If you love your family lyrics
by Lil Wayne
If you love your family say yahhh!
I know if your bother or sister get on your nerves you can slove it out or you will never get along.or you would never figure it out and then it will get even worse.you might start a fight which you don't want that to happen and when you get older you don't want to do the same thing.because of something what happened to you or your brothers or sister you won't be there to help them.you are a family.families do not fight they get along with your siblings.or friends so you should always stick together and depend on each other.so family should never fight.and if you see any YouTube fight ignored it because that is not a family and friends supposed to act.even if public you are supposed to help each other at all times.and you should tell her parents not to fight.because it is a bad example to the children around them.they need to know what is a bad example.children and parents should not be fighting each other .that is how family works