1x05—The Rhodes Not Taken, Glee lyrics
[SCENE 1 : Repetition Hall's - Will and the Cast Ringtone - Will hanging a poster to recruit in the Glee Club. Finn and Quinn followed in chorus by the Cast- Song : Don't Stop Belivin' In the repetition hall's, Will rehearsed the cast with couple lighthouse Quinn and Finn. Suddenly, Quinn nausea and leaves.]
WILL: Quinn, you OK?
[Quinn ran out.]
FINN: I think she just had a bad breakfast burrito.
KURT: Can we please talk about the giant elephant in the room?
SANTANA: Your sexuality?
KURT: Rachel. We can't do it without her.
WILL: That's not true. We may have to layer Santana Mercedes over Quinn's solo, but...we'll be fine.
ARTIE: Maybe for the invitationals, but not for the sectionals and certainly not the regionals.
PUCK: The wheelchair kid's right. That Rachel chick wants me wanna light myself on fire, but she can sing.
WILL: Rachel left, guys. She's gone. If we want to make this thing work, we can't look back. Alright, take five minutes.
[Will goes to the piano while the Glee Club gathers. Finn, he goes to Will.]
FINN: Mr Shue? I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but with all the dancing around that Quinn's doing, I'm kind of worried about the baby.
WILL: Yeah. Yeah, I get it. Um... how about I give Tina a few of her verses, okay?
FINN: Okay.
WILL: You think you might want to tell your mom about what's going on?
FINN: I think I'd rather handle it myself right now. My mom's got enough to worry about.
[Will is helpless in the situation. SCENE 2 : Restaurant - Will, Terri and the server Will and Terri moved to a table, while Terri swallows tons of cakes.]
WILL: How come you haven't had any morning sickness? Quinn Fabray has been upchucking every 15 minutes.
TERRI: Really? That's a really good sign. That means the baby's not a Mongoloid.
WILL: Well, is it bad that you haven't been sick then?
TERRI: Oh, no, honey, no, no. You should ask Howard Bamboo about my Linda Blair impersonations every half hour at work.
[Terri smiled at Will worried.]
WILL: I don't know what I'm gonna do about this whole Rachel thing.
[Server approaches.]
SERVER: Hey. Would you like anything else?
TERRI: Another piece of grasshopper pie.
SERVER: What, are you going for the record?
TERRI: I'm with child.
[The server notes the command, embarrassed.]
WILL: Hey, did you go to McKinley High? I think I had you in my Spanish class.
SERVER: Yeah, like, five years ago. I go to Carmel now.
WILL: How is that possible? You must be 22.
SERVER: (Laughs) ... Twenty-four. I'm a sixth-year senior. They keep failing me so I can stay in Vocal Adrenaline.
WILL: They fail you on purpose?
WILL: Is that legal?
SERVER: I'm the only one who can do the triple flip.
TERRI: Yeah. Hey, how about that other piece of pie?
SERVER: How about it.
[The server goes and gets the order, leaving Will shocked. Will hesitantly takes a piece of cake from Terri's plate.]
TERRI: Honey, are you all right?
WILL: ... Yeah. Fine.
[Will smiles. SCENE 3 : Emma office's - Finn, Emma and Will Finn sat facing Emma, tense.]
FINN: So... have I done something wrong... or...?
EMMA : Oh, no. No, no. Absolutely not. No, um, actually, I've just, um, taken a special interest in you. Look, I know sometimes that life can come at you pretty fast, and, uh, you reach a point where you might just need a little, um, special guidance.
FINN: Has someone told you something about my personal life?
EMMA: No. Mm-mm.
[Flash Back: Moments earlier, Will is in n the office talking to Emma.
WILL: Can you keep a secret?
Back to reality]
EMMA: But, you know, there are very few students that ever get athletic scholarships. Okay? But there are a lot of schools that give full rides to students who excel in music. Students like yourself. And I don't know, maybe if you were able to go to college, you wouldn't, say, end up stuck in this town in a dead-end job living hand- to-mouth with a wife and a kid you never intended to have, you know? For example. That's just something off the top of my head.
