretary?
WESLEY: The position I have in mind is a little more involved. You've proven yourself resourceful, tenacious, with a commendable ability to convince others that your way is the right one, the way that needs to be followed, pursued despite the obvious repercussions such actions may incur.
KAREN: [laughs] Is that even English?
WESLEY: Ha, simply stated you're going to convince Mr. Urich that everything is fine, that you were wrong that Wilson Fisk is a good man, a man this city needs. And then you're going to spread the gospel to everyone you've infected with your negative point of view.
KAREN:[softly] I'd rather die first.
WESLEY: But you won't be the first to die, Miss Page, no. No, I think Mr. Urich will have that honor. Then we'll go to your place of employment, see to Mr. Nelson, Mr.Murdock. After that, your friends, family, everyone you've ever cared about. And when you have no tears left to shed, then then we'll come for you, Miss Page.
[cell phone ringing] [ringing continues]
[She gets the gun]
[trembling gasps] [line ringing] [Karen breathing raggedly]
WESLEY: Hmm. Do you really think I would put a loaded gun on the table where you could reach it?
- I don't know. [gun c*cks] Do you really think this is the first time I've shot someone?
WESLEY: [chuckles] [sighs] Miss Page...
Karen repeatedly shoots him in the chest, and then drops the gun. She ] - [gasps] [whimpering] - [cell phone ringing] - [gasps] [ringing continues] [line ringing] [ringing continues] [dramatic music playing]