AKA Freak Accident lyrics



That whiskey say something to p*ss you off? Hit me.
Third glass tonight.
Put it on my tab.
You drinking to remember or forget? Giving a sh*t won't get you a better tip.
I give a sh*t if you're planning to get loaded, trash my place of work.
I'm planning to sit here and drink, until I come up with a better plan.
Jess? It's four a.
Is it? You're not back in jail again already, are you? No.
Is she there? She just got to sleep.
You know, you had her worried.
Um, I can wake her if you want me to.
Of course I'll wake her, but No, it can wait.
Good night.
Nice ass.
What did you say? I said, "Nice ass.
" - Harder.
- I'm so hard.
Don't talk.
Oh, yeah.
You're a freak.
Just had to talk.
I'm so close.
That makes one of us.
You're You're one of them.
Get out.
What do you got? I tracked down a lease on the building.
It was rented to a Dr.
Miklos Kozlov.
So Kozlov leased the clinic.
What else? I thought that was pretty good for four a.
Well, Trish said she found him, but couldn't get him to talk.
She left a file.
Got it.
I'm looking for an address now.
And, hey we'll get Kozlov to talk.
I'll get him.
You take the day off.
Thanks, but I need to work, or I get myself into trouble.
It's an addict thing.
Yeah, well This is a super-killer thing, so just text me Kozlov's address and stay home.
Maybe I am a freak.
But someone made me this way.
And this lab rat's got some complaints.
Are you a friend of Dr.
Kozlov's? - Sorry? - A patient, then.
Come in.
Rina will be grateful.
- I'll let Rina know you're here.
- Uh, no.
That's okay.
I I don't wanna crowd her.
How did he die? Kozlov, I You know, I just couldn't bring myself to ask.
It was a car crash.
Freak accident.
A lot of those going around these days.
The minyan will begin shortly.
I am looking forward to it.
It's okay to cry, you know.
Any normal person would cry.
Christ! At least dab at your eyes with a tissue.
The sun was up before they found us.
Six guys came back wounded from my unit.
Doctor just saw free of charge.
No VA, no red tape.
Saved my life.
He's the only person who checked on me afterwards.
- Not even the colonel.
- Doc was a goddamn patriot.
Too much caffeine? Sorry.
I just I'm a little on edge.
My mother does that to me.
Your mother's a riot.
And by riot, I mean soul-crushing python.
But she spat you out, so I gotta love her.
Look at this adorable couple! - Mother.
- Hey, gorgeous.
Stop! What are you all getting? My treat.
I actually just came by to say hi.
And make out with your daughter.
Well, that's not fair.
- What about me? - You know, I've seen that French film.
And I think we're gonna keep it A and B.
You are too much.
I'll see you at the first apartment tonight.
Sounds good.
You can stop drooling now, Mother.
I'm not drooling.
I'm appreciating.
So what's all this about apartments? You two taking it to the next level? Maybe.
But I didn't ask you here to talk about that.
I need a favor.
I'm gonna need caffeine for that.
- Can I have a coffee? - Absolutely, ma'am.
- Thanks.
- Thanks.
I'm looking for a current phone number or address for Max.
Maximilian? Well, he's unlisted and I don't know anyone who keeps up with him.
But I assume you do.
For the sake of your clients.
You said you never wanted to speak to him again or even hear his name.
It's for a segment I'm doing on the radio about the hospital.
This is about Jessie and all the IGH business.
It doesn't matter what it's for.
I just need it.
Maximilian is a major donor at Metro-General.
And you want access to confidential information.
I need a lead and he can help.
Careful, my darling.
Your desperation is showing.
- I'm not desperate.
- Well, you should be.
Your show has been riding a fad with this powered people thing.
And fads fade.
I am the only one who will give Princess Patsy the cold, hard truth.
The clock is ticking.
- You need Griffin to put a ring on it.
- Jesus Christ, Mother.
You're gonna blow it with all this crap.
Griffin supports what I'm doing.
He knows that you're reaching out to Maximilian? - He knows that I'm working on a story.
- Lie to him.
Lie to yourself.
But don't lie to me, Pats.
Stop calling me that.
Trish is too mushy in the mouth.
Trish! Look, I'm doing this with or without your help.
You know, I had hoped that I could rely on you, but why start now? Here you go, ma'am.
You know what? Make that a Bloody Mary.
Extra strong.
All right.
Do you mind? Thank you.
You are straying from the path, baby girl.
Turn back before you get eaten by bears.
Wolves, bears, red ants, whatever.
It's a flexible metaphor.
Okay! I hear you! as*h*le! You a cop or something? No.
You wanna party? Yeah.
Yeah, I do.
Simpson? Hey, how you doin'? - Okay.
- Leland said you were a patient.
