The Beginning of The End (Interlude) lyrics
[Intro] (X’s speech about Girl Becoming his drug)
When you, You know what it’s like to feel for somebody and when you have this genuine, genuine feeling that you get from somebody and make that person your source of happiness, Obviously it becomes like, They become your drug you know what I’m saying, This girl became my drug
Yeah I Know you feel that way
But, why, why now of all times
I don’t know what to do if you leave me
I thought everything was going to be fine
I thought you were happy
But, I guess you weren’t
Why would you leave me
When I never ever left you when you felt alone
I was there for you when you needed me
I gave my heart to you
Every single day we were together
But, now that you said it was over
I don’t know if I can continue on
I’ll try my hardest but, you were like a drug to me
You were my source of happiness
I just wish you would have told me this a while ago
Because I could have gotten over you very easily
But, now it’s a year later and I still feel this way about you
I miss you with all my heart goodbye