FINN: So you think if I stuck with Glee that I could get a scholarship?
EMMA: It's definitely a possibility. You know? And if you did well at regionals, maybe you could, um, generate some interest.
FINN: But we lost Rachel. Do you think we can do it without her?
EMMA: Sure.
[Flash Back: Moments before, Emma and Will are talking in the corridors.
WILL: Do you think we can win regionals without Rachel?
EMMA: Well, remember the Jamaican bobsled team? Big long shots.
Back to reality. Emma's smiling, though Finn looks worried]
EMMA: ... Definitely. But if you're concerned about your future and, um, those who may be a part of your future soon, um, maybe you could just give Rachel a talk. You know, see if you can get her to come back.
[Finn nods while the school bell rang. SCENE 4 : Repetition Hall's - Jacob, Rachel, Sandy and Finn. Rachel is interviewed by Jacob for the Gazette's high school at the microphone.]
JACOB: How does it feel to be just a sophomore and get the lead in the school musical?
RACHEL: It's an honor. Frankly, one I feel I've earned. If there's anything I've learned in my 16 years on the stage, it's that stars are rare, and when they're found, you have to let them shine. Jacob stop recording.
JACOB: ... Mm. Show me your bra.
RACHEL: You mean the one I'm wearing?
JACOB: Quid pro quo, Rachel. If you want a good review, show me your over the shoulder boulder holder.
RACHEL: No way. You can't do that. My performance will stand on its own. Besides, no one reads the school paper, anyway.
JACOB: Oh, but I'll post my scathing review online. You'll be finished on the high school stage. Now, get those sweater puppies out of their cashmere cage.
[At this time, Sandy enters the room running.]
SANDY: Sorry I'm late. My Vespa had a flat. Give me a minute and I will be ready for my interview.
JACOB: We're actually not gonna need any quotes from you for the article, Mr Ryerson. Do the right thing. All the great actresses take their clothes off.
SANDY: Well, I have no problem with nudity. Let me tell you about my planned production of Eqqus? Have you ever hung out at a stable?
[Sandy walks out with Sandy as Rachel sits down. Finn enters the room and sees Rachel.]
FINN: Hey, what are you doing?
RACHEL: Nothing. Uh, just... getting the star treatment I didn't get in Glee.
FINN: Totally.
RACHEL: It's times like this where I know I've chosen the right path. I'm never going back to Glee. It's clear my talent is too big for an ensemble.
FINN: Not gonna get an argument from me.
RACHEL: I'm not?
FINN: No. You're, like, the most talented person I know. Even more than that guy at the mall who can juggle chain saws. I just wanted to let you know that if you need someone to run lines with, I'm available.
RACHEL: Th ....There is a lot of dialogue.
FINN: I figured... we could go somewhere quiet, maybe with low lighting and... Let me know.
[Finn goes off leaving Rachel with a smile. SCENE 5 : Will office's - Will and Emma Emma sits opposite to Will with a folder in his hand.]
EMMA: I could get fired for this.
WILL: She was a student 15 years ago. No one is gonna care.
EMMA: Okay.
[Will reluctantly gives Emma the folder. Then, Will, impatient, browses the folder with a smile.]
WILL: I....I knew it. She never graduated. She....she quit with, like, three credits to go.
EMMA: Will. Yeah, I, um, I saw her picture in the folder. Pretty.
WILL: Pretty? Mm. April Rhodes was a goddess. The most talented performer in McKinley Glee Club history. When she sang, it was mesmerizing. She was my first crush. I was a freshman...
EMMA: Wait...
WILL : ... she was a senior.
EMMA: Wait, hold on, 'cause I thought you said your wife was your first crush.
WILL: Well, yeah, that's because April didn't even look at me. Aw, crap, there's no forwarding address.
EMMA: S....So then you've....you've had feelings for someone other than your wife.
WILL: Emma, I'd love to play This Is Your Life, but... (Typing on his computer.) Lord Google demands my attention.
[Emma rises from her chair.]
EMMA: Okay, just wait....wait. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Um, reaching back into your past is a dangerous business, okay? People can change. They can, um, disappoint you...
