The Cat in the Hat Comes Back lyrics


Dr. Seuss

Yo, this is The Cat in the Hat Comes Back, written by Dr. Seuss, and I'm gonna rap this book

[Verse 1]
This was no time for play; this was no time for fun
This was no time for games, there was work to be done
All that deep, deep, deep snow
All that snow had to go
When our mother went down to the town for the day
She said somebody has to clean all this away
Somebody, somebody, has to, you see
Then she picked out 2 somebodies, Sally and me
Well, there we were; we were working like that
And then who should come up but the Cat in thе Hat
Oh-oh, Sally said, don't you talk to that cat
That cat is a bad one, that Cat in the Hat
He plays lots of bad tricks; don't you lеt him come near
You know what he did the last time he was here

[Verse 2]
Play tricks? laughed the cat
Oh, my, my, no, no, no
I just want to go in to get out of the snow
Keep your mind on your work; you just stay there, you 2
I will go in the house and find something to do
Then the cat went right in; he was up to no good
So I ran in after as fast as I could
Do you know where I found him? You know where he was?
He was eating a cake in the tub; yes, he was
The hot water was on, and the cold water, too
And I said to the cat, what a bad thing to do
But I like to eat cake in a tub, laughed the cat
You should try it some time, laughed the cat as he sat
And then I got mad; this was no time for fun
I said, Cat, you get out; there is work to be done
I have no time for tricks; I must go back and dig
I can't have you in here eating cake like a pig
You get out of this house; we don't want you about
Then I shut off the water, and let it run out
The water ran out, and I saw the ring
A ring in the tub, and oh boy, what a thing
A big long pink cat ring, it looked like pink ink
And I said, will this ever come off? I don't think

Have no fear of the ring, laughed the Cat in the Hat
Why, I can take cat rings off tubs, just like that
Do you know how he did it? With Mother's white dress
Now the tub was all clean, but her dress was a mess

[Verse 3]
Then Sally looked in; Sally saw the dress, too
And Sally and I did not know what to do
We should work in the snow, but that dress, what a spot
It may never come off, Sally said; it may not

[Chorus 2]
But the cat laughed, ho, ho
I can make the spot go
The way I take spots off of a dress is just so
See here, laughed the cat; it is not hard at all
The thing that takes spots off a dress is a wall
Then we saw the cat wipe the spot off the dress
Now the dress was all clean, but the wall, what a mess
Oh, wall spots, he laughed, let me tell you some news
To take spots off a wall, all I need are 2 shoes
Whose shoes did he use? I looked and saw whose
And I said to the cat, this is very bad news
Now the spot is all over Dad's $10 shoes
But your dad will not know about that, said the cat
He will never find out, laughed the Cat in the Hat

[Chorus 3]
His $10 shoes will have no spots at all
I will rub them right off on the rug in the hall
But now we have rug spots, I yelled, what a day
Rug spots, what's next, can you take them away
Don't ask me, he laughed, why, you know that I can
Then he picked up the rug and away the cat ran
I can clean up these rug spots before you count to 3
No spots are too hard for a Hat Cat like me
He ran into Daad's bedroom, and then the cat said
It is good that your dad has the right kind of bed
Then he shook the rug, crack, now the bed has the spot
And all I could say was, now what, Cat? Now what?

[Verse 4]
But that cat just stood still; he just looked at the bed
This is not the right kind of bed, the cat said
To take spots off this bed will be hard, said the cat
I can't do it alone, said the Cat in the Hat
It is good that I have someone to help me, he said
Right here in my hat on the top of my head
It is good that I have him here with me today
He helps me a lot; this is Little Cat A
[Verse 5]
And then Little Cat A took the hat off his head
It is good that I have someone to help me, he said
This is Little Cat B, and I keep him about
And when I need help, then I let him come out
And then B said, I think will need Little Cat C
That spot is too much for the A cat and me
But now, have no fear; we will clean it away

The 3 of us, Little Cats B, C, and A
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
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