Johnny B Goode lyrics
by Pete Townshend
Paul (?): We'll play Johnny B. Goode; he'll sing Through My Eyes
Other voice: (???)
Paul (?): Tell John. Tell him
Johnny: What?
Paul (?): Tell him. (???)
Other Voice: They wanna play Johnny B. Goode while you sing Through My Eyes
Johnny: God! Awright, then
Paul(?): Ready? Go!
If you could see... oh God, f*ck off...
Ayanlouisiannayaya New Orleans
Awasabadababyanalittle key
Ayainanananananana Johnny B. Goode
Agogogogogogo Johnny B. Goode
Agogo, go Johnny, gogogogogo
I don't know the words!
Ayayayayastrah yayastrahyayaya
Ayayayayastrah andabanayaya
I wannawannabay, yayayaya
Let's gogo, ago Johnny gogogogo
Agogo, go go go go gogogogogogogogogogogogogogo
Go, Johnny, go, go
Go! Johnny B. Goode
Oh, f*ck, it's awful!
I hate songs like that!
The p*ss!
Eeeeeeyayayayay eeeee!
'ey, I know, Oi! Oi! Steve -- Roadrunner!
Should we do roadrunner?
'ey, that's f*ckin' awful -- stop it
Stop it; it's f*ckin' awful!
Duh ug duh duh duh duh mah eyah
I donno the words!
I donno'ow it starts; I've forgotten it!
Hold on; stop a second. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop
Shout out what how it starts. What's the first line?
Paul: One, two, three, four, five, six!
Johnny: Alright, can you start at the beginning, then?
Paul: Roadrunner, roadrunner, not 'arf...
Johnny: I can't hear you, Paul
Paul: Roadrunner, roadrunner
Go 'bout a f'ousand miles an hour
A with the radio on
Aroadrunner, roadrunner
Aeuhmuh f'ousand miles an hour
Oh, God, I don't know it...
I drove past the Stop 'n' Shop
And I walk by the Stop 'n' Shop
An' I flarala wahbah Stop Shop
Have the radio on
Felt in touch with the modern world
I fell in love with the modern world
Fell in love with Mattapan and Roslindale
Have the radio on
Roadrunner, roadrunner
Goin' a f'ousand miles an hour
Felt in touch with the modern world
I'm in love with the modern world
Alright, here we go now
Goin' twenty-eight watt a power
It's so cold here in the dark
Fifty thousand watts of power
Goin' a f'ousand miles an hour
Awith the radio on
Roadrunner, roadrunner
Oh, God, I don't know it
It's f*ckin' ridicularse
Wish I had the words...
Roadrunner, roadrunner
Goin' a f'ousand miles an hour
I felt in touch with the modern world
I fell in love in the modern world
Rockin' modern lover, modern sound, ana mosaround
Modern rockin' runner around, mosaround rockin' modern runner in touch
An' a radio on
I got radio on
A roadrunner, roadrunner
Oh yeah er ah ee ah eh uh
Do we know any other f*ckin' people's songs?
Oi! Brrrrrrr!
Oi! Do we know an...
Oi! Do we know any other f*cking songs that we can do?
Do we know any other songs that we can do? I can't think of any