WILL: I think I can handle it.
EMMA: I thought I could, too. Just hear me out, hear me out. A few years ago, I started an online flirtation with a high school flame Andy. Things got weird, and I called it off. And two months later... ...Versace was dead. Dead.
WILL: Okay.... April Rhodes... Ohio. Oh! She has a MySpace page.
EMMA: Oh, God.
[Emma places behind Will.]
WILL: Oh, and here's a link to her own personal Web site. She's online.
WILL: (typing a mesage) "Hi, April. Not sure if you remember me, but my name is Will Schuester."
EMMA: 35 Bontempo Road, between 2:00 and 3:00.
WILL: Oh! Oh!
EMMA: Bring buffalo wings.
[SCENE 6 : April House's- Will, April and the agent Will be guarantor outside her home. Then he goes to his door and rings. It opens the door.]
WILL: April.
APRIL: Hello. Are you Will?
WILL: Y...You remember me?
APRIL: Mm. No, but I don't remember breakfast.
[Will and April, drunk, laugh.]
APRIL: Come on in.
[Will enters a huge house.]
APRIL: So, did I sleep with you?
WILL: Uh, I was a freshman when you were a senior.
APRIL: So, did I sleep with you?
APRIL: Can I get you a drink? I just cracked open a fresh box of wine.
[Will, surprised, follows her.]
WILL: This is a-a great place you have. Uh, looks like you're doing well for yourself.
APRIL: I get about five or six appointments on a good day from my World Wide Web page, so I do okay for myself.
[April returns with two glasses of wine and a smile.]
APRIL: Why don't you have a seat, take off that jacket, and I'm gonna slip into something a little more comfortable.
[Three people entered the house.]
WILL: Mm! ...
AGENT: So, this is a beautiful five-bedroom
[The agent and the couple were surprised to find people in the house.]
AGENT: ....with wood-burning fireplace and.... You. This is the third time this week.
WILL: Who are you?
AGENT: I'm Sandra with Oakcrest Realty. And she is a squatter. This is a bank- owned property. The owners foreclosed six months ago.
APRIL: Let me just get my vino, and I'll be out of your hair. Hold that.
WILL: Okay.
[April goes away.]
WILL: (Smiling) .... Just... Nice place.
[Moments later, Will and April out on the sidewalk. April sips her drink.]
WILL: Can I ask you a question?
APRIL: Yeah.
WILL: What happened to you, April? In high school, you were really going places. You had a voice like a dream; everyone loved you.
APRIL: Oh. Oh, I hitched my star to the wrong wagon. Me and my high school sweetheart Vinny were convinced we were going to be stars, so we dropped out of school and hitchhiked our way to the Broadway.
[Will laughs.]
APRIL: Then we ended up in Cleveland slinging hash at Ralph's Bait Shop and Waffle House. Then Ralph had an affair with Vinny. I had a set of mixed-race twins. And those were the good times. .... (Chuckles)... (Sighs)...
WILL: April... I think your struggle is really moving. And I want to help you get back on your feet. I happen to know that you're only three credits shy of your diploma. I can put you in my Spanish class. And... I know you're an amazing singer. I want you to be in the glee club. We'll get you sobered up... find you some underwear. It's not too late for you, April. What do you say?
[April, happy, spills his drink. SCENE 7 : Repetition Hall's - Will, April and the Cast Will facing the Glee Club with her friend, April.]
WILL: Guys, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special. This is April Rhodes. She's our newest member.
[April is very enthusiastic.]
FINN: Wait, so old people can join Glee Club now?
APRIL: Old, huh? You guys look like the world's worst Benetton ad.
WILL: Mm. Mm....
ARTIE: (Raising hand) Mr Schuester, this seems like a terrible idea.
WILL: April is a great singer. And she never graduated.
MERCEDES: We appreciate what you're trying to do, but she's no Rachel.
APRIL: Who's Rachel?
TINA: Sh....She's kind of our star.
APRIL: Your star, eh? Well, where is she?
KURT: She left to be the lead in Cabaret.
APRIL: Hey, Tinkles, give me "Maybe This Time" in B flat. And don't let me catch you snoozing.
