Holier Than Thou (Part Two) lyrics
by Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Holly Johnson: Ok, I’ll sing a bit then say something ’ey
Control room: Yeah Johnson, sing it like, yeah
HJ: Yeah. This is the spirit of Christmas to come
Brian Nash: Are we going ’ere Bob? Are we going?
Bob Kraushaar: That’s great, just don’t shout
BN: Okay. And so this is Christmas and I hope you have fun, but I know you won’t ’cos you’ll all be too full of Christmas spirit that you’ll be puking everywhere, and the only way you’ll have fun is to listen to the other side of this record and get even more sicker
HJ: Oooh the power of love. oooh
Mark O’Toole: Go ’ed Nasher lad
BN: Thе power of my right hand
HJ: Oooh have we got thе power oooh at Christmas
BN: Can you feel the force
MO: Why’s everyone looking at us through that window?
HJ: Because we’re ace. (laughs) Didn’t you know, we’re Frankie Goes To Hollywood
MO: Oh I know we’re ace like, but…
BN: That was mine, that’s all you’re getting
MO: Dead festive that weren’t it
HJ: Dead festive. Oh, go on, you think of something festive to then
MO: I can’t think of anything. I mean, what would you say if yo had to stand in front of here and think of a Chrismas message? You wouldn’t be able to think of anything would you
BN: I hope you all have, I hope you have all have a wonderful Christmas, will that do or do you want more tihsllub?
HJ: I got a T-Rex fan club letter, fan club record at Christmas once and he sang Christmas songs
MO: Did he?
HJ: Christ…
MO: (laughs) Christ…
HJ: Christmas, wella wella wella wella Christmas. You know like that
MO: Like that?
HJ: What could we sing though, nicely?
BN: Yeah. (laughs) Can we sing anything nicely?
HJ: If you’re naughty you get ashes in your stocking
MO: (laughs)
HJ: Ped, gonna speak a poem now
MO: Ped, come ’ed. Ped’s gonna recite one of his poems. Wait for Ped, Nash. Come in here so we can give Gilly stick. Er jack the lad is just arriving on the er christmas scene here
PG: Have you seen this, have you been f*cking about? Does anyone wanna wanna recite this poem?
MO: Let’s see. Go ’ed. This is a poem written, arranged, produced by P. Gill, narrated by P. Gill. Go ’ed Gilly
Others: Ahhhh ahhhhh ah
PG: Christmas is here once again… Tihs! I’ll try it again
Others: (laughs)
PG: Christmas is here once again so let’s all have some fun, don’t forget ten pants… ah tihs!
Others: (laughs) Ahhhh ahhhhh ah
PG: and again. Christmas is here once again so let’s all have some fun, don’t forget ten pints tonite and don’t forget to come, to the lad’s party of course
Others: of course (laughs)
PG: of course
Others: Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahh ah ahhh ah
HJ: Thank you Peter for your Christmas cheer
PG: I’ll think I’ll go and eat some turkey and pudding as it’s Christmas
BN: Come and do it again (laughs)
HJ: One, two, three, four
All: Christmas is here once again so let’s all have some fun, don’t forget ten pints tonite and don’t forget to come to the lad’s party of course
PG: Let’s go pull some crackers lads, it’s Christmas
MO: Yeah come ’ed lads
BN: [beep] the crackers, I’m pulling me pud
PR: erm, someone come in and give me some inspiration
BN: Bob what are those robots called? Omnibot
PR: Omnibot. (laughs)
BN: I want an omnibot for Christmas if anybody’s listening. (laughs)
PR: I wanna Porshe for Christmas if anyone, no I don’t, I wanna a convertible XJS if anyone’s listening, if, if you’re real fan Frankie fans you’ll buy us all XJSs for Christmas
BN: no you’ll buy me a real ’65 Corvette Stingray
PG: If you’re a real Frankie fan buy me Action Man and a tricycle and a Chopper and a Racer and a radio and a cassette, ’cos I’m greedy
BN: ’65 Corvette Stingray I want or an Omnibot
PR: Merry Christmas Frankie fans, and we all want an XJS’s for Christmas okay
PG: …and an Action Man
PR: (laughs) and Ped want an Action Man
PG: and a dolls house and a paddling pool
BN: You girl! You poof!
PR: Bah humbug!
PG: and a paddling pool, and a remote control car