There’s Been a Call/Journey to Paramount lyrics
by Andrew Lloyd Webber
There's been a call
What did I say
They want to see me right away
Joe, Paramount, they love our child
Mr. DeMille is going wild
[JOE, spoken]
Well, that's wonderful, Norma
But it was some fool assistant
Not acceptable at all
It he wants me, then Cecil B
Himself must call
[JOE, spoken]
I don't know if this is the time to stand on ceremony
I've been waiting twenty years now
What's a few more days, my dear?
It's happened, Joe
I told you so
The perfect year
Now, let's go upstairs
Shouldn't you at least call back?
[NORMA, spoken]
No; they can wait until I'm good and ready
[JOE, voiceover]
It took her three days and she was ready
She checked with her astrologer
Who sacrificed a chicken
She dressed up like a pharaoh
Slapped on a pound of make-up
And set forth in her chariot
Poor Norma
So happy
Re-entering her kingdom
[MAX, voiceover]
If you will pardon me, Madame, the shadow over the left eye is not quite balanced
[NORMA, voiceover]
Thank you, Max
[GUARD, spoken]
Hey, that's enough of that
[MAX, spoken]
To see Mr. DeMille. Open the gate
[GUARD, spoken]
Mr. DeMille is shooting. You need an appointment
[MAX, spoken]
This is Norma Desmond. No appointment is necessary
[GUARD, spoken]
Norma who?
[NORMA, spoken]
[JONES, spoken]
Why, if it isn't Miss Desmond. How have you been, Miss Desmond?
[NORMA, spoken]
Fine, Jonesy. Open the gate
[JONES, spoken]
You heard Miss Desmond
[GUARD, spoken]
They don't have a pass
[JONES, spoken]
Stage 18, Miss Desmond
[NORMA, spoken]
Thank you, Jonesy. And teach your friend some manners. Tell him without me, there wouldn't be any Paramount Studio
[JONES, spoken]
Get me Stage 18. I have a message for Mr. DeMille
[HEATHER, spoken]
Mr. DeMille?
[DEMILLE, spoken]
What is it?
[HEATHER, spoken]
Norma Desmond is here to see you, Mr. DeMille
[DEMILLE, spoken]
Norma Desmond?
[HEATHER, spoken]
She's here at the studio
[DEMILLE, spoken]
It must be about that appalling script of hers. What shall I say?
[HEATHER, spoken]
Maybe I could give her the brush
[DEMILLE, spoken]
Thirty million fans have given her the brush. Isn't that enough? Give me a minute
[NORMA, spoken]
Won't you come along, darling?
[JOE, spoken]
It's your script. It's your show. Good luck
[NORMA, spoken]
Thank you, darling
[HEATHER, spoken]
Miss Desmond
[DEMILLE, spoken]
Well, well, well
[NORMA, spoken]
Hello, Mr. DeMille. The last time I saw you, we were someplace terribly gay. I was dancing on the table
[DEMILLE, spoken]
A lot of people were. Lindbergh had just landed
[NORMA, spoken]
You read the script, of course
[DEMILLE, spoken]
Well, yes...
[NORMA, spoken]
Now, I know how busy you are during shooting, but I really think you could have picked up the phone yourself, instead of leaving it so some assistant
[DEMILLE, spoken]
I don't know what you mean, Norma
[NORMA, spoken]
Yes, you do
[DEMILLE, spoken]
Come on in