Chapter 18: Maleficent the Witch lyrics
by Aladdin
Sora: Riku? Nice going. Oh, well. At least he's okay. And who knows?
Maybe we'll run into Kairi soon, too.
Sora's group proceeds to the Small House.
Cid: You guys ever hear of Maleficent? I hear she's in town.
Sora: Who is she?
Cid: A witch, man, she's a witch!
Leon: She's the reason this town is full of Heartless. Don't take her
Aerith: She's been using the Heartless for years.
Leon: We lost our world, thanks to her.
Cid: One day, a swarm of Heartless took over our world!
Leon: That was nine years ago.
Cid: I got out of that mess and came here with these guys.
Donald: That's awful!
Leon: Our ruler was a wise man named Ansem. He dedicated his like to
studying the Heartless.
Cid: His report should tell us how to get rid of the Heartless.
Sora: Where's this report?
Leon: We don't know. It got scattered when our world was destroyed.
Cid: I'm sure Maleficent's got most of the pages.
Meanwhile, outside of the Small House, Maleficent is standing with Riku.
Maleficent: You see? It's just as I told you. While you toiled away
trying to find your dear friend, he quite simply replaced you with some
new companions. Evidently, now he values them for more than he does you.
You're better off without that wretched boy. Now, think no more of him,
and come with me. I'll help you find what you're searching for...
The screen switches to the inside of the Small House.
Cid: So, you delivered that book? That navigation gummi's installed and
ready to go. You find another one, you bring it to me. I threw in a warp
gummi for the heck of it.
Cid gave Sora a Warp-G.
Cid: Now you can jump to worlds you've been to before. Well, better get
back to my real job. What's my real job? You'll see. See me at the First
Aerith: I've been thinking about the bell in the Second District.
Sora: That one that rang a big ago?
Yuffie: The one above the gizmo shop. There's a legend about it, you
Aerith: But it's all boarded up. Nobody can get in there.
Cid: Heck, go check it out. Ring it three times to see if anything
Sora's group proceeds to the Second District and they destroyed the
boards that blocked the way to the bell. Sora's group rang the bell
three times. Then a keyhole appeared near the courtyard. Near the
courtyard, Sora's group encounters Guard Armor. After the fight against
Guard Armor, the Guard Armor transformed into Opposite Armor. Sora's
group fights Opposite Armor. After defeating Opposite Armor, the heart
came out of it and the Opposite Armor disappeared. Sora attained the
power of wind. Then, Sora locked the keyhole with the beam from his
Keyblade. Sora's group also received Navi-G Piece. Sora then shops for
Gummi equipment for their Gummi Ship.
Then after that, Sora's group went
inside the Accessory Shop. Inside, they saw a wooden boy.
Jiminy: Well, well, as I live and breathe! If it isn't Pinocchio!
Pinocchio: Oh. Hi, Jiminy.
Jiminy: What in the world are you doing down here?
Pinocchio: Um... Playing hide-and-seek.
Jiminy: I just don't believe it. And here I was, up all night, just
worried sick about you. Why of all the-Pinocchio!
Pinocchio's nose grew longer.
Jiminy: Pinocchio! Are you telling me the truth?
Pinocchio: Yes!
Jiminy: Then tell me, what is this?
Pinocchio: It was a present.
Jiminy: No fibbing, now! You know you're not supposed to tell lies. A
lie only grows and grows, 'til you get caught! Plain as the nose on your
Pinocchio: But if you want something, why wait? Why not just take it?
Jiminy: Oh, my! Who told you that? You need some advice from your
Pinocchio: That's right! You're my conscience, Jiminy! I'll never tell
lies as long as you're around.
Pinocchio's nose return to normal.
Jiminy: You need to be good so you can become a real boy. You promised
Geppetto you would be, right?
Pinocchio: Oh! Do you know where Father is?
Jiminy: He's not with you?
Pinocchio: Jiminy, let's go find Father!
Jiminy: Now, hold on! There are all sorts of dangers and temptations out
there! I'll go find Geppetto, so you just wait here. These fellows here
will be helping me.
Sora: We will?
Jiminy: Well, shall we go, Sora?
Sora: You could've asked us first...