Salt Chunk Mary lyrics
by Laurie Anderson
This is a Place of Dead Roads. Rod riding yanks and peat men and cat burglars, black bindle stiffs and hobo jungles. Here is salt chunk Mary the fence in her red brick house down by the tracks in Portobello, Idaho
Mary keeps an iron pot of pork and beans always on the fire, you eat first and talk business later, watches and rings slap down on the kitchen table
She names a price, she doesn't name another
Mary can say 'no' quicker than any women I ever knew, and none of her 'no's' ever meant yes
She kept the money in a cookie jar, but nobody though about that. Her cold grey eyes would have seen a thought. And maybe something goes wrong on the next day. John Law just happens by. Or a citizen comes up with a load of double zero buckshot in your soft and tenders
Like Mr. Hart, Kim has a dark side to his character. Unlike Mr. Hart, Kim is not afraid to hear the word death. Or take his bloody chances in a shoot out. Saturday maybe somebody from across the river comes in the Uncle Tesla's Saloon lookin' for trouble. He won't have to look far
'The short barrel, double action .44 tonight', Kim decides. As soon as Kim walks through the swinging door, he knows this is it
Two men at the bar by the door, one is tall and thin with a dead sour wooden face. The other tall and fattish and loose lipped with lead grey eyes. Loose lipped smile, showing his awful yellow teeth
'Now I don't like drinkin' in the same room with a fairy. Do you Clem?'
'Can't says I do, Cash'
Yeah, they want to bat it around a while, but Kim doesn't...
'Are you gentlemen referring to me?'