I just - I can't believe he's gone, you know? - Yeah.
I do know.
- Who do you work for? - Who do you work for? My friend's dead, so I'm doing the asking.
Look, I'm not gonna hit a guy in a wheelchair.
Give me that thing.
Oh, for Christ's sake.
- You're a - Kozlov experiment.
Experiment? Just like whoever caused his freak accident.
Oh, so we agree it wasn't an accident.
I'm guessing one of his beasties got out and it's p*ssed.
It wasn't some animal.
Then who? I said I wouldn't hit a guy in a wheelchair, but you're not in a wheelchair now.
Who was it? A nut-bag traitor amped up on drugs.
- No way.
It couldn't be.
- Simpson.
Will goddamn Simpson.
- He's alive? - You know him? Yeah, he's alive.
Kozlov tried to rehab him after he lost his sh*t.
- Yeah, I was there for that part.
- as*h*le should have been grateful.
Instead, he steals more drugs, disappears, takes out the doc.
And the Whizzer? You're on drugs, too? Your good friend tortured defenseless people.
No, he was a good man.
He was a sicko and a sadist, and I'm gonna prove it.
Don't you dare talk about the doctor that way.
Isaiah, are you back here? Oh, my God! Isaiah, are you all right? This is a funeral, for God's sake.
What is wrong with you? What isn't? Please leave a message after the beep.
Call me, now.
For the record, I am protective, caring and concerned about this.
- Register that for once.
- I'm not keeping score.
Sure, you are.
Jessica? Call her back.
I'll call her later.
What, you don't want her finding out that we're back in touch? She doesn't wanna find out that we're back in touch.
Or she'll try to talk you out of this Max business.
Well, goodbye, Mother.
What is the connection? Are we are we supposed to knock or just come in? I never know with doors like this.
- Is it a business or a home? - Both.
Jessica Jones, right? I've seen you before.
Sorry, I don't remember you.
How can I help you? I'm Detective Sunday.
This is Detective Costa.
We're here about the accident that occurred last night.
I was there.
It was pretty bad.
You didn't stick around for a statement.
There were other people who saw more than I did.
Victim's name was Robert Coleman.
Ever heard of him? He came to me.
He wanted to hire me, but I was booked.
How sh*tty must you feel? Guy comes to you for help and winds up dead around the corner from you.
I had nothing to do with it.
Or him.
Did you know he filed a police report claiming that someone was trying to kill him? How sh*tty must you feel? Evidence suggests that it was made to look like an accident by some powered person.
Not this one.
Look, you assaulted someone.
You're on probation.
Court-ordered anger management.
- So read me my rights.
- No, we're just here to talk.
Come with me.
What's going on? Hey.
Do me a favor and tell them everything you saw last night.
Do you mind? Mr Arrocho, Oscar.
I'm the building superintendent.
Did you witness the incident, Mr.
Arrocho? I heard it, yeah.
I mean, I got there at the tail end.
I was getting ice cream with my boy.
I already told the cops everything I saw.
What about Miss Jones? Did you see her? Nope.
- What? Bullsh*t! - Ma'am, perhaps you're mistaken.
You were right there.
You looked me in the eye.
I didn't see anything.
- I wish I could be more help.
- Sorry to have bothered you.
- as*h*le! - Tell you what.
Why don't you come to the station with us? You can regale us with some super-stories.
Answer some questions, maybe.
- No.
- No? I'll come down when and if this accident becomes a real case.
Until then, I've a job to do.
Same as you.
See you soon, Miss Jones.
Hello? Malcolm, it's Trish.
Hey! Hey.
Uh, is this a Is this a bad time? Uh, no, not really.
What's up? I need your help with an investigation.
I, uh I didn't know who else to call.
Uh, yeah, cool.
Where are you? I'm on my way.
I'll text you the address.
But one thing Don't tell Jessica.
Robert Coleman, aka the Whizzer.
Why would Simpson want you dead? Hello? Emil? Goddamn mongoose.
What did they do to us? He wouldn't respond to me and I don't know how much time I have left.
Maybe you think I'm crazy, but but I was normal once.
It was my 18th birthday.
I I got drunk and I dove off the roof and missed the pool, then woke up in the hospital and they changed me.
I was fast before, but now I'm so fast, I think it'll kill me.
And it hurts.
And and the dreams.
I wake up screaming.
And you're always saying how powers are good, but you were wrong.
What? With great power comes great mental illness.
No, we have to tell the real story before it's too late.
- NYPD, anyone inside? - Give 'em hell, Emil.
Anybody in there? Hell, yeah.
- You like? - You got moves, baby.
- You need another bump? - Unh-unh.
Do you believe in karma? You mean, like, bad sh*t happening to bad people? Mm-hmm.
Nah I know too many bad people doing just fine.
