Rarity lyrics
Where do I start
Maybe last year
When you got your heart broken
You didn’t listen to her thoughts
Cause you viewed her as a token
Now you know That's cap
Because you loved her mind
You loved her soul
And damn she was fine
It taught me a lesson
On what I really wanted
I’m glad I got to know her
I’m glad that we bonded
Why you still bringing her up
You been moved on
You been doing better
And your still going strong
Even tho that you loved her
Sometimes you would wonder
Why you ended up with someonе
That wasn’t from this world
Maybe that’s what I need
Someone from outеr space
Cause I’ll take it as blessing
Do I need to say my grace
A toxic type of person
You really don’t wanna be
So you almost took your life
Had ma crying on her knees
What’s funny that I came clean to her dad
Because at the end of it all
I’m his number one fan
Because on that day
I almost took my life
I saw a smile on his face
It was warm and so bright
It made me realize
That maybe life worth living
Because I wanna grow old
Play with my grandchildren
Maybe rose was right
Maybe my heart is dark
Or maybe I’ll take knife
And make it hella sharp
Slice a piece of myself
Watch the river flow down my hand
Ignore the f*cking pain
Suck it up why cause I’m a man
I don’t know
Why I said these things
I don’t understand
Maybe I need help
Maybe I need death
Whatever the outcome
Will be my last f*cking breathe
Why am I so fixated
On taking my own life
Cause I’m not scared of death
I know I won’t put up a fight
I’ll just accept things
Because sometimes it won’t change
Other times crave your path
And let world rearrange
Let’s move on from this topic
Talk about some fake people
That will claim to be your friend
But don’t see you as an equal
They only take what they can
Then toss you to side
They don’t care about your feelings
Cause they got too much pride
But then get mad at you
When you distance yourself
But will still come to you
When they only need help
Life isn’t really what seems
People hiding who they are
Behind their screens
Life is just a dream
Humans are mindless robots
Without a thought or care