Barry Is The Baby’s Name/Horowitz/Get On The Garden Freeway lyrics
by Allan Sherman
We'll call him Barry, Barry
That'll be the baby's name
We thought of Lance or Josh
But, oh, my gosh
They're not the same
But if it's Barry, Barry
That's a name with style and grace
And if he's not a he
It still could be
Like in Barrie Chase
H-O-ROW-ITZ spells Horowitz
Yesterday I took my girlfriend Peggy
To watch him play a concert at Carnegie
V-L-ADIMI-R, that's Vladimir
And he plays piano good
Like a real piano player should
Horowitz. Hear, hear!
Get on the Garden Freeway
When you come up to visit me
You'll see a great big shopping center
With a brand new A. & P
Turn left at Kosciusko
Continue to the third stop light
Then turn around and drive right back
Because I won't be home tonight!