Finale (“Cinderella” (Original Cast Recording)) lyrics
by Andrew Lloyd Webber
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Cinderella? Cinderella, are you here?
Cinderella? She's gone
She really has gone
Only you, lonely you
Only you can rescue lonely me
Why didn't I speak
Say it out loud
Tell you how I really feel?
You were right there
Five feet away
Why was I tongue tied?
Ever so dull
When I really want to say—
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Are you— Are you singing to my shoe?
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Um, no, nope
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Because it looks very much like you're singing, fairly romantically, might I add, to my shoe
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Which I couldn't have been doing because that would be deeply weird
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Quite creepy, really
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Oh, super creepy
So, you're back?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
I came back for that
It's the most expensive thing I own
I figured I could sell it
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Is there a roaring trade in single shoes these days?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Oh, yeah, pirates mostly
It's made of crystal, idiot
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
The things people spend their money on when they're trying to impress someone
Sad, really
Well, goodbye then
Congratulations on your wedding
It's not my wedding day
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
I'm still unwedded
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
I heard the wedding bells, I feel lightheaded
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
I'm not married
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
That's a real long story
Meanwhile, tell me where you're headed
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
I don't know, Sebastian
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
I'm sorry, it was unforgivable
What I said to you, the way I behaved
I was just trying to be, I don't know, someone I wasn't
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
I think we're both a little guilty of that, don't you?
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
You don't want company by any chance? On your trip?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
Mm, I don't know, you might cramp my style
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
I'll walk behind you at all times
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
What if I get swept off my feet by a handsome highwayman?
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Then I will, of course, melt discreetly into the background
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
You'll have to pay your own way
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
And wash your own socks
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
I'm not a barbarian
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
You sure about that?
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]
Do you ever shut up?
[CINDERELLA, spoken]
[SEBASTIAN, spoken]