Bishop lyrics
by Monty Python
[Bishop of Leicester: Michael Palin]
It is the dawn of time.
This Earth we know so well is a smoldering, inhospitable wilderness. No plants grow, no creature can survive.
The hard, implacable rocks that form our mountain ridges are being crushed and folded by forces which will take millions of years to shape them. These are the forces.
This is the power that drives the hand that drinks Treadmill, the mighty lager with the world's first great taste of fish!
[Music slows to a stop]
[Bishop & (Recording Technician: Eric Idle)]
(Bishop, don't say "of fish.")
[Music rewinds]
(Don't say "of fish" at the end, it doesn't mean anything.)
Ah, I see, fine. No "of fish," right?
(Just go from "these are the forces-")
(I'll give you a green.)
(I'll give you a green light.)
Oh, um, right, thank you.
[Music resumes]
These are the forces. This is the power that drives the band that drinks-
(Hand.) [Music slows to a stop.]
Ah! Of course. Sorry. Sorry! Can't think of what came over me.
[Music rewinds]
(Well, we'll start again.)
(We'll start again, bishop. Same place.)
Oh. Right!
[Music resumes]
These are the forces. This is the power that drives the hand that drinks Treadmill, the mighty lager with the world's first great taste of fish! [Music slows to a stop] Oh, damn. Sorry, sorry!
[Bishop, (Technician) and John]
(Alright, just a moment.)
I'm terribly sorry. I remembered the hand, but forgot the...
(Yes, yes, that's alright. John, can we edit out the "of fish?")
(Good. That's fine, thank you, Bishop.)
Alright, is it? Good. Terribly sorry about the silly slip, I don't know what came over me.
[Executives: Eric Idle & (Graham Chapman), Bishop]
Who is he?
(Bishop of Leicester, I think.)
Well, why couldn't we get Bath-and-Wells?
(He's doing frozen peas for Nigel.)
Lucky bast*rd, he's so good.
(Have you seen the Bishop of Worcester? Marvelous. He did an entire Snippety Dippety gift catalogue promo in one ski!)
Really? Shh! Here she comes.
Uh, how was it? All right?
Doctrinally, a bit of a mess.
Well, all that stuff about the dawn of time, and the, the rocks developing over millions of years. You know, not quite A-1 theory with our, lot, you know?
It's only a commercial.
Yes, yes, 'course, 'course. Not criticizing. It's just, um, well, I mean, not... uh, not quite the Creation as we see it.
Well, goodbye.
Good, good, fine. And um, and the cheque will be-
With your agent on Tuesday, Bishop.
Marvelous, marvelous, thank you so much. Oh, and sorry about the "of fish"--you'll be able to remove that, will you?
Yes, we can remove that.
Oh, good. Wonderful what you can do nowadays, eh?
Yes indeed.
Well, toodlebit!