[April and Rachel - Song : Maybe This Time April, pointing to what she can do Cast. While Rachel, meanwhile, repeated his musical. At the end of the song, while the Glee Club was so impressed that Kurt was in tears.]
APRIL: Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.
[SCENE 8 : Classroom - Will and April Will, in full Spanish course, questioning students on the court.]
WILL: So, if I were to say, "I'm going to Mexico for the day," would I use "por" or "para"?
[April raised her hand.]
APRIL: Mm...
WILL: April.
APRIL: Para.
WILL: Por.
APRIL: Oh. I guess I better pour myself another Crantini.
APRIL: I'm just kidding. It's hot chocolate.
WILL: All right, remember, guys, oral reports Wednesday. April, can I talk to you for a second?
[Students leave out Will and April alone.]
APRIL: I'm sorry, Will. The old noodle just ain't what she used to be. I huffed a lot of upholstery cleaner in the '90s.
WILL: Look, April, I've been, uh, talking to the glee kids, and, um, I think they're still not so sure about having you around. You draw a lot of attention to yourself. And they're embarrassed enough as it is. So do you think you could maybe take some time and try to win them over?
[April smiles. SCENE 9 : Repetition Hall's - April and Kurt April drinking Kurt.]
APRIL: Yeah.
KURT: Mm, smells like my Aunt Mildred.
APRIL: Just drink it.
KURT: Sweet. With a bit of an afterburny taste.
APRIL: Oh, good Chablis should always have a little bite. Now, a few swigs of that every day before school, and you'll have all the courage you need to be yourself.
[April pinches her cheeks.]
KURT: Really?
APRIL: Oh, yeah.
KURT: That's fantastic.
APRIL: Mm, so is my primo collection of vintage muscle magazines. Want them?
[April hands him the books he took with love. SCENE 10 : Corridor - Kurt and Will Ring - Kurt, with these magazines, speaks with Kurt.]
KURT: Mr Schuester, I changed my mind. April should stay. I worship her.
[Kurt goes leaving Will, aghast. SCENE 11 : Repetition Hall's - April, Mercedes and Tina April showing the girls how to put objects hidden between their legs. But things fall.]
APRIL: Oh, no, you got to be more natural.
TINA: I c...can't do this.
MERCEDES: I don't understand why we're doing this in the first place.
APRIL: Your lack of imagination astounds me. This is only the beginning. If you can master this, you can sneak anything out of a store between your knees.
[April, mini-skirt, slips a cabbage between her thighs and walks.]
APRIL: Shoes, prom dresses. I once got a cake out of a kid's birthday party. With the candles still lit.
[Tina and Mercedes smile facing April. SCENE 12 : Will Office's - Will, Tina and Mercedes Will, anxious face to Tina and Mercedes restyled.]
WILL: Are you sure?
MERCEDES: She can stay.
TINA: T...t....Totally.
[SCENE 13 : Cloakroom and corridor - April and Puck April, the boys in the locker room, taking a shower with Puck. Moments later, in the corridors, she jokes with the whole football team with Puck.]
APRIL: Ah! Ah! Ah! ... Don't tickle me.
[April passed Will, stunned by this change in behavior of Glee Club. SCENE 14 : Repetition Hall's - Sandy and Rachel Rachel singing a song to Sandy dissatisfied.]
SANDY: This is terrible..... This is a disaster..... I'm gonna barf. ...Boring!.... No, no, no, no, no!
[Rachel stops singing.]
RACHEL: I don't know what you want.
SANDY: Well, I know what I don't want. And it is all of this. When I gave you this part, I thought you could handle it, but clearly you can't. What this show needs is a star with a little bit more maturity.
RACHEL: I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to get me to quit, so you can be the star. Well, it won't work. I'm not going anywhere.
[Rachel goes to Sandy, stunned.]
SANDY: .... I'll say.
[SCENE 15 : Repetition Hall's - Finn, Rachel, April and Will Finn and Rachel repeating the musical by Rachel.]
RACHEL: I'm sleeping with him.
FINN: So am I... (Surprised, he drops the text.) This play's weird.