I need another bump.
What do you think? I don't wanna think.
I don't wanna think.
I don't want to.
- Hey! - Hey! Thank you for coming.
I really appreciate it.
Yeah, of course.
Glad to help.
Put this on.
- Your gym card? - No one will check it.
If anyone asks, you're a PA.
Production assistant.
Just like what you do for Jessica, except on a movie set.
- You mean, getting yelled at and ignored? - Pretty much.
I got this.
Uh, your phone has a video camera, right? What are we doing here, Trish? You're gonna hear some things about me that I don't wanna talk about after today.
Things you don't want Jessica to know.
She knows.
She's just She's not that good at self-restraint, especially when it comes to douchebags.
And I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Is this dangerous? Not physically.
Really strict.
Really mean gangster, can you do that? Okay.
Yes, I can.
Max! Tricia.
So happy you called.
What a surprise.
- Uh, we need to talk.
- We do.
In private? I've got two more set-ups.
Then, I'm all yours.
I'll be in your trailer.
You don't even feel bad, do you? - For what? - You lied.
Do you feel bad? For bringing the cops to my door? All you had to do was tell them what you saw.
I saw a man die.
So did my son.
Do you know what that does to a kid? Yeah, actually, I do.
I don't know what killed that guy, but I bet it had to do with whatever shady power sh*t you're involved in.
What did I ever do to you, besides move your ugly fridge? Oh, I get it.
You hate people like me.
I threaten your masculinity or whatever.
My masculinity is just fine.
I can't have the kind of trouble you bring around me and my kid.
- Not if I wanna keep him.
- Who is trying to take your kid? It's called a custody battle.
And I don't plan on losing, so if that puts you in some trouble with the law, that's your problem.
Look, stay the hell away from us.
You stay the hell away from me.
With great power comes great mental illness.
We have to tell the real story before it's too late.
Who was this guy talking to? Alien conspiracy sites, comic book fan clubs, Friends of Mongooses International Trish? Thank you for what you said today.
For accepting us.
But you need to know we're also dangerous.
I can feel it inside me.
And they put it there.
I'll tell the real story on Trish Talk.
Just call me.
Please leave a message after the beep.
Trish, call me.
You're the connection.
Whizzer Kozlov Anybody that you've talked to about this IGH sh*t is in danger.
Simpson is alive.
To send your message, press pound.
Mother goddamn sh*t.
That's a wrap.
Sorry, hon.
Took a little longer than I thought.
Can I get you a drink? Vodka Diet Coke, right? - I haven't had a drink in ten years.
- Really? I need something from you.
You're acting again.
That's fantastic.
- Let me make some calls.
- I have a job.
- I need access.
- To I wanna borrow your clout at Metro-General.
- For what? - My show.
We're doing a segment on the hospital, and I'm dealing with a lot of red tape.
What's the story about? A woman missing 20 days from her medical record.
Something happened to her during that time.
Mmm, see, I donate to the hospital to help kids with cancer.
I I mean, I can't let you just do some hatchet job for a ratings bump.
I'm not asking.
You're gonna give me what I want.
Or what? Or I'll go public with what happened between us.
- Uh - I was a child.
- You were 40.
- You were 16 going on Fifteen.
And my mother pimped me out for the lead in your crappy movie.
I cast you because you wanted it more than anyone I had ever met.
And you knew I'd do anything.
I was the one who was used.
I didn't come here for a twisted walk down memory lane.
No, you came here to blackmail me.
You know what you are? You're a B-list radio personality who has to resort to dirty threats to stay relevant.
Says the dirty old man hiring desperate young girls to pretend they care.
You know what? Get off of my set before I call security.
You've got 48 hours to give me what I want.
Won't make any difference.
You'll still be exactly what you always fear you'd be.
Utterly goddamn ordinary.
Trish! I'm coming in.
- Have you seen her? - What, she's not here? We were supposed to look at apartments.
You're moving in? That's great.
Yeah, except, uh, she missed our first appointment, and her phone keeps going to voicemail.
When's the last time you saw her? This morning.
At brunch, I left her with her mother.
Dorothy? - Brunch? - Yeah, they needed mother-daughter time.
- That, that look.
What does that mean? - Nothing.
I just I didn't know they were on brunch terms.
They're trying to put the past behind them or something.
I'm worried that this has something to do with her story.
You been going through her research? Yeah, I've been trying to figure out where the hell she went.
What is IGH? - What did she tell you? - Nothing.
I asked her not to.
Then I encouraged her to chase the story.
Christ, I practically dared her.
Now she's in trouble.
- Why do you think that? - My balls are tingling.
There's medication for that.
In my line of work, you learn to trust your instincts.
Griffin, why don't you go home? She might be there.
Don't manage me, okay? I know she's in trouble.
