Speak of the Devil lyrics



1 Ahhh! Ahh! Ahhh! Started to wonder if you'd ever turn up again.
Yeah, I've, uh - been busy.
- Hmm.
Well, I'll be inside, you wanna take confession.
Uh, Father?
I was wondering if I could take you up on that latte?
No. So what's on your mind, Matthew? Wasn't that hard to find out. People still remember "Battlin' Jack" Murdock around these parts and what happened to his son. Seal of confession still applies, even over lattes.
That what you're worried about.
MATT: Do you believe in the Devil, Father?
FATHER: You mean as a concept? No.
MATT: Do you believe he exists? In this world, among us.
FATHER: You want the short answer or the long one?
MATT: Just the truth.
FATHER: When I was in seminary I was more studious than pious, more skeptical than most of my peers. I had this notion which I was more than willing to speak about, at length, to whoever I could corner that the Devil was inconsequential. Minor figure in the grand scheme.
MATT: Not very Catholic of you.
FATHER: Uh-huh, yeah. In my defense, in the scriptures, the Hebrew word "Satan" actually means "adversary. " It's applied to any antagonist. Angels and humans, serpents and kings. Medieval theologians reinterpreted those passages to be about a single monstrous enemy. And, in my youthful zeal, I was certain I knew why propaganda. Played up to drive people into the church.
MATT:So you don't believe he exists.
FATHER:Am I done talking?
MATT: Sorry.
MATT: Years later, I was in Rwanda trying to help local churches provide aid and sanctuary to refugees. I'd become close with the village elder, Gahiji. He and his family had the respect of everybody, Hutu and Tutsi alike. He'd helped them all through famines, disease. The militia liked to force Hutu villagers to murder their neighbors with machetes. But nobody would raise a hand against Gahiji. They said, "Well how can we kill such a holy man?" So the militia commander sent soldiers with orders to cut his head off in front of the entire village. Gahiji didn't try to put up a fight. Just asked for the chance to say goodbye to his family. By the time he was done, even the soldiers didn't wanna kill him. So they went to their commander and asked permission to shoot him. At least give him a quick death. The commander wanted to meet this man who had won the respect of so many. He went to Gahiji talked with him in his hut for many hours. Then he dragged him out in front of his village and hacked him to pieces along with his entire family. In that man who took Gahiji's life I saw the Devil. So yes, Matthew I believe he walks among us taking many forms.

What if you could have stopped him from ever hurting anyone again?
BEN: Stopped him how?
This doesn't change anything, Ben. Except now we know who your king of diamonds is.
BEN; You see the news? Everything's changed. Fisk has gotten out in front of being dragged into the spotlight. My editor thinks he's the Second Coming. Hell, the whole city does.
So, we just We keep digging.
BEN: I've been doing that. Internet went from nothing on Fisk to filled with three-hanky stories about a poor little fat kid from Hell's Kitchen. Abandoned by his father when he was 12. Mother died a year later. Now look at him. Boot straps and a big dream.
Somebody knows something.
It's just a matter of asking the right people the right questions in the right tone of voice.
Yeah, that's how you get yourself hurt.
That's what I keep telling them.
Maybe they'll listen to you.
Ben Urich, Matt Murdock.
Attorney at Why the Hell Bother.
- Mr.
- Matt.
My partner thinks we should be pursuing this through the legal system.
A lot safer that way.
Well, why don't we all just crawl under the covers, then? - No, Karen - Well, I'm sorry, but if Fisk is really behind everything that has happened, then we need to do something.
If we were the only ones after him, I'd tend to agree.
Friend of yours came to see me the other night the man in the mask.
- Terrorist cop-killer.
- Says he was framed.
I could say I'm Captain America, but it doesn't put wings on my head.
What did he want? Same thing we do expose Fisk.
I printed this from a thumb drive he gave me.
Oh, my God! Told me Fisk was behind the bombings and shooting those cops said he owns half the police that they helped him take down the Russians.
