Acrostic of Salvation (H to R) lyrics
by Timothy Brindle
[Verse 1]
HOLY SPIRIT - He's the third Person of the Godhead
He's God's resurrection power, so Christ is not dead
He takes Christ's salvation and brings it to us
When Jesus comes back, He'll make us spring from the dust
INTERCESSION - Jesus lives now to pray for His people
Saying, "Father, forgive them for their ways that are evil!"
The Father's pleased as Christ intercedes on our behalf
Our High Priest died and was raised to appease all His wrath
JUSTIFICATION is a free gift that is priceless
By faith in Christ, the Judge declares that we're righteous
God crushed His Son for our sins to redeem us
He sees us like we lived the perfect life of Jesus!
KNOWLEDGE in the Bible's knowing God and loving Him
But Adam lost the knowledge of God by loving sin
We can't get it back now as students in college
But Christ gives it to us, renews us in knowledge
Yeah, this is Acrostic of Salvation
For the cross to be our offspring's foundation
Jesus is the topic of our conversation
As we teach them, we believe His promise to save them
C'mon, this is Acrostic of Salvation
For the cross to be our offspring's foundation
Jesus is the topic of our conversation
We're teaching them Jesus and we pray that He saves them
[Verse 2]
LIFE was promised to Adam if he perfectly obeyed
But God threatened him with death as the curse if he strayed
Adam would have lived forever if he'd obeyed the Lord
But he sinned - now separated by the flaming sword
Christ came to earn the reward of eternal life
He lived perfectly, then died to take the curse and strife
He underwent the flaming sword, then raised from the dead
Now we live forever by faith in the Savior who bled
MEANS OF GRACE - these are the things that God uses
To build up His church - Acts 2:42 proves this
Like prayer, fellowship, and the preaching of the Word
And the sacraments help us to see what we have heard
NEW CREATION - the life of Heaven has begun
For those united to God's resurrected Son
Though not yet in Heaven with a resurrected body
Born again with new hearts, now we don't want to be naughty
Yeah, this is Acrostic of Salvation
For the cross to be our offspring's foundation
Jesus is the topic of our conversation
As we teach them, we believe His promise to save them
C'mon, this is Acrostic of Salvation
For the cross to be our offspring's foundation
Jesus is the topic of our conversation
We're teaching them Jesus and we pray that He saves them
[Verse 3]
OLD MAN - we're guilty slaves to sin in Adam
Every single boy or girl, sir or madam
But if you pray, "Lord Jesus, please rescue me!"
Then Christ, who is the New Man, will set you free!
PROPITIATION - Christ satisfied the wrath of God
Which is what our sin deserves - we should be smashed by His rod
And thrown in the lake of fire - Jesus took the plunge
When He died on the cross, He soaked up wrath like a sponge
QUIETNESS is what the Spirit of God imparts
So instead of worry and fear, He calms our hearts
When we trust our Heavenly Father's in control
Then the peace of God will quiet and guard our soul
RESURRECTION - Jesus Christ was raised from the dead
We too are raised up with Him, our Savior and Head (Yeah)
In Him, we're rescued from the kingdom of darkness
Jesus was raised as the firstfruits of the harvest
First, we're raised with Christ in regeneration
It's being born again - a heart renovation
When Christ returns, He'll raise our bodies that are lifeless
Raised from our graves at the resurrection of the righteous!
Yeah, this is Acrostic of Salvation
For the cross to be our offspring's foundation
Jesus is the topic of our conversation
As we teach them, we believe His promise to save them
C'mon, this is Acrostic of Salvation
For the cross to be our offspring's foundation
Jesus is the topic of our conversation
We're teaching them Jesus and we pray that He saves them