The Art lyrics
by Joss Whedon
When I first meet Hammer, I stumble and stammer
'Cause that's what it says to do in the script
But whenever I would practice that was just an act this
Is all so real – He's so well equipped
Falling into Nathan's eyes is easy
I don't even realize he's cheesy
'Cause jeez he's so great
But it's not about Nate
Gotta concentrate
'Cause I'm looking for internal truth and not a date
No, it's not all about Nate
'Cause it's all about the art
Perfect, mysterious, comes from above
Magic as a magic thing and lovely as love
A gift from Olympus, who send me the muse
And shoes
If I walk with a twitch in the scene in the kitchen
First date jitters aren't to blame
'Cause all Penny feels are these nine inch heels
Which are gonna make me fall and die and aren't in frame
But my death-scene pumps are really dreamy
Right when Billy dumps my corpse, it's steamy
To see me all – wait
Oh I'm sorry I lost my train of thought I'm being such a bimbo!
But if it's not about shoes
Even if they're sweet
They should focus on my tragedy and not my feet
No it's not about shoes
When it's all about the art
Memory, method, primal and deep
All Stanislavsky, Strasberg, and Streep
Truth, Mr. Lipton, that's how you build
The guild
But it's not about the guild
I'd be killed
If I shilled
For the guild
On somebody else's time
Then again, I sort of was killed
The Guild season one available on DVD plus new episodes at the we also have t-shirts
Catch the guild fever
My tortured actor's process
Stand here and do what Joss says
Remember that its not about
The weird beard on otto
The beer and clamato
The hair in the cheese and
The Guild's second season
And brand new day Neil
That intro's unreal
A horse – not too shabby
Now steady's all crabby
The soldier boy extra
Good times – No, I'll text ya
The Red Bull Neil's drinking
I'm dead and I'm blinking
And Joss' ungluing
When I mention pooing
Which I'm always doing
I mean mentioning pooing
I mean art
Art's really easy…