Finale lyrics
by Mel Brooks
[BUD, spoken]
The cast joins hands
And walks to the edge of the stage
[DOUG (as Young Monk), spoken]
Gutenberg’s death did not stop his dream
[BUD (as Daughter), spoken]
His printing press was rebuilt
And used to print many things
[DOUG (as Drunk #1), spoken]
Like the Gutenberg Bible
[BUD (as Woman #1), spoken]
As well as the very programs
You hold in your hands
[DOUG (as Young Monk), spoken]
But Gutenberg’s dream of universal literacy...
Remains unrealized
[BUD (as Drunk #2), spoken]
Many people still do not know how to read
[DOUG (as Black Narrator), spoken]
And we’re not just talkin’ about children
And blind people
[BUD (as Flower Girl), spoken]
Statistics tell us
That more than half the people in this room
Cannot rеad
[DOUG (as Dead Baby), spoken]
The struggle continues
[BUD (as Monk), spoken]
That’s why thе story of Gutenberg
Is an inspiration for us all
[DOUG (as Johan Gutenberg), spoken]
Cause it’s not just the success that matters
It’s the dream
(no longer in character)
We’re the authors of this musical
I wrote the book
[BUD, spoken]
And I wrote the music
[BOTH, spoken]
And we both wrote the lyrics
[DOUG, spoken]
We wrote ourselves into the finale of the show
Because, like Gutenberg
We have dreams too
[BUD, spoken]
And while the printing press may not have solved
All the world’s problems...
[DOUG, spoken]
The Holocaust happened!
[BUD, spoken]
...we hope the story of the printing press
Did impress upon all of you
The power of our dreams
Life can be cruel and kinda cold
And often, no one’s there
To hold you when you cry
So those who hope must close their eyes
And trust a better future lies-
-in dreams
Where our little lives are rounded
With a sleep
And while the emptiness within us
May be deep
We’ll get our fill
While hopeless millions hunger still
We eat dreams
We eat dreams
I eat them too
We eat dreams
I eat them too
We eat dreams
[DOUG, spoken]
We all eat dreams, don’t we?
Look at the person sitting next to you
They eat just as many dreams as you do
They’re delicious!
So don’t just sit there
We want you to sing along with us
We’re going to sing “we eat dreams”
And we want you to sing “we eat them too”
Here we go!
We eat dreams
We eat them-
[DOUG, spoken; overlapping]
C’mon everybody!
We eat dreams
We eat them-
[DOUG, spoken; overlapping]
Okay, now just the guys
We eat dreams
(as Young Monk and Boot Plaque)
We eat-
[BUD (as Boot Plaque)]
-them too
[DOUG, spoken; overlapping]
Oh, come on guys
You can do better than that!
We eat dreams
[DOUG, spoken; overlapping]
Okay, now just the girls!
[BOTH (as Daughter and Woman #2)]
We eat-
We eat dreams
We eat them-
-them too
[DOUG, spoken; overlapping]
Good! Okay, now just Broadway producers!
-eat dreams
I eat them too
[DOUG, spoken]
Oh my god!
I eat them too
Bud, Doug
This show is fantastic!
I don’t need to hear another note!
I’m a famous Broadway producer
And I hold in my hands a Broadway contract
[BUD, spoken]
Congratulations, Bud and Doug
You’ve got your show!
Where our little lives are rounded
With a sleep
And while the emptiness within us
May be deep
We’ll get our fill
While hopeless millions hunger still
We eat dreams
We eat... dreams