2nd Coming lyrics
by Shai Linne
Matthew 24, verse 30:
"And then, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn. Why? For they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky, with power and great glory."
Every eye will see Him, that is the scope of His coming. Every eye will see him, it is visible. Well I got news for you, when He comes in, you're going to know He's there; you're going to know He's around
[Verse 1: Flame]
Picture Christ coming back like a thief in the night came
Riding a white horse with the force of a night train
Heaven's open behold Him overthrowing your dice game
With His pure and Holy vision eyes blazing just like flames
But nothing can escape the penetration of His holy Gaze
His eyes in all places recognizing unholy ways
On His Head are many diadems, or victory crowns
Who's the victor fit to be crowned in human history now
With a name written all over Him that nobody knows
Cloaked in a robe soaked in the Blood of His foes
Symbolizing the battle won with Satan, sin and the grave
Death has no more strength, Heaven's armies arrayed
In fine linen, white and pure, following Him on them white horses
The word of God from his mouth is a sharp sword
Who can thwart, Lord, your Divine report card?
That reports the hearts of the nations have failed hard
When Jesus came the first time, He was falsely accused, He was reviled, He was rejected, He was tortured, He was treated like a criminal - He was hung up on a cross and killed. He's -coming back to clear His name. Look over at Matthew 26:
"And the high priest said to Him; "I adjure you by the living God that you tell us whether you are the
Christ, the Son of God.""
[Verse 2: Shai Linne]
In the scriptures we find facts, pictures of divine acts
Prophesied, God provides wisdom the mind lacks
At history's climax, more vivid than IMAX
The sky cracks with Jesus on some, "I'm back!"
Now, just try to visualize
The most glorious site ever to hit physical eyes
Holy angels in Christ who gets minimalized
In splendor arrives and all the dead in Him will arise
Believers who are alive become a maturated order
And caught up in the clouds like evaporated water
To be captivated by the Master's grace and aura
Before He activates the slaughter on the cats who hate the Torah
The file wilin' out and doubt and wouldn't call on Him
And now crying out for the mountains to fall on 'em
The dead come out the grave at the Holy Judge they look
They're broken up and shook while He opens up the books
All sins will be weighed, not ignored
And law breakers slayed by the sword on the day of the Lord
While we gaze and admire His greatness, liars and fakes
Who hate Messiah, expire in the fiery lake
Made for Satan and his angels sent to deceive
Multitudes who refuse to repent and believe
The elect have no hell to fear
Cause we're related to the judge like the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Listen, there is coming a time in God's providence and God's plan when He is going to once and for all finally do away with Satan and with the angels that followed Satan in His rebellion, those non-elect angels. Those demons, God will deal with them all at some point
[Verse 3: Flame]
In the scriptures we find facts, Christians in God's wrath
Two different paths that never cross the cross bought the divine pass
The wicked had a mind lapse, persistent till the time that
The cataclysmic catastrophic judgment turned the skies black
No date setting, clock watching or time seeking
Only the Father can bother with the divine secret
Not even Jesus is time peaking, but I'm speaking of His humanity, every man and then every woman
Who lives in vanity will be saying at the second coming
Set the hands of time back, please God, rewind that
The Bible says that I'm a sinner, then I confess that I'm that
But God is beyond that, weep and plead
But His fury will be like the turbulent seas
The elect will be gathered from all the four corners
Of the world, boys and girls who thoroughly tried to warn you
Of the cosmic disruption of the physical order
And the stars start falling, fire drying up the waters
But the cross was sufficient, His death was efficient
To take a wicked bigot and flip it, make Him a Christian
Teach him the Great Commission, His mission is soul fishing
Before He's revealed from Heaven with mighty angels
And flaming fire, ask the Messiah to change you
Eternal Hell fire ain't worth sinning
It's time to search your heart like the google search engine
When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Salvation is obeying the Gospel, refusing to obey the Gospel results in judgment. Obey the Gospel and these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power. When He comes to be glorified in His saints on that day and to be marveled at among all those who have believed - for our testimony to You was to believe. So He's going to come and He is going to judge the ungodly. And the Bible says, those of us who are saved; we are going to marvel; this is going to be an amazing thing
(He could be coming back tonight!)