RACHEL: That's Mr. Ryerson's favorite line. You're a really good actor, Finn. Maybe you should consider joining the musical.
FINN: I'm pretty devoted to Glee. I don't think I could just walk away from it. I know how hard it was for you. But I could justify doing both if you came back. But we both know that's not gonna happen.
[Finn approaches Rachel.]
FINN: ... Do you know what we should do?
RACHEL: Elope?
FINN: What?
RACHEL: Nothing.
FINN: We should go bowling. You're always so stressed out about the play. You just need to loosen up....(Trying his hand at her side at the piano.). I always go bowling whenever I'm worked up about a big game or something.
RACHEL: Just us?
FINN: Yeah.
RACHEL: Yeah, that....that....that would be great. I....I am really stressed out. But that's the price you pay for being a star.
[Suddenly, April and Will enter.]
APRIL: Don't I know it.
WILL: Hey, Rachel. April Rhodes, Rachel Berry. Hey, can you give us the room, Rachel? We need to teach April the cues for "Don't Stop Believing."
FINN: Wait, she's singing the female lead?
RACHEL: Wait, she's in the glee club? She's... ancient.
APRIL: Talent doesn't age, sweetheart.
FINN: That's Rachel's part, Mr Shue.
WILL: Well, Rachel's not in the glee club anymore.
RACHEL: Thanks, Finn.
[Rachel went away.]
WILL: Rachel... We're all really excited to see the play. Make sure you save us a seat in the front row.
[April moved while Rachel goes away, annoyed.]
APRIL: Me, me, me, me, me, me, me
FINN: You....you.....you....you....you...
[Rachel looks through the glass unhappily. SCENE 16 : Corridor - Kurt and Emma. Ring - Kurt, drunk, arrived at his locker. Then Emma perceives and feels the smell of alcohol. She approaches him.]
EMMA: Kurt? Hi.
[Kurt's face turns pale and wan.]
EMMA: Kurt. I'm a girl who knows her solvents, and your breath smells like rubbing alcohol.
[Kurt approximating it from getting worse.]
KURT: Oh, Bambi. I cried so hard when those hunters shot your mommy.
[Kurt vomits on Emma's shoes.]
EMMA: Oh! ....
[SCENE 17 : Rest Room - Will and Emma Emma, petrified into the room and joined Will seated.]
WILL: Hey, Em. Just trying to figure out the set list for Saturday.
EMMA: I just got back from the emergency room. Had them give me four decontamination showers. I think they call that "the full Silkwood."
WILL: What happened?
EMMA: Kurt was drunk and he ralphed on me. Not really fessing up to how he got the booze just yet, but I'm pretty sure it's not a fake ID, because he looks like an 11-year-old milkmaid. Will, I think it was April. Her backpack's always clinking with empties.
WILL: I'm so sorry. I....I will, I'll talk to him.
EMMA: Okay. Will : Mm... (Sighing)
[Emma sat down.]
EMMA: I'm, um, I'm a little bit worried about the glee club.
WILL: So am I. I mean... (sighs) if we don't place at regionals, it...it's all over.
EMMA: We have obligations as teachers, Will, to give kids opportunities for growth and enrichment. With April in Glee, you're taking away a kid's chance to grow, and you're giving it to someone whose brain is soaked in corn booze.
WILL: April's not finished, Emma. And if Glee's gonna win, I need to give her a second chance. She is a talented performer and I really think that the kids are going to learn a lot of valuable technique from her.
EMMA: Okay. But I think you need to think about... why you're doing this and what you're willing to sacrifice to get it.
[Emma went away leaving Will to meditate on these words. SCENE 18 : Repetition Hall's - Sandy and Rachel Sandy, angry typing stick to Rachel again.]
SANDY: (Screaming)... You...suck!
[SCENE 19 : WC - Rachel and April Rachel weeping face in the mirror when between April.]
APRIL: Oh... Rough day at the office, cookie?
RACHEL: I've just got a lot on my plate. It's not easy being in the spotlight.
APRIL: Mm... (Now disgusted)
RACHEL: It's the difficult road I've chosen.
