Cards Against Humanity: Third Expansion lyrics
by Cards Against Humanity
Black cards
- A successful job interview begins with a firm handshake and ends with ________.
- After months of practice with ________, I think I'm finally ready for ________.
- And what did you bring for show and tell?
- As part of his contract, Prince won't perform without ________ in his dressing room.
- As part of his daily regimen, Anderson Cooper sets aside 15 minutes for ________.
- Call the law offices of Goldstein & Goldstein, because no one should have to tolerate ________ in the workplace.
- During high school, I never really fit in until I found ________ club.
- Finally! A service that delivers ________ right to your door.
- Having problems with ________? Try ________!
- Hey, baby, come back to my place and I'll show you ________.
- I'm not like the rest of you. I'm too rich and busy for ________.
- In the seventh circle of Hell, sinners must endure ________ for all eternity.
- Listen, son. If you want to get involved with ________, I won't stop you. Just steer clear of ________.
- Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're ________.
- Money can't buy me love, but it can buy me ________.
- My gym teacher got fired for adding ________ to the obstacle course.
- My life is ruled by a vicious cycle of ________ and ________.
- The blind date was going horribly until we discovered our shared interest in ________.
- To prepare for his upcoming role, Daniel Day-Lewis immersed himself in the world of ________.
- Turns out that ________-Man was neither the hero we needed nor wanted.
- What left this stain on my couch?
- When you get right down to it, ________ is just ________.
- With enough time and pressure, ________ will turn into ________.
- ________. Awesome in theory, kind of a mess in practice.
- ________: Hours of fun. Easy to use. Perfect for ________!
White cards
- A PowerPoint presentation.
- A black male in his early 20s, last seen wearing a hoodie.
- A boo-boo.
- A botched circ*mcision.
- A cat video so cute that your eyes roll back and your spine slides out of your anus.
- A cop who is also a dog.
- A greased-up Matthew McConaughey.
- A lamprey swimming up the toilet and latching onto your taint.
- A pile of squirming bodies.
- A spontaneous conga line.
- A surprising amount of hair.
- A vagina that leads to another dimension.
- Actually getting shot, for real.
- All my friends dying.
- An all-midget production of Shakespeare's Richard III.
- An ass disaster.
- An unstoppable wave of fire ants.
- Bill Clinton, naked on a bearskin rug with a saxophone.
- Blood farts.
- Blowing some dudes in an alley.
- Buying the right pants to be cool.
- Chugging a lava lamp.
- c*ck.
- Crying into the pages of Sylvia Plath.
- Demonic possession.
- Disco fever.
- Drinking ten 5-hour ENERGYs® to get fifty continuous hours of energy.
- Dying alone and in pain.
- Eating Tom Selleck's mustache to gain his powers.
- Filling every orifice with butterscotch pudding.
- Fisting.
- Flying robots that kill people.
- Gay aliens.
- Getting your di*k stuck in a Chinese finger trap with another di*k.
- Girls that always be textin'.
- Going around punching people.
- Having sex on top of a pizza.
- Having shotguns for legs.
- Indescribable loneliness.
- Jumping out at people.
- Letting everyone down.
- Mufasa's death scene.
- My manservant, Claude.
- Not contributing to society in any meaningful way.
- Not having sex.
- Nothing.
- Putting an entire peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the VCR.
- Reverse cowgirl.
- Roland the Farter, flatulist to the king.
- Running naked through a mall, p*ssing and sh*tting everywhere.
- Samuel L. Jackson.
- Screaming like a maniac.
- Self-flagellation.
- Shutting the f*ck up.
- Slapping a racist old lady.
- Sneezing, farting, and coming at the same time.
- Some douche with an acoustic guitar.
- Some kind of bird-man.
- Spending lots of money.
- That ass.
- The Harlem Globetrotters.
- The Land of Chocolate.
- The Quesadilla Explosion Salad™ from Chili's©.
- The entire Internet.
- The moist, demanding chasm of his mouth.
- The primal, ball-slapping sex your parents are having right now.
- The systematic destruction of an entire people and their way of life.
- The thin veneer of situational causality that underlies porn.
- The way white people is.
- Three months in the hole.
- Unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks.
- Velcro™.
- Vietnam flashbacks.
- Vomiting mid-blowjob.
- Warm, velvety muppet sex.