Moon Farm lyrics
by Phineas and Ferb
[PHINEAS, spoken]
Mmm, this is the best ice cream I've ever had
[DAN, spoken]
Oh, dat's right
Houston, we've got a situation
Better stan' by de phone
It's a brand new lunar taste sensation
Served on a waffle cone
We got chocolate, vanilla
But we don't have rocky road
It's not that we don' like it
We left de marshmallows at home (I blame Baljeet)
[BALJEET, spoken]
Hey! What do you mean you blame Baljeet?
[DAN, spoken]
Well, it was clearly your responsibility
[BALJEET, spoken]
Where are you getting your information from, disembodied reggae space voice?
[DAN, spoken]
Hey, I have a name, you know
[BALJEET, spoken]
Oh, yeah? What is it?
[DAN, spoken]
Well... it-it's Disembodied Reggae Space Voice, but that's just a coincidence, you didn't know that
[BALJEET, spoken]
Oh, look who's sensitive! Besides, Buford could have brought the marshmallows
[BUFORD, spoken]
Hey, leave me out of this
[PHINEAS, spoken]
Guys, guys, we have limited time here
Baljeet, could you please stop arguing with the soundtrack?
[BALJEET, spoken]
He started it