Farm Talk (A Modern Parable) lyrics
by Shai Linne
[Verse 1]
Once upon a time in a land full of charm
There lived a great Man and this Man owned a farm
We'll call Him Farmer, He did no one any harm
Built the entire farm with the strength of His arm
One day, something happened that was cause for alarm
It started with the conversation held inside the barn
Between a horse, a hog, a chicken, and a frog
Late at night, away from the thickness of the fog
It wasn't the first meeting, they met many times before
Inclined to pour into each other behind the door
Which was a portal for moral lessons, important questions
The normal expression of this would be formal addresses
Where each was unleashed to give a speech to teach
Or even preach in order to impeach or beseech
The first to speak on this particular evening was the hog
He began by acknowledging the horse, chicken, and frog
[Verse 2: Mr. Hog]
To my distinguished guests, thanks for lending me your ears
To me, it's clear you've been dear peers for many years
I've been wanting to speak for a minute, but I have been limited by my fears
Here's the gist: everything is not as it appears
My dear Mr. Horse, Ms. Chicken, Mr. Frog
I know that when you look at me, what you see is a hog
But since I can remember, I've never felt like a hog
In the deepest part of me, I've always known I was a dog
For instance, when I'm happy, I love wagging my tail
And I never like the slop Farmer smashed into my pail
I prefer dog biscuits, I sneak them after dark
While my friends prefer to oink, I just have to bark
Long story short, I have a few things to announce
As much as I love the barn, my proper dwelling is the House
In order for me to get there, I have to make some changes
The very first thing is adjusting what my weight is
I'll stop eating slop and as an overachiever
I'll shrink down to the size of a golden retriever
I know I can be the best friend that's lacking for the daughter
Instead of just settling, being fat and for the slaughter
I'll have a chat with Farmer, surely He will make time
By the way, I'm - from here on out - to be called K9
This concludes my speech then, no place for being subtle
I welcome all agreement, but please save your rebuttals
[Verse 3]
Having made a passionate plea for his cause
The hog stepped down to near unanimous applause
After this, the chicken made her way to the podium
She said
[Verse 4: Ms. Chicken]
I'm honored to participate in this symposium
I know I am not alone when I say I'm moved with delight
What a great time for K9 to speak his truth tonight
I support him wholeheartedly from the deepest soul's part of me
And I will go hard indeed to help old Farmer see
That K9 should absolutely have the House as his home
That being said, I have an announcement of my own
It's slightly different, but it's still kind of like my friend
At the time that I hatched, I was assigned to be a hen
And hens are always female, 'cause we provide the eggs
Don't sleep on this detail, we're treated like the dregs
Through troughs, we are fed, we're costed and bred
They take all of our eggs and it's off with our heads
A pitiful existence, it is so consistent
With Farmer's literal malignance, this is my resistance
You were in my corner when I was born a hen
Now I declare myself a male chicken, 'cause I've been born again
I'll have a chat with Farmer, surely He will make time
And see my great mind when I confront Him along with K9
The righteous resistors will surely be the victors
And I'm no longer your sister, friends, you can call me Mister
[Verse 5]
Having made a passionate plea for her cause
The chicken stepped down to near unanimous applause
After this, it was the horse who approached the stage
He said
[Verse 6: Mr. Horse]
I've seen a lot of things in my older age
I'll keep my comments very brief, so I don't have to bore you
Bottom line - K9, Mr. Chicken, I'm happy for you
Our lives are so very short on this farm today
Whatever makes you happy, I support you all the way
Plus, who does Farmer think He is trying to place limitations
On you when you have the power of self-determination?
It's you and you alone who will define your purpose
If He wants thoughtless animals, He can find the circus
I'll use the rest of my time just to say that I'm appalled
At Mr. Frog, the only one who did not applaud
If you do not affirm these animals, then shame on you
Make plain your view, 'cause you got some explaining to do
[Verse 7]
With the horse having called out the frog's nonchalance
All eyes were on the frog, waiting for a prompt response
From his soon-to-be former friends, he felt mad scorned
Once his words had formed, he stepped up to the platform
He said
[Verse 8: Mr. Frog]
Listen, guys, I'm not here to cause any trouble
Besides, Mr. Hog, I mean K9, said no rebuttals
I didn't seem enthused, you perceive me to be aloof
But what kind of friend would I be if I didn't speak to you the truth?
Honestly, I have a different view, I must confess
But my disagreement doesn't mean I love you any less
It seems to me that you're confused concerning what is real
And that reality to you is determined by what you feel
That logic is mistaken, though, let's just take it slow
Just because you feel that something's true, it doesn't make it so
Like Mr. K9, let's say you feel you can fly
If you jumped off a cliff in your zeal, you would die
Mr. Chicken, you might feel you belong down in the ocean
But if you dove in, you would drown in your devotion
No matter how much you try to quack, you'll never be a duck
He oinks, he neighs, I ribbit, you cluck
As far as going to the House, I love you enough to warn you
Unless you want some karma, do not confront the Farmer
'Cause whatever you endeavor to propose by imitation
Farmer has the power to expose your limitation
[Verse 9]
When the frog was finished speaking, the horse was so enraged
That he lifted up his hind hooves and kicked him off the stage
He flew so far away that they never saw him again
The group was all ashamed that they ever called him a friend
His vivid intolerance on exhibit made them livid
They never thought that with his ribit, he could be a bigot
With the frog out of the way, time for the plot to commence
Catastrophic events forthcoming with lots of suspense
They'll hop the fence with the mob of friends, if He's not convinced
They'll knock some sense into the Farmer and stop His defense
If Farmer met their demands, they wouldn't have to pounce
Just set Mr. Chicken free, let K9 in the House
They waited a couple months for K9 to drop the weight
Found many other animals willing to cooperate
At the appointed time, all were gathered in the barn
With K9 as the leader of the Animal Farm
He gave a rousing speech and when it was dark and late
He led them through the gate up to the Farmer's estate
When they got to the door, the horse gave a knock
The door flung wide open and K9 was in shock
It was the Farmer's child, His Son meek and mild
The rage against the Farmer made the animals go wild
Without hesitation, exerted all their power
Attacked the poor Child and He was murdered and devoured
[Viewer and shai]
Oh, man, shai, you can't end it like that, man
Why not?
That's crazy, that's a horrible ending
What you want, a Hollywood ending?
Ah, c'mon, you gotta do something else, man
Are you serious?
Can you end it another way, please?
A'ight, a'ight, check this out
[Verse 10]
At the appointed time, all were gathered in the barn
With K9 as the leader of the Animal Farm
He gave a rousing speech and when it was dark and late
He led them through the gate up to the Farmer's estate
When they got to the door, the horse gave a knock
The door flung wide open and K9 was in shock
The Farmer had His gun, animals start to run
K9 and Mr. Chicken shot down, one by one
The very next morning, after the Man awakened
The Farmer had chicken, waffles, eggs, ham, and bacon
[Viewer and shai]
You happy?
I mean, I guess that's a little better
It's still kind of dark, man
Yeah, it is
I don't, I don't understand, like... like, how does this all tie together?
Well, actually, they're-they're both kinda true
Let me explain how