Straight Outta Russia lyrics
by JT Music
Hey Niko, how's it goin’, cousin?
(Hey Roman, how's it goin', man?)
Hey, can you give me a ride?
I need a ride from uh, you know, my flat
I need, uh, you to pick me up, is that okay?
(Yeah, alright, yeah, I can do that)
Aw, thanks Niko, you’re the best, you know that?
(Don't worry about it, dude)
I'm so glad you came to Liberty City
What I would do without you cousin, ah-ha
(Sure, Roman)
Hey, you want to go to strip bar later?
(Haha, only you, Roman)
[Verse 1]
Straight out of Russia, I've come up with a plan
I've got communist intentions, but I'm still a free man
With a gun in my hand, I'm out for myself
And all I need is a burger to sustain my health
The American dream is what I pursue
And I'll do what it takes to make my dreams come true
And if you try to front, then you won’t own a thing
Because in Liberty City, I’m gonna make myself king
My name is Niko Bellic, yeah, my voice is angelic
And when I'm with the ladies, I’m treated like a relic
And if you don't believe me, let me tell you this, mate
I went out with Michelle, got laid on our first date
I'm a hardcore chump, from the streets of my home
Brought up in the slums, and now I'm leavin’ alone
I gotta help my cousin Roman, who's in debt to the mob
But they'll learn that I'm a hitman, with his own damn job
[Verse 2]
I've come across homies, all delighted to meet me
Little Jacob, Faustin, and even Dimitri
He got me connections with the places in town
I got money, I got cars, and women up and down
Now, D had me working jobs day and night
I had to put up a fight against thugs left and right
But amidst my work, to my certain dread
I was turned on by a friend who held a gun to my head
None other than Dimitri, a man of disgust
A man I had come to so admire and trust
Little Jacob gave me help before Dimitri could kill
And to bring him to death was my heart's one will
But I still sought revenge upon a traitor who fled
At the time I learned his name, it set a fuse in my head
He was called Darko Brevic, he betrayed me in war
He took me for a fool, but now he knows I'm much more
[Verse 3]
Now to deal with Mr. Brevic, and Dimitri as well
I wish to make decisions that put my soul in Hell
I have an aching in my heart, and the pain never ends
I must end my inner suffer through the sweet of revenge
But revenge can't end all the pain that I feel
I must find another way to help my heart to heal
Can I clean my soul? Can I was off this blood?
From the way I played this game?
You're out of luck, bud
Yeah, GTA is the way to go
Not one, not two, not three, but fo'
I've never played a game as tasteful as this
It's exciting and violent, and it's just written with twists!
So if you're looking for fun on a boring afternoon
I suggest Best Buy is the place to go soon
Buy GTA IV, it's obscene and gory
But I'm telling you, you'll love it!
Even though I just kinda, told you the whole story
Damn, sorry guys, ugh