Risen lyrics
by Shai Linne
[Chorus: shai linne]
If you were to go today, where they rolled the stone away
The only thing that you could say (It's Empty!)
Yeshua's risen from the dead, exalted as the Church's Head
That's why all God's people said (It's Empty!)
[Verse 1]
Everbody's afraid to go to where the body was laid
Three days, by now His body's probably decayed
There's a stone boulder heavily gaurded by Roman soldiers
Given orders to kill anybody who rolls it over
The women got together despite all the tension
Went right to the entrance with spices and incense
Soon as they arrived, to their surprise
The rock that blocked the spot was moved to the side
As the women went in they saw nothing but linen
And two men who were sitting who asked them the question
"Why among the dead are you seeking the living?
Tell the disciples Jesus is risen"
Shocked from the news that the women had told him
Peter ran into the tomb and saw the linen was folded
He was really disturbed, then he remembered his words
He'd be dead two days but he'd live on the third
Seen by over 500 witnesses
Like the disciples on the Sea of Tiberias
On the road when He spoke to Cleopas
When He broke the bread and ate the piece of fish
Jesus is the victor, he prevailed on the day
He took the keys of death hell and the grave
Added to His keychain, humanity won't be the same
Many people think it strange
Because they arent really feeling it, unbelievers are furious
Simply because the carnal mind can't understand
Crucifixion was serious yet he rose up victorious
He is indeed the ressurected Son of Man
Many centuries have passed, now supposedly His casket's dug
But still can't figure out who Kennedy's assassin was
Try to come with something better, maybe we can chat
Yeshua rose. Case closed. He defeated death, it's like that
[Chorus: shai linne]
If you were to go today, where they rolled the stone away
The only thing that you could say (It's Empty!)
Yeshua's risen from the dead, exalted as the Church's Head
That's why all God's people said (It's Empty!)
[Verse 2]
The empty tomb, there's your proof
And you would have to be a fool to assume He's there
The disciples declared it as truth
And even the Pharisees admitted that, the tomb, it was bare
Skeptics attack as arrogant and critical as they want
(The fact) That He rose on the 3rd day
But check it, the facts and evidence, it's pitiful how they front, it's whack
Never mind what these "herbs" say
The arguement that has to be the most whacked out
Is a contention that's known as the "swoon theory"
It says that He didn't die, but he passed out
On the cross and woke up in a tomb nearly
Three days in critical condition, unwrapped the linen all on His own
In serious need of medical attention and still had strength to roll away the stone?
With His hands and feet crushed and scared
This single man bumrushed the gaurds?
This argument is corrupt and hard
To believe, the swoon theory is such a fraud
Efforts to defame the Bible are so shoddy
Others say the disciples stole the body
Then spread the lie that He rose up regardless
Instead of denying, they chose to be martyred
Hard to believe they were that foolish to die, for what they knew was a lie
As for me, the Word of GOD I believe, that it's true, He's alive
The King of the Jews did rise
If He really ressurected, what He said was right
When said "I'm the way, the truth and the life"
The fact is that He simply rose (from the grave)
Now how's that for Davinci Code? (Give Him praise)
[Chorus: shai linne]
If you were to go today, where they rolled the stone away
The only thing that you could say (It's Empty!)
Yeshua's risen from the dead, exalted as the Church's Head
That's why all God's people said (It's Empty!)