Catechism Interlude 3 lyrics
by Shai Linne
[shai linne]
What did Jesus do after He rose from the grave?
[Jesus kid]
He ascended into Heaven
[shai linne]
Where is Jesus now?
[Jesus kid]
He is seated at His Father's right hand
[shai linne]
And what's Jesus gonna do at the end of the age?
[Jesus kid]
He's going to come back and judge the world
[shai linne]
What must a person do to be saved?
[Jesus kid]
Believe in the gospel
[shai linne]
What is the gospel?
[Jesus kid]
The good news of Jesus' death and resurrection
[shai linne]
And how is a person saved?
[Jesus kid]
By God's grace alone
[shai linne]
And what is grace?
[Jesus kid]
God's kindness to the undeserving