Dupree’s Paradise [Piquantique] lyrics
by Frank Zappa
That was George Duke, ladies and gentlemen. and he just said, "Goddamn, it's cold out here," and it sure is cold out here. It's cold as a motherf*cker out here. But we're gonna keep on playing for you, even though our little fingers are just a-twitchin' and a-throbbin'. It's so f*ckin' cold on this stage we don't even wanna talk about it, so we're just gonna go on with the rest of this song. How many say 'amen' to it. Well don't mention it . .
That is one way that you can warm yourselves up out there. You can clap your hands together. Just clap together on the backbeat. Just like they do at all the big rock & roll concerts. Quite a bit of natural rhythm here tonight. I see some of you are clapping on the first beat. Some of you are clapping on the second and fourth beat. Some of you are clapping on the end of one. And the third beat of a quintuplet that begins on the fourth beat of the bar. Now just get the groove going. Ain't it funky now!
Now this is the sensitive, mysterious part here. Be-bop scholars unite