Suggested Response To The Coming Crises lyrics
by King Missile
Look. I'd be the first to admit that I don't have an ounce of common sense, but I think people should be f*cking in the streets. Assf*cking. Especially women f*cking men in the ass with dildos. What this country needs is a lot more sodomy. Because there are a lot of crises a-coming: global warming as we rape Alaska for oil, the return of coathanger abortions, downward economic spirals, nuclear terrorism, the reemergence of "Burn the motherf*cker down," "f*ck the police," "Blow it all up and let's start all over again"—it will be a dark and frightening time. And our retarded president will offer little solace or hope. If you think things cannot get any worse, you have no imagination and no sense of history
I'm not saying it's hopeless. I'm saying that these times call for desperate measures. They call for creative responses. They call for public nudity and assf*cking and cunnilingus and prayer and ritual
I'm talking about a spiritual sexual revolution, and I don't care if you're a heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, monogamous, polygamous, polymorphously perverse, fetishistic, submissive, dominant, watersports, madonna-or-whore, old, fat, ugly, handicapped, repressed, frightened, ashamed, or even a proud white American j*rkoff f*ckface who irresponsibly and thoughtlessly makes matters worse by talking stupid sh*t and voting like sh*t-for-brains: We must f*ck our way out of this. All of us. We are responsible for our recovery, for our salvation. We must f*ck our way out of this
And we must f*ck for God. We must offer our c*nts and our c*cks to Allah, to Buddha or Krishna or whomever. We must make our sexual offerings as sacraments to the earth mother, the universal spirit, the grand unifying force. And that spirit will get us through these crises
Jacking off is fine; if you don't want to f*ck anybody, f*ck yourself. Repeatedly. Reverently. And outdoors
They have to be able to see you doing it, with pride and religious conviction. And when they ask you what you are doing, you must tell them you are praying. And when they ask you why you are doing it, you must tell them: "Because I have seen the light. I have heard the voice and seen the vision, and the voice said 'Go out and f*ck and f*ck and f*ck,' and the vision said the same thing. Visually. With gestures and elaborate mudras."
And so yea, I say unto you: f*ck and f*ck and f*ck and f*ck, for politics and law have failed us, and only religion and sex, and possibly science, will save us. So go outside and f*ck for your god. f*ck to save the planet. f*ck to save us all. And f*ck and f*ck and f*ck, immediately, and often. As soon as it gets warm again