EPIC RAP lyrics
I'm Demitri, and I'm cool(YUH), and you are a fool (LOL!)
Jacob the winner cause he doing good in school
I suck at math because of my bath
My name Is Adrian What Rhymes With ADrian?>?????
My pennies is bieger because im sinner(p*nis)
Bastian is so punchable, because he's built like a lunchable. (yooo)
My roblox character beter because girl like!
Yall have autism i practice judaism(im jewish)
I love chicken a little, because chicken. ( boo yah)
I am going to beat your wife. (NO THANKS)
I respect women, because I am respectful towards women.(he’s lying.)
After a long hard day, i just wanna come home and play some fortnite.(long hard day)
THE SMITHS MORE LIKE p*ss ( boohoo )