But I don't understand.
If you have all of this, then Hearsay.
Can't print any of it without corroboration, can you? He could just be throwing smoke.
I mean, he just killed Detective Blake.
Said Blake's partner Hoffman did it, probably on Fisk's orders.
But yeah, it occurred to me.
You could talk to Hoffman.
He's in the wind.
Or bottom of the river.
Either way He just shrugged.
Wait, what about the Union Allied money? Is there a way that we can tie it directly to Fisk? Maybe.
According to the Mask, a man named, uh, Leland Owlsley runs the books.
But since getting roughed up by him, Owlsley's been surrounded by Fisk's security.
Can't get anywhere near him.
Same goes with, uh, James Wesley, the guy you said hired you to defend Healy.
Look, the Mask came to Ben for help.
And I don't care how rich Fisk is, nobody can totally erase their past.
I mean, somewhere out there, there has to be a piece of paper, a witness the truth.
What about Confederated Global? The suit that hired us to defend Healy standing right next to Fisk when he gave his big speech.
I looked into that.
According to FCC filings, Confed Global's where Fisk gets most of his reported income.
All right, let's play this out.
If Fisk is connected to Confed Global, that means he's involved in Westmeyer-Holt Contracting, which Westmeyer-Holt is strong-arming tenants out of their rent-controlled apartments.
Um, they were hired by a guy named Armand Tully.
The slumlord? Landman and Zack say he's on vacation on an island that no one can pronounce, where they use coconuts as phones.
Another connection in the wind.
Westmeyer-Holt to Confed to Fisk.
We pull that thread, see what it unravels.
Still not sure about this mask guy.
He didn't hurt Ben and he didn't hurt me.
I'll take the Devil of Hell's Kitchen over Fisk any day.
Plus, he kicks ass.
No, you should've seen the way that he was flipping around in the rain.
Well, if he's such a badass, why did he come to Ben? Why not just take Fisk down himself? Maybe he knows there's some roads you can't come back from.
Our latest polls show your approval numbers rising across political, ethnic and economic lines.
The 501 has been approved, so the PAC is actively making donations, and Senator Cherryh's office has asked for a meet.
Reject the first place they suggest.
How about Detective Hoffman? Our sources in IAB tell me he was supposed to give a follow-up statement about what happened at Metro-General.
He never showed.
We need to put this behind us.
If he's still in the city, we'll find him.
If he isn't? We'll still find him.
It might just take a little longer.
And the man in the mask? The authorities are motivated to shoot on sight if they have the opportunity.
He's not nearly as active as he has been in the past.
Maybe he's given up.
Maybe he's just choosing his targets more carefully.
Hey, I said you need to wait outside.
It's all right, Francis.
Thank you.
My apologies, Nobu-san.
If I had known you were coming He doesn't care for the accommodations.
Misspeak my words again and I will have your tongue.
Wesley is just trying to be polite.
The time for pleasantries is at an end.
I was promised a city block in return for my aid in your ventures.
There is a a tenement in, um this particular area it has proven troublesome to vacate.
But we have other blocks coming up if you This one.
I don't recall guaranteeing a specific block.
You'll need to be patient or choose another.
I am bound by certain requirements.
Even I have those I must answer to.
After the setback at the docks I can afford no further disruptions.
Do what you must, but do it quickly.
Wesley? Regardless of how carefully it's handled, you're now the owner of record.
The negative publicity could prove costly.
My organization will compensate you for the expense.
Well, the offer's appreciated, but unnecessary.
There is, however, a problem that you could aid me in solving, in return for my help.
One that has inconvenienced us both.
The man in black.
He's proven to be more difficult to address than expected.
Possessed of determination and unusual talents.
We must match him in kind.
A specialist, perhaps, from your organization.
I know of one with such skills.
But finding our enemy will be difficult.
He has become cautious.
Yes, he has.
But emotion can turn the most circ*mspect of men careless.
