Part-Time lyrics
by Behan the Scene
Part of me wants to believe
That I'm doing this for myself.
But that part of me is elsewhere,
Long-distance and he can't help.
Part of me doesn't crack under pressure
When tensions that rise disquiet me.
But the kernels are popping more than ever.
I might overdo it and burn out.
Part of me is conflicted;
It's expected that I succeed.
But that part of me has inflicted
Damage like violent winds.
Part of me is intеlligent
Knowing exactly what he is doing.
But that part is absеnt.
I make decisions that seem unruly.
Part of me is dissected
Like a donated body for science.
But there's part of me that's disconnected;
There's no use in lying.
I please, partially.
I'm satisfied, partially.
Still passionate, partially
But part of me isn't.
Part of me only works part-time.
All of me isn't here.
I'm not fully strapped in unlike a zip tie
So I can only meet halfway.