Hothead (La Langue D’Amour) lyrics
by Laurie Anderson
Let’s see... uh... it was on an island. There was a snake and this snake had legs. And he could walk all around the island
Yes, that’s true. A snake with legs
And the man and the woman were on the island too. And they were not very smart, but they were happy as clams. Yes
Let’s see... uh... then one evening the snake was walking about in the garden and he was talking to himself and he saw the woman and they started to talk. And they became friends. VERY good friends
And the woman liked the snake very much because when he talked he made little noises with his tongue and his long tongue was lightly licking about his lips
Like there was a little fire inside his mouth and the flame would come dancing out of his mouth. And the woman liked this very much
And after that she was bored with the man because no matter what happened, he was always as happy as a clam
What did the snake say?
Yes, what was he saying?
Ok what does he says?
OK. I will tell you
The snake told her things about the world
He told her about the time when there was a big typhoon on the island and all the sharks came out of the water
Yes, they came out of the water and they walked right into your house with their big white teeth. And the woman heard these things and she was in love
And the man came out and said: “We have to go now,” and the woman did not want to go because she was a hothead. Because she was a woman in love
Anyway, they got into their boat and left the island
But they never stayed anywhere very long. Because the woman was restless
She was a hothead. She was a woman in love
This is not a story my people tell. It’s something I know myself
And when I do my job I am thinking about these things
Because when I do my job, that’s what I think about
Oooo là là là là là là
Oooo Voici. Voici. Voici. Voici
Voici. Voici. Voici. Voici. Voilà
Oooo là là là là là là
Voici le langage de l’amour
Oooo là là là là là là
Voici le langage de l’amour
Attends! Attends! Attends!
Ecoute. Ecoute. Ecoute
Oooo là là là là là là
Voici le langage de l’amour
Oooo là là là là là là
Oooo là là là là là là
Voici le langage de l’amour
Oooo là là là là là là
Ecoute. Ecoute. Ecoute
Voici le langage de l’amour
Voici le langage de l’amour
Voici le langage de l’amour