- No, that's not what I'm saying.
- Well, it sure sounds like it.
Hey, if Fisk really is the guy that blew the hell out of my city, shot those cops and went after you, then nobody wants to see him take it on the nuts more than me.
No, I might have you edged out on that.
Okay, present company excluded.
All I'm saying is Armand Tully is a dead end.
You find something out? I, um, did a little back-channeling with Marci.
Okay, ew, just What did you get? Tully really is on an island that he bought with the money that Confed Global is paying him for all his real estate holdings in Hell's Kitchen.
Then, that's the link! I mean, it ties Fisk directly to what's happening in the tenement case.
No, it doesn't.
According to the records, the deal just went through this morning.
So So everything that happened with the case up till now was before Fisk was the owner on record.
All falls on Tully.
Okay, so we go after Tully.
We get him to turn on Fisk.
Yeah, that island he's on? No extradition agreement.
It's another dead end.
You just asked her where the library is.
They doubled the offer to get the tenants to move out.
Oh, damn it.
What? Her neighbors are thinking about taking it.
Maybe they should.
No! Tell her to stand firm.
We told her we're gonna help her and that's what we're gonna do.
Such a good boy.
She thinks she can change their minds.
Enough of them maybe to make a difference.
I no take! This my home.
We fight, yes? Yes, sí.
He is good man.
All of you good.
You shouldn't have done that.
What? Fight for the rights of the little guy, right? Fisk wants the tenements, he's not gonna stop until he gets them.
Well, so what? We're just supposed to roll over? Fisk is public on this.
If we tie him up with an injunction, maybe we find something in the deposition that we Oh, come on, Foggy, you think we're gonna trip this guy up with a deposition? After everything that's happened, you don't get who we're dealing with? No, we get it! Matt, he's a rich di*khead who thinks he can pay people off to kiss his ass.
Look, he is standing on City Hall with his cronies like he's already won.
You know he can't see that.
All right, we can't let him get away with this.
- I know.
- So, what are we gonna do? Basic tenet of both law and war, know your enemy.
Thank you, Sun Tzu.
What does that actually mean? It means we keep digging.
Like Karen said, somewhere out there, there's a piece of paper or a witness, or something that'll lead to the truth.
Okay, good.
But, do it quietly.
Stay under the radar.
Where are you going? Three people stood with Fisk when he addressed the city.
His man from Confed Global, Owlsley and a woman.
One the press said he seemed close with.
Oh, yeah, uh, Vanessa, um Marianna.
It says she works at Scene Contempo Gallery.
Maybe it's time I invested in some art.
Here's the list that I came up with.
Anyone else? Make sure Richmond's on the guest list.
He won't come, but he'll get p*ssy if he isn't invited.
You have a visitor coming in through the west entrance.
May I help you? I hope so.
Um, Matthew.
You're probably wondering what a man who can't see is doing in an art gallery.
I didn't want to be forward.
I'm told by my guests my apartment's a bit stark.
I thought maybe some art would warm it up.
I'm going to go out on a limb and assume these "guests" were women? Well, I'm not trying to impress the pizza guy.
You don't need sight to appreciate art, but you do need honesty.
- Sight helps.
- Sure.
But there's something very intimate in experiencing art through someone else's eyes.
That's a good line, by the way.
You should use it.
I might.
So, give me an idea what you're after.
I am not sure.
Good art isn't furniture.
If you knew exactly what you were looking for, you'd be just decorating.
Art should speak to you move you.
This one, for example.
One of my favorite pieces.
Describe it to me.
Imagine a sea of tonal reds.
The color of anger of rage but also the color of the heart of love hope.
This strikes the perfect balance between the two.
I don't know, it sounds aggressive.
All depends on your point of view.
Maybe something a little less challenging.
Tell me, do you have a man in your life? Matthew, are you hitting on me? No, I just mean, what does he like? What does he respond to? If I can get inside the head of the man who won the heart of such a charming woman, it would inform my decision.