- Because of your scroty-sense? - Goddamn right.
Look, I track people for a living.
You know how strong I am.
So let me get to work in finding her.
- If you hear anything - I will call you, first thing.
Goddamn hate this.
What you're saying is it's the way he's looking at her.
Yes, exactly.
Not that - Hello? - Where's Trish? - Jessie? - Tell me what happened today at brunch.
None of your business.
Tell me what you're up to, you toxic waste of space.
Living in the present, hon.
You should try it sometime.
Hey! Hey, hey, hey.
Come on, man.
Take my wallet.
Here, here's the keys.
I don't want your damn car.
I want you to admit what you did to Trish Walker.
Aw, listen, buddy.
Whatever Trish told you, she's the one who started it.
She crawled into my bed.
sh*t! You broke my nose! Don't come any closer.
Feels good to live in the present.
You have 60 seconds to tell me what happened today between you and Trish.
- Go.
- Ask her yourself.
Fifty-nine, 58 I have a right to a relationship with my daughter.
Fifty-seven, 56 If she wanted you to know, she would've told you, but she trusted me.
Not you! Eight, seven I tried to talk her out of this IGH business, but would she listen? No.
Because she's trying to be the hero that you'll never be.
What did she want from you? Maximilian Tatum's contact information.
How could you let her get anywhere near that pervert? "Let her"? Please.
But I trust him with her more than I trust you.
You've done nothing but hurt her.
- Look in the mirror, lady! - Oh, I do every goddamn day.
How about you? Where is he? In Brooklyn directing a movie.
Greenpoint Stages.
Hey! What about my door? I thought he was getting up to get my money, right? But no, he gets down on all fours and starts barking.
I've gotten that before, too.
I was like, "Cool, but it'll cost you more.
" It's the pizza.
I'll get it.
Good, I'm starving.
But I'm kind of over him, to be honest.
It's like that - You are not the pizza.
- You're not Jeri.
Someone here to see you.
- What are you doing here? - I went by the office.
They told me you took the day off.
Yet you felt compelled to interrupt it.
Yeah, looks like I came in at the tail end.
What do you want? I signed the complaint against Jones.
It's ready to be filed.
I'll I'll deal with it tomorrow.
- Should've dealt with it today.
- I'll deal with it.
Unless you fall off the rails, if you haven't already.
Something's up with you.
Turn around, walk away.
You were never here.
I always protect my clients, Jeri.
I hope you can say the same.
Have fun.
Did she tell you what happened last night? - Oh, my God.
- What happened? So my man went out drinking last night.
He gets so plastered, he comes home and he starts crying.
Crying and calling me mama.
I have three kids to take care of.
I don't need a fourth.
My babies are my life.
- Mm-hmm.
- That's right.
Take your sh*t and get out.
Oh Trish! Trish! Jessica, we're over here.
Thank Jesus.
- What is this? - I've got this under control.
- You shot him? - He was following me.
Then you should've called me.
You asked me to leave you out of it, and I don't need to be saved! Because you're shooting people now? She's gonna get herself dead.
You mean like Robert Coleman and Kozlov? - You killed Kozlov? - No, no.
That wasn't me.
The Coleman kid, either.
You know what? Shoot him again.
- Maybe he'll start telling the truth.
- Doubt it.
He barely felt the first bullet, because he's on this.
It's a performance enhancer.
Like the pills he took before.
No, it's not like before.
I don't lose control.
No, you just drop scaffolding on people's heads.
The inhaler makes me stronger, but not that strong.
I'm here to protect Trish.
And I I need that to do it.
- Protect Trish from who? - IGH, apparently.
He says they sent someone to stop my investigation, - but he still won't give me a name! - I don't have a name.
Because you killed Kozlov! Even your old pal in the wheelchair said so.
Isaiah? He has no idea what Kozlov's involved in.
- Nobody does.
- Except you.
Yeah, well, I was locked in an old IGH clinic, so - That's where Kozlov experimented on me.
- No, not Kozlov.
It was someone else.
Kozlov was arguing with him on the phone, and they said Trish's name, so I listened.
He wanted whoever it was to make Trish go away.
If I'm the issue, then why kill Kozlov and Robert? Why am I still here? Because maybe he has been protecting you.
Look, I know what I've done and what I am.
I was locked in a room for a year, and I played all the atrocities that I'd committed over and over in my head.
This will never stop.
And I look at myself and all I see is a murderer.
But for the first time, I'm grateful, because it takes a monster to stop a monster, and that's what's coming for Trish! It's here! Take Trish, and run.
Run! Here.
Look after her.
Simpson, wait! Take it.
sh*t! Come on.
It wasn't after you.
Simpson? Simpson was right.
It takes a monster to stop a monster.
He just wasn't the right monster.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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