Catechism Interlude 2 lyrics
by Shai Linne
[shai linne]
Is there more than one God?
[Jesus kid]
No, there is only one God
[shai linne]
In how many Persons does this one God exist?
[Jesus kid]
Three Persons
[shai linne]
Who are the three Persons?
[Jesus kid]
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
[shai linne]
Where is God?
[Jesus kid]
God is everywhere
[shai linne]
Can you see God?
[Jesus kid]
No, I cannot see God, but He always sees me
[shai linne]
Who are our first parents?
[Jesus kid]
Adam and Eve
[shai linne]
What did Adam and Eve do?
[Jesus kid]
They sinned against God
[shai linne]
What is sin?
[Jesus kid]
Sin is disobeying God
[shai linne]
Why did God send Jesus into the world?
[Jesus kid]
To save His people from their sins
[shai linne]
What did Jesus do to save His people from their sins?
[Jesus kid]
He died on the cross and He rose from the grave