by Unknown Artist
Preflop is a stage that is present in every hand. The blinds place mandatory bets, after which the players receive 2 "hole cards". Only those participation remain in the game who, during one or several betting rounds, supported or made bets. Use this for more information
The flop is the moment of laying out three community cards, after which the next betting round begins. At this stage, since the player usually knows 5/7 of the total number of cards and it is already possible to make one or another combination of them, many participants prefer to make very solid bets
The turn is the stage of laying out the 4th community card. Participants either go all-in or make the lowest possible bets. Players freeze waiting for the last card to appear on the table. If someone decides to make an all-in, then the chances that other participants will support the rate become very low
River - at this stage, players already clearly understand what they can claim. In Hold'em poker, mathematics, and psychology play an important role. If among the participants there were those who supported the previous bet, after receiving the fifth card to determine the winner, all remaining in the game show cards
Sitting down at the poker table, you should understand that even if you are 100% sure of knowing the rules of the poker table game and have already learned the intricacies of the strategy, there is no universal algorithm for how to win at poker. The result of the game depends not only on the level of skill and experience of the player but also on the type of opponents
Texas Holdem is the most widespread form of poker offered to members of casinos and poker clubs around the world. Texas Hold'em hosts major international tournaments with impressive prize money. The rules and combinations of Hold'em poker are considered to be classic. We bring to your attention the main ones:
The transition of the button's rank and bets are strictly clockwise. There are mandatory bets (small and big blind) made by the first and second players to the right of the button. The winner is the owner of the strongest poker hand or the player who made a bet and no one supported it. In the absence of other bets, the player can take the pot without even showing the cards
To collect combinations, you can use both pocket and community cards. According to seasoned players, among the limit, pot-limit and no-limit hold 'em, the most exciting and exciting as the last one, in which there are no strict conditions for making bets
Participants take their places at the oval table. The button (“dealer”), who deals the cards in poker, is determined. Players place bets (clockwise). The first two players to the right of the button make blind bets. Since the “dealer” and, accordingly, his neighbors change during the course of the game, during a long game the position of the players is usually equalized
Each participant receives 2 cards that only he can see
Opponents, until the end of the game, may not even guess what is hidden under the backs of the opponents' cards. If during the auction no one has equalized the bet, the winner is determined automatically and has the right to immediately take the pot, although the amount of the winnings, consisting only of blades, will be quite modest