Well, you could always ask him yourself.
Hope I'm not interrupting.
I was nearby.
Not at all.
We were just talking about you.
I see.
Wilson Fisk, Matthew Murdock.
Oh, yes, the attorney.
I've heard about all your work in Hell's Kitchen.
I'm aware of yours as well.
Murdock is thinking of purchasing some art.
He was looking for some advice from a man of taste.
Well, that's simple.
Buy whatever the lady tells you.
Thank you.
Although we probably shouldn't be talking.
I believe we're on opposite sides of a tenancy case.
- Oh, you are? - Yes.
The rental properties I recently acquired from Mr.
But I'm sure that will be settled to everyone's benefit.
The city has suffered long enough under the burden of poverty and decay.
I believe we have opportunities now with Wilson, Mr.
Murdock is a customer, not a donor.
Yes, I apologize for the hard sell.
This city and its future Seeing Hell's Kitchen to its fullest potential is very important to me.
I feel the same way.
Vanessa, thank you so much for your time.
Have you changed your mind about what you came for? No, no, I would just need to consider the cost.
I like to have a moment end of the day just me and him.
Maybe you could put in a word.
How did you know I was sitting here, you mind me asking? You want the short answer or the long one? I was worried you might've gone out and done something foolish, after our talk this morning.
I haven't done anything.
Not yet.
Sounds a bit on the ominous side.
I went to visit someone close to the close to the Devil.
Not to hurt her, just to get a sense of him.
Of who he is and what it would take to do what I have to.
And what did you learn? That he has someone he loves who loves him, who'd mourn his loss.
Few things are absolute, Matthew.
Even Lucifer was once an angel.
It's why judgment and vengeance are best left to God.
Especially when murder is not in your heart.
How do you know? You're here, aren't you? Foggy, Foggy, Foggy Sorry.
Foggy, Foggy I know my soul is damned if I take his life.
But if I stand idle, if I If I let him consume this city, all the people that will suffer and die There is a wide gulf between inaction and murder, Matthew.
Another man's evil does not make you good.
Men have used the atrocities of their enemies to justify their own throughout history.
So the question you have to ask yourself is are you struggling with the fact that you don't wanna kill this man but have to? Or that you don't have to kill him but want to? "Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is the righteous man who gives way before the wicked.
" Proverbs 25-something, I never can remember.
Meaning righteous men have a duty to stand up to evil.
One interpretation.
Another is that when the righteous succ*mb to sin, it is as harmful as if the public well were poisoned.
Because the darkness of such an act of taking a life will spread to friends, neighbors the entire community.
What if it already has? Then we wouldn't be sitting here, would we? I don't believe you went to see this woman for insight into how to kill a man.
I think maybe you went looking for a reason not to.
Hey! Hey.
Uh, Foggy, um, tried to get a hold of you last night.
Oh, yeah, turned off my phone.
You okay? Yeah, just tired.
How did it go with that, um Vanessa woman? Oh, I didn't get what I needed.
Well, uh, Foggy and I had better luck.
Um, we identified the as*h*les that jumped us outside of Elena's.
It's a Stewart Schmidt and Joseph Pike.
- You ID'd them from booking photos? - No, actually Contractor's licenses.
- And where the hell were you? - Uh Walking, clearing my head.
Hate when you don't answer my calls, buddy.
I always think you fell down an open manhole or something.
I'm fine.
Who's the employer of record? Westmeyer-Holt Contracting, another wonderful Global Confed subsidiary.
Well, that's it.
That's great.
We press assault charges, get them to flip on Fisk.
Yeah, not so much.
I reached out to Ben and his sources say that they're off the map.
Just like Hoffman and Tully.
Of course they are.
Great, so we have nothing.
I wouldn't go that far.
Here, Foggy, show him the thing.
Right, the thing! What thing? The dream, buddy.
It's just like the one I drew on the napkin that you, uh, couldn't see back when.