APRIL: Yeah. I know that song, sister. Um, do you have any NyQuil? I could use a little pick-me-up.
[Rachel, frightened, shakes her head.]
APRIL: No. These high school boys are a lot hotter than they used to be. That Finn Hudson is one cutie pie I gots my eye on.
RACHEL: Finn's taken, April.
APRIL: Yeah, well, some guys like a little somethin'...somethin' on the side.
RACHEL: I think your behavior is totally inappropriate and your presence in this school is a complete travesty. What you choose to do with your life is your own business, but don't go around screwing up everyone else's.
APRIL: I'm not afraid of you, sweetie. There was a time when I was the biggest star around here. And now that I've got that back... I'm never letting it go.
[April goes off leaving Rachel alone. SCENE 20 : Bowling - Rachel, Finn, Will and April Rachel face the balls, hesitantly, speaks with Finn.]
RACHEL: Do I have to put my fingers in the holes? Couldn't there be diseases in there or something?
FINN: Oh, no. Ball sharing's all part of the fun.
[Finn takes a pink ball and hands it to her.]
FINN: ... Here, use the pink one. Pink's your favorite color, right?
[Rachel, smiling, takes it.]
RACHEL: Now what?
FINN: Follow my lead.
[Rachel and Finn begin bowling. Finn is behind her, placing his arms on her own.]
FINN: Okay, so... Just look at the pins. Nice and straight.
[Rachel, helped by Finn, throws the ball that lands in the reserve. Finn laughs.]
FINN: You sure this is your first time?
[April plays and scores a strike against Will, enthusiastic.]
WILL: Oh, ho....ho! April!
APRIL: Woo-hoo!
WILL: You see what you can accomplish when you're sober?
APRIL: Sober? I'm rolling on a fistful of horse tranquilizers. I can't feel my lips. (laughing) Oh, you know... I think I'm going to keep these shoes.
WILL: April... I brought you here because I need to talk to you.
APRIL: Okay.
WILL: I'm concerned that you're a bad influence on the glee club. I can't have you around if you're going to continue to encourage them to make bad choices.
[April, surprisingly, is silent for a moment.]
APRIL: .... Well, you're right, Will. As of right now, I'm back on the wagon.
[April gives him her glass.]
WILL: Really? That's great.
[They both laugh.]
WILL I have to tell you something. I was in awe of you in high school. I mean, of all the roads I never traveled in my life, the one I regret the most was never... getting the chance to sing with you.
APRIL: Really?
WILL: Yeah. I mean, that's how you get better, you know? Singing with people who are better than you.
APRIL: You really thought that much of me?
WILL: April .... You are the reason I joined Glee Club.
APRIL: No....(Embarrassed) ... So, your dream was always to sing with me, huh?
WILL: Yeah.
APRIL: Well, then, come on.
WILL: What?
APRIL: Come on!
[April involves Will karaoke bowling. She hands him a microphone.]
BARRY: Hey, April, karaoke's on Wednesdays....tonight's bingo.
APRIL: Shut your gravy hole, Barry.
WILL (into the microphone): Hey, guys, uh, happy gambling. Here we go.
[Will and April - Song : Alone On stage at karaoke, Will and April singing a duet with an audience cheering.]
APRIL: Thank you!
[Will takes it in the arm with an audience who applauded warmly. While on their side, Rachel and Finn are at the table eating a pizza.]
RACHEL: This is really good pizza.
FINN: Mm... Yeah. I think they import the pepperoni from, like, Michigan or something.
RACHEL: How's Glee?
FINN: Oh, well, everybody misses you.
RACHEL: They miss my talent.
FINN: No, no. We're your friends. We just miss having you around.
RACHEL: I love Glee, I just... don't see the point in wasting my energy on someplace that I'm not appreciated.
FINN: I appreciate you.
[Finn rises from his seat, a bowling ball in hand.]
FINN: It's your last ball.
[Rachel rises in turn to join him.]
FINN: Just like the first time, but better.
[Rachel, ready, kisses the ball and throws it. She manages a strike.]
RACHEL: Ah! ...
