You See I Am No Ghost / Marian Tells of the Engagement / Sir Percival Glyde Arrives / Fosco’s Arrival lyrics
by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Scene: "The Second Coming of Anne Catherick"
(Graveyard in the half-light. The woman appears.)
Walter Hartright
I remember you
Are you of this world?
Have I imagined you?
(She touches him)
You see I am no ghost before you
I am flesh and blood
Believe your eyes
Kind sir
My name is Anne
Anne Catherick
And believe my words
I tell no lies
Limmeridge was my home in childhood
Though I didn't live here long
Locked away while still a girl
Although I did nothing wrong
Imprisoned in a dark asylum
By a man of guile and treachery
The truth will see the light, I vow it
Though he thinks that he can silence me!
I told you that I have a secret
One I cannot share with you
I must find the one I seek
To spare her what I've been through!
I'll tell you of my cruel tormentor
When I think of him, I'm filled with shame
I'll tell you who he is this instant
If you swear you won't forget his name
(nodding fervently)
I swear!
Sir Percival Glyde
Sir Percival Glyde
Sir Percival Glyde
(Suddenly there is the sound of an owl overhead. Anne takes fright and exits)
No please—wait!
(But she is gone. Hartright gathers himself after the shock of her story and leaves, too)
Scene: "Marian Tells of the Engagement"
(The formal gardens, Limmeridge House. Morning. An autumnal feel. The first leaves dropping from the trees. A servant escorts Hartright to Marian. Hartright enters)
Mr. Hartright
There's a very private matter
We must speak of right away-
Pray it isn't serious?
This is hard for me to say
In the days before you came here
You were out of money
Out of spirits then?
I was down, but rarely out of spirits
You'd have found me in a Holborn drinking den!
Then it's safe to say
You value your position
More than anything at all!
Since we both were children
Laura sometimes sleepwalks
I would wake and find her
On the stair
Unaware of how she got there
More than her half-sister
I am her whole family
And I must protect her
What reason do you tell me this?
I know, sir, what your secret is
I have no secrets here!
My sister is engaged!
To a man of sterling character
A titled man of property
A man her father chose
It was my duty to tell you this
Then... Laura will marry another!
You must crush all feelings for her. There can be no hope of an attachment, no hope of any future... I'm sorry if this hurts you
Are you sorry, Miss Halcombe?
What do you mean?
(pointedly at her)
Perhaps I'm not the only one with secrets? Feelings that I'd rather hide?
You are most unkind
You should go. You've said enough. I'm doing this to help you, to save you from yourself!
(He stops to go, stops, turns)
I'd like to know his name
His name is not your business
Let me know his name
His name is
Sir Percival Glyde
Scene: "Sir Percival Glyde Arrives"
(The next day. Mr. Fairlie's study. Laura and Marian wait with their uncle. A servant announces Sir Percival Glyde's arrival)
Sir Percival Glyde
(Glyde is a handsome, aristocratic, elegant man in his early to middle thirties. His manner is easy and charming)
With all my heart
I'm glad to be here
Sir Percival Glyde
Here in this house!
You're always welcome
(to Fairlie)
The picture of health!
I've never seen you look so well, sir
Is he talking to me?
You're such a hale and a hearty fellow
You, sir, it's true, are a tonic
It does us good to see you
Thank you, my friend
And me, you
But Laura, my dear
Second to none
You're the one I miss most
It's perfectly clear
With all my heart
I need you
Which brings me to my purpose
Why must we wait til spring?
Let's have a Christmas wedding
And the joy that it would bring us!
(to Laura)
My home and heart are ready
So now it's up to you
(A pause)
It was my father's dying wish
And I will do as I have promised to
In all of this world
There's not a man as thrilled as I am
Or lucky as I
Not on this Earth is a man more joyful
Sir Percival Glyde, good luck to you
And your bride
My dearest friend, Count Fosco
Shall act as our best man
You'll see he has no better
When you meet tonight
And there's no better plan
Sir Percival Glyde
(to Marian)
You from this day shall be my sister
With pleasure and pride
And we shall see that our home
Is your home
There's nothing to decide
My niece will marry Glyde
A Christmas wedding
Is where we're heading
And Marian will go
To live with them, no fear
The instant she becomes his spouse
They both will exit Limmeridge House
Which will be quiet as a mouse
At last I'll like it here!
Scene: "Fosco Arrives"
(Later the same day, Count Fosco arrives at Limmeridge House. He is a big bear of a man—in his fifties, with an Italian accent. He is impeccably dressed. His luggage includes various bird and animal cages. He pulls a mouse seemingly out of the air and addresses it)
Well, my friend, at last we have arrived
It seems that I was born to be a house guest
You might choose this moment to get out of sight
For now they need not know they have a mouse guest
(He kisses the mouse and then places it in his pocket. Marian arrives to greet him)
I am pleased to meet the blushing bride
I'm just the blushing bridesmaid
Pardon me
It's just that you're so beautiful
Which is why I thought you might be Glyde's maid
There is no mistaking you're Count Fosco
I've a reputation that precedes me
I am Laura's sister, sent to welcome you
(kisses her hand)
May I nibble on the hand that feeds me?
You may dine on any single thing you wish
Though I'd wait for dinner—we are serving fish
There's no time to sate my many appetites
You might consider taking smaller bites
It's so very kind of you to have me here
You, sir, add some interest to the atmosphere
I detect a fire beneath your prim veneer
(A dinner bell rings)
I regret there's not more time to tarry
But I presume that we'll resume this thrust and parry
(He smiles at her, winks. She shows him in. Servants arrive and remove his luggage)
Scene: "The Evening That Goes Wrong"
(After dinner the same evening. The drawing room. Laura is playing the piano, with Sir Percival Glyde sitting close to her. Marian, Mr. Fairlie, Fosco and Walter Hartright are looking on. Hartright sits on his own in a corner of the room. Laura finishes playing and there is enthusiastic applause led by Fosco)
Mmm! Bravissima, my dear! You play like an angel
I play only moderately well
My dear, don’t hide your light. If you have talents, you must flaunt them!
Pray sir, what are your talents? Perhaps I could persuade you to come out from under your bushel?