It's a little small, isn't it? Building regulations.
Anyway, so are we.
We are small but awesome.
And we're gonna make a difference.
I know it doesn't feel like it sometimes a lot of the time, but we are, with the power of the law.
Dragged me into this rinky-dink firm, Murdock and I'll never be able to thank you enough for it.
You're not gonna kiss me.
- I'm feeling a little somethin'.
- Oh Okay, come here.
Nelson and Murdock, how may I help you? Time for those handyman skills.
Uh, hey! Sorry, what? Um Uh, when? It's her.
How did it happen? Neighbor saw some junkie they've seen in the building, fleeing the scene with her purse.
Probably jumped her while she was fishing for her keys.
Karen, maybe you should wait outside.
No, I'm How did she die? Multiple stab wounds.
The ambulance got there quick, but My mom says all the family she knew about's passed on.
I knew you were looking into her tenancy case.
I thought you might be able to point us toward the next of kin.
No, she didn't have anyone.
Just us.
We'll see to the arrangements.
It's good of you to take that on.
I'll let the ME know.
Ahhh! You are a worthy opponent.
It is an honor to claim your life.
Ahhh! Thanks.
I'll keep 'em comin', love.
When we first took the case, Karen and I went to Landman and Zack.
Marci talked about a "criminal element" in Elena's building.
Said that's why the workmen left without finishing the repairs.
"'Cause they feared for their safety.
" I thought it was bullsh*t.
Maybe it was.
Tell that to Elena.
Wait, what are you saying? Well, I don't know.
Just doesn't feel right, does it? I'll drink to that.
You think it was a coincidence? Elena decides to stay and fight, to rally what's left of her neighbors, and this happens.
Do you think Fisk had something to do with this? Speak of the devil.
Fisk is on the TV again.
Hey, Josie, could you turn that up?
FISK: No, I never had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Cardenas. I only recently took possession of her building.
How do you respond to reports that you knew the tenement was unsafe?
FISK: That is accurate. That's why we offered a substantial sum to Ms. Cardenas and her neighbors to help them relocate. We should never let good people get swallowed up by this city.I mourn this woman's death. Didn't have to happen.It should've -Her passing is a symptom of a larger disease infecting all of us. Disease of fear
Foggy's phone rings.
FOGGY: Funeral home.

FISK: Fear of bombings, fear of cop killings.
FOGGY: Hello?

FISK:- Fear of a masked psychopath.
FOGGY: Yeah, that's me. Yeah, I need to make arrangements.

FISK: We shouldn't let people like that take our city from us. We need to stand together. Let them know that they will fail because we believe we can make a difference. 'Cause they are cowards! Afraid of stepping out of the shadows. Afraid of standing up for people like Mrs. Cardenas.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Mr. Fisk, how does this affect the upcoming benefit?
That will be all.
Thank you.
- Mr.
Fisk - No more questions.
- Thank you very much.
- What can we do about this psycho Jesus, he almost sounds like he means it.
I think he does.
And he's calling the man in the mask a psycho? I hope they trace what happened to Elena right to his doorstep.
He'd never expose himself like that.
Plus, half the force is probably in his pocket.
Well, then, let's pray the Mask gets his hands on him.
Knocks his goddamn head off.
You religious, Karen? My parents were.
That's probably why I'm not.
You? Catholic.
Does it help? With things like this? Not today.
I think I've had enough.
- Tell Foggy I'll see him in the morning.
- Yeah.
Hey, Matt.
Yeah? If there is a God and if he cares at all about about any of us Fisk will get what he deserves.
You have to believe that.
I do.
Look at it.
- Where is he? - I don't know.
Tell me what you do know.
All right, all right, I'll tell you anything you want.
Just, please, stop hurting me! Hey, you're real, you're You're real - Where'd you get the purse?
- What purse?
Bad idea.
Please, stop! I'm I'm sick.