[Rachel was ecstatic, jumping around in Finn's arms. Suddenly, she kisses him.]
FINN: Come back to Glee.
RACHEL: What about Quinn?
FINN: I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I just know that I want to spend more time with you now.
RACHEL: I'll....I'll have to quit the play. I'll do it!
[Finn, surprised, takes her in his arms. SCENE 21 : Repetition Hall's - Cast The cast is talking in a corner about Quinn.]
TINA: She is strange.
KURT: Maybe Quinn is lactose intolerant.
ARTIE: That doesn't explain all the crying.
TINA: Maybe she just doesn't like the group.
[Puck, annoyed, listens.]
PUCK: Are you all that stupid? Seriously? I bet you thought Bert and Ernie were just roommates. Maybe Quinn's got one in the oven.
[Everyone is shocked.]
MERCEDES: Who's the baby's daddy?
PUCK: Who do you think? Finn.
RACHEL: Yes, you've heard right....I am returning to Glee Club. In lieu of flowers, please send all donations to a socially conscious charity of your choice.
MERCEDES (whispering): This is a hot damn mess.
SANTANA (whispering): Oh! My God!
RACHEL: Uh, I'm sorry; I thought I'd be welcomed back with a tad more enthusiasm.
KURT: Sorry, Glee Club has just been rocked with its first scandal.
MERCEDES: Quinn's knocked up.
KURT: And the baby daddy? Finn.
[SCENE 22 : Emma Office's - Finn and Emma. Finn, happy, hands over files to Emma.]
FINN: I just wanted to drop off the application for that scholarship you were telling me about. I got Rachel to come back to Glee, so, I figure we have a real shot at it.
EMMA: I'm so proud of you. See what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it?
[SCENE 23 : Corridor - Rachel, Finn and Sue Finn, happy, Rachel crosses, p*ssed.]
[Rachel slaps him.]
RACHEL: You're a liar. Why didn't you tell me Quinn was pregnant?
FINN: Who told you?
RACHEL: Everyone knows but me. I'm the only fool who went out with you and let you kiss me, thinking you actually had feelings for me.
FINN: But I....I do. Look, yeah, I haven't been totally honest with you, but that's different than lying.
RACHEL: Mm... (Sighing)
FINN: Well, maybe it's not that much different, but... but look, I need to get a music scholarship, so I can go to college, so I can get a good job, so I can take care of my kid and I can't do that if you don't come back to Glee Club. You should take it as a compliment.
RACHEL: You could have just been honest with me.
FINN: ... Look, I know what I did was wrong. I get that, but... that kiss was real.
RACHEL: Whatever it was, it ruined any chance of me ever coming back to Glee. I hope you have fun playing house with Quinn while you languish in your little ensemble, but my dreams are bigger than that and they're bigger than you.
[Rachel goes to find Sue.]
RACHEL: Miss Sylvester. We need to talk. If you'd like to to return to the musical, changes need to be made.
SUE: Well, Rachel, I couldn't agree with you more. You know, when I heard Sandy wanted to write himself into a scene as Queen Cleopatra, I was aroused, then furious. I hereby grant you complete artistic control. Congratulations, kiddo.
[Rachel smiles at Sue.]
SUE: ... You now have everything you could possibly want. Isn't it a great feeling?
[Sue goes off leaving Rachel perplexed. SCENE 24 : Repetition Hall's - Cast, Will, April and Emma The cast repeating piano.]
CAST: Mia.... Mia....Mia .... Mia .... Mia...........Mia....Mia.... Mia.... Mia....Mia....
[Will interrupts.]
WILL: The house is packed... you guys are going to kick butt tonight. Your first performance in front of a real audience. I can't wait. You guys are going to love it.
[The cast smiles at Will.]
WILL: Where...Where's April?
[April arrives drunk.]
APRIL: Yee-haw! (laughing) Right on cue, as usual. Hey, roller-boy. Handsome. Oh, I like that color. Have you been working on the, uh, moves we talked... You've got something right there, on your...
[April embraces Puck.]
APRIL: Uh, oh... Honk! There's my boy.
WILL: Are you drunk? You promised me you'd sober up for this.
