It’s Obvious lyrics
by Shai Linne
[Introduction: R. C. Sproul]
Everybody out there, despite their claims to the contrary, knows perfectly well that God exists
[Verse 1]
It's craziness we're obsessed with hysteria
Atheist patriots say God bless America
It occurred to me we praise awful lusts
And currency that says In God We Trust
It's ludicrous you lunatics are consumed in this
And confused by the news and computer chips
God's exuberance allows you to exist
But you insist we're produced from a huge abyss?
You all are bluffing, think we evolved from nothing?
Hopefully this psalm will stall your fussing
This universe was spoken into existence (Gen. 1: 1, Psalm 33: 6, 148: 5)
But man rebelled and he's broken in his resistance (Gen. 3: 6, Psalm 14: 1-3)
You try and defy the divine Maker?
If you deny God how do you define nature? (Romans 1: 20)
He is Lord and He provided proof (Romans 1: 19)
But you liars tried to hide the truth (Romans 1: 21-25)
God created man -- man created evolution
This was man's attempt to explain his fusion
But isn't that like man creating robots
Then robots make up their own creation conclusion?
It's obvious that God exists (Romans 1: 18-20)
But the problem is man's forgotten this (Psalm 14: 1)
Humble yourself (James 4: 10)
Or you'll crumble and melt
All man is wicked but he can't admit it
It's obvious that God exists
The problem is man's forgotten this
Humble yourself
Or you'll crumble and melt
God is inexhaustible
All things are possible (Matt. 19: 26)
[Verse 2]
You had the nerve to say His name in vain
You cats deserve to bathe in raging flames (Deut. 5: 11)
Praise His fame but you abuse His title
Pagans plainly misuse the Bible
Go ask a stranger if they can grasp the danger
Of not fearing God's wrath and anger (Psalm 90: 11)
Yeah you got a free will but it seeks thrill (Rom. 3: 11, 2 Tim. 2: 26)
We're worse than the days of Noah when the sea spilled (Gen. 6: 5-13)
So this wretched earth deserves to be flooded (Gen 9: 11)
Murdered and cursed cause I'm sure He's disgusted
He's a Sovereign God (Daniel 4: 34-35)
His Word's His monologue (2 Timothy 3: 16a)
Without Christ we're slaves to sin like Amistad (John 8: 34, 36)
You stay up late for the sun to rise
Meanwhile God sent His Son to rise (John 10: 17-18)
False religions create a new thesis (Proverbs 16: 25)
But you can only reach God through Jesus (John 14: 6)
It's obvious that God exists (Romans 1: 18-20)
The problem is man's forgotten this (Psalm 14: 1)
Humble yourself (James 4: 10)
Or you'll crumble and melt
Man is wicked but he can't admit it
It's obvious that God exists
The problem is man's forgotten this
Humble yourself
Or you'll crumble and melt
God is inexhaustible
All things are possible (Matt. 19: 26)
[Verse 3]
Humans are genetically embedded in sin (Rom. 5: 12, 18)
The Lord keeps knocking but who's letting Him in? (John 6: 44)
You trust the wisdom of science and masters of physics (1 Cor. 1: 20)
These scientists better ask for forgiveness (Isaiah 29: 14)
For one to say that man corrupted the Bible
Means that God couldn't use man to write it
Then You might as well just go trust in an idol
Cause God got a plan and His huge fam's invited (Romans 8: 30)
His grace is available, you just have to believe (John 3: 16)
Your faith can save your soul, just ask and receive (Eph. 2: 8)
I'll be the first to admit, I'm a disgraceful sinner (Eph. 3: 8)
But I'm justified through faith, that makes me a winner (Romans 5: 1)
His grace is a gift (Eph. 2: 8) and some won't get to receive it (Romans 9: 15-18)
Yo Satan is dissed, he's already defeated (Colossians 2: 15, 1 John 3: 8b)
So he's trying to take you down with him (1 Peter 5: 8)
But you worship evil and you bow to sin (2 Peter 2: 13-15)
What is your life you brittle child?
It's just a vapor that appears for a little while (James 4: 14)
You disobey and praise your passions and wealth (Romans, 1: 21-27, Philippians 3: 19)
You're just storing up God's wrath for yourself (Romans 2: 5)
It's obvious that God exists (Romans 1: 18-20)
The problem is man's forgotten this (Psalm 14: 1)
Humble yourself (James 4: 10)
Or you'll crumble and melt
All man is wicked but he can't admit it
It's obvious that God exists
It's preposterous man's forgotten this
Humble yourself
Or you'll crumble and melt
God is inexhaustible
All things are possible (Matt. 19: 26)
He created light (Gen. 1: 3), He turns the day to night
He gracefully made all amazing sights (John 1: 3)
He'll make you right if you embrace in Christ (Acts 13: 38-39)
Say it twice His grace can save your life (Eph. 2: 8)
He created light, He turns the day to night
He gracefully made all amazing sights
He'll make you right if you embrace in Christ
Say it twice His grace can save your life
It's obvious that God exists
But it's preposterous that man's forgotten this