The 23rd “Mondellos” lyrics
by Frank Zappa
FZ: . . . so we can capture this moment. We've been, uh, we've been recording our shows here in the Tyrone Power Theater . . . to put them in the time capsule
: Ian!
: So mystical!
: One, two, three. [...]
: Could you fix this microphone . . . One, two. Sounds very bassy
FZ: Listen. We've been on the road for 23 days. This is the last show of this particular tour and uh, as some of you might know from past legends that were spread around about the activities of our ensemble, strange things tend to happen and all the tensions of the road get released live on stage . . . LEWD! . . . Yes, this is the show, ladies and gentlemen
Howard: This microphone sucks
Mark: Hey man, is very bassy
Howard: Up, up. Oh, Ian, you're so roaring twenties!
FZ: I'd like to introduce the members of the . . . SILENCE! I'd like to introduce the members of the uh, ensemble to you at the time. Here we have Larry Mondello . . . Larry Mondello . . . Larry Mondello . . . Larry Mondello . . . Larry Mondello . . . and Larry Mondello! And I'm your host, Larry Mondello
: Yeah!
: [...] the Beaver!
: You [...] the Beaver! What is this?
FZ: Alright
: It's Larry