APRIL: When? Last night? Well, I was drunk. You can't hold me to that.
[Emma enters.]
EMMA: Hum! Hum! Will.
APRIL: Hit it, knuckles. You... You....You...You...You...
[Will and Emma go out for a moment in the corridor to talk.]
EMMA: April Rhodes almost ran me over in the parking lot just now, Will. You can't let her go on in her condition.
WILL: There is an auditorium full of people waiting to see us perform and if she doesn't go on, none of the kids can.
EMMA: Wow. It's really great how committed you are to these kids.
[Emma goes against Will, exasperated. SCENE 25 : Auditorium - Figgins, the Cast and April, Figgins front of the room talking.]
FIGGINS (into the microphone): Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome McKinley High School's New Directions.
[The audience applauds the stage door. April and the Cast - Song : Last Name despite the fact that April is drunk on stage, the cast performs a fine performance in front of a captivated audience. SCENE 26 : Corridor - Will and April, Will, waiting in front of the girls' bathroom, so that April stops vomiting. Moments later, April leaves the toilet but Will intercepts.]
APRIL: Mm... Mm...
WILL: I need to talk to you.
APRIL: Sorry. Baby had to tinkle. Come on. Act two.
WILL: No, I can't let you go back out there. You broke a promise.
APRIL: ... You're right. It's a great moment for me, but it didn't feel right. I don't belong up there. But everybody deserves their moment in the spotlight, you know, to shine? Oh, I got that standing ovation, Will. And it felt amazing. Like every bad decision I'd ever made just went away. I was back in the game. But then I look over and I see these sweet faces of these kids and I think... "I'm hogging their sunshine. It's their turn now, not yours."
[Will nods.]
APRIL: ... They're so lucky to have you, Will, because you won't let what happened to me ever happen to any of them.
WILL: So, where you gonna go?
APRIL: Well, um... I'm going to straighten up. Maybe try to find a new dream. You know, I always loved the Broadway.
WILL: The Broadway.
[They both laugh.]
APRIL: Do you think there's a part out there for a washed-up has-been like me?
WILL: April, you are not washed-up. And hey, there's always Branson.
APRIL: Will ... Will ... Will ...
[April gives him a kiss on the cheek, happy when he takes her in his arms.]
WILL: Thank you.
APRIL: Oh... (wry laugh) No, no, no. Thank you.
[April walks away from him.]
APRIL: Branson, eh?
[Will, happy, observed without going. SCENE 27 : Wings - Cast and Will All the cast dressed for the second half when Will enters. Artie falls on him.]
ARTIE: They loved us! We're a hit.
TINA: Wh...Wh...Where's April?
KURT: You were right, Mr Shue. She'd massacre Mariah in a diva-off.
WILL: April is amazing. But she's not in the glee club anymore.
[Everyone is surprised.]
WILL: It... I, uh... I screwed up bringing her here. It was about me and Glee Club is supposed to be about you guys. You don't need her to be great.
MERCEDES: But we need her for the second act.
WILL: I'll just have to go out there and tell them we had to cut the show short.
[Everyone is disappointed.]
WILL: Hey, guys. You were great. Don't worry.
[Rachel enters at that moment.]
WILL: There will be other performances.
RACHEL: Excuse me? I think I might have a solution. In show business, when a star can't perform, her understudy steps in. I'd be happy to go in for April, if you'd let me.
MERCEDES: Since when are you willing to be an understudy?
RACHEL: Since I quit the play.
KURT: Really? Why?
RACHEL: I realized being a star didn't make me feel as special as being your friend. If I'd let you down when you needed me the most, I'd never forgive myself. I know all the words to the song.
QUINN: You don't know the choreography.
[Santana approves.]
FINN: Then we're going to have to give her a lot of help out there.
[Finn smiles at Rachel.]
WILL: Go get in your costume.
[SCENE 28 : Auditorium - Cast and Will Will joining Emma next to her seat.]
WILL: Excuse me!
[Emma, concerned when the cast joins the scene. Cast - Song : Somebody To Love. The entire New directions a hit on stage in front of an appreciative audience and won that Emma is very excited by.]