HAIM on Falling lyrics
Host: I'm here with Haim
All: Yay
Host: And we're going to talk through your album Days Are Gone, track by track
All: Yes
Host: So the album when it started I thought that something was broken with the computer. I was like "Is there like a movie trailer thing or something like that? Is there like an advert on my youtube somewhere?" like what's going on?
Este: That was the idea I think behind it. We wanted it to sound like the beginning of Jurassic Park, like there were velociraptors coming into your house.
Alana: Like you know the scene where there's like a glass of water and it just ripples? Yeah that's what we wanted the beginning to sound like.
Este: Because the T-rex is coming. That's what we wanted it to sound like.
Host: Was it hard like deciding which track to put first as the opener?
Danielle: It was, just cuz we didn't know like what kind of vibe. And then it just, I think we were kind of having a listening party and were like "Why don't we just start with falling?" because it kind of puts you in a mood I think.
Alana: Yeah, start the party- track one
Este: Something you can count on, you know? Familiarity.
Alana: This was kind of like the first song we knew for a fact was gonna be on the record. So like when I think about Falling, I like think about like a year ago when we started.
Danielle: I think my favorite part was when we figured out the outro. Este just kind of went into the booth and we were like "Riff, Este! Just go!" and she just like she like vocal jammed for like-
Este: Yeah, I'm the vocal jam lap dog. They do they do things, they tell me to do things and I do them.
Alana: "Go in there, Este. You go." *imitates whip cracking sounds* "Get in there" *imitates more whip cracking sounds* "Get in the vocal booth"
Danielle: And I remember coming, she came up with this like chant at the chant at the end the "never look back never give up" and we were like wait that's like really good and then just like we ended the-
Alana: And Este walked out and brushed her shoulders off
Este: Yeah no biggie
Alana: And we continued on our journey
Este: Put on a cape, like James Brown. But yeah that was a fun one to record.