Okay! Okay, the purse! I'll tell you who snatched it Listen, I've hurt a lot of people tonight to get what I need to know.
The as*h*le that killed Mrs.
Cardenas shoots up at this address, likes cheap menthols.
Thinks it covers the stench of his rotting teeth.
It doesn't.
Who paid you? - No, I don't, I don't - Was it Fisk? Was it Fisk? Was it Wilson Fisk? No, I don't know! Please, stop! Please! Give me a reason to! I don't know their names.
I don't! They found me.
They took me to a warehouse on the water Pier 81.
I didn't wanna do it, man.
I swear.
I didn't wanna do it! But I was hurting.
I was hurting, man.
Shut up! You're gonna turn yourself in to Sergeant Brett Mahoney at the 15th Precinct.
If you don't, I'll find you.
And next time, I'm not gonna stop.
I didn't come here for you.
But I am the one you have found.
You were at the docks with the boy.
As were you with the old fool.
That was unexpected.
I'm not part of his war.
Yet you aided him.
And in the act, caused me displeasure.
Did Fisk send you? Is that why he paid that junkie to -
A woman is dead, and for what? Just to lure me into some kind of a trap? You are here, are you not? I knew no one was in the building.
Made that mistake with the Russians once.
Learned from it.
But you did not know I was here.
No you slowed your heart lowered your body temperature.
The old fool has taught you in our ways.
I told you I'm not with him.
Yet you're still a warrior deserving of a warrior's death.
I came here for Fisk.
Guess I'll have to settle for you.
I show you respect.
You would be wise to return the courtesy.
You'll have to earn it.
sh*t, sorry.
Hey, can I get another bottle over here? No, no, never mind, Josie.
Hey, hey, Foggy.
Foggy, I've had enough, and you have had Way, way past that.
It's a wake, Karen.
People drink at wakes.
You don't need it.
You know why? 'Cause it sucks.
I know.
You speak Spanish.
What's a good toast for the people that should - That should still - Hey.
Hey, hey, hey.
I should have told her to take the money like Matt said.
No, no, no, no, Foggy it's not your fault, okay?
The Hell's Kitchen I grew up in was a real sh*thole. But it had a heart, you know?
Me and Matt we learned the law how to play by the rules.
We were gonna help the people that we grew up with.
Give 'em the same shot as the big boys like Fisk.
It's all bullsh*t.
It's all just lies that we tell ourselves to make it through one more day.
No, I don't I don't believe that.
I can't.
What are we supposed to do against somebody that owns everything? Everyone? What can we do to somebody like that? The only thing you can you make them pay.
You have fought well.
It is not enough.
Thank you.
Nobu was becoming an issue.
I appreciate you removing him from concern.
You wanted me to do this.
In a perfect world, you would have taken each other out, but it isn't a perfect world, is it? Not yet.
To be honest it took longer than I expected.
Nobu didn't mind.
He meditated for hours.
I find it difficult to meditate.
My mind, it won't quiet.
It's a character flaw, I suppose.
We all have them.
You, for instance.
You've demonstrated an emotional weakness for children and women.
I assumed that would extend to the elderly.
So I baited the hook.
Here you are.
You took her life just to get my attention? Nobu forced my hand in the matter.
My options, they were limited by necessity.
I took no pleasure in her passing.
I'm gonna kill you.
Take your shot.
It's disappointing.
Put men on the dock.
If they see the Mask, put a bullet in him.
What about Nobu?
Let him burn.
Matt! Come on, Matt.
I need to talk to you, Matt.
We need to keep going, Matt.
We gotta nail that bast*rd to the wall.
We gotta make him pay for Elena for everything.
Matt? Are you okay in there? Matt? Matt! Matt? It's me.
I heard a crash.
Not the fun, sexy-time kind, but more of the I've-fallen-and-I-can't-get-up variety.
Matt? If anyone who's in here is not supposed to be, I will mess you up.
I'm not kidding.
Where's Matt? What'd you do to him?
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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