Captain America: Birth of the Super Soldier lyrics


Samuel L. Jackson

[Dr. Zola enters Johann Schmidt's chambers and catches a glimpse of the Red Skull]

Is there something in particular you need?

Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: I... I understand you found him.

JOHANN SCHMIDT: See for yourself. [Dr. Zola sees the images of Erskine and makes a weird face] You disapprove.

Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: I just don't see why you
need concern yourself. I can't imagine he'll succeed... again.

JOHANN SCHMIDT: The serum is the allies only defense against this power we now possess. If we take it away from them, then our victory is assured.

Dr. ARNIM ZOLA I shall give the order.

JOHANN SCHMIDT: It has been given.

Dr. ARNIM ZOLA Good. [Zola is about to leave when Schmidt calls out to him once more]

JOHANN SCHMIDT: Doctor Zola. [shows the painting] What do you think?

Dr. ARNIM ZOLA: Masterpiece.

[The scene changes to Steve and Peggy sitting in the backseat of a car driving through Brooklyn]

STEVE ROGERS: I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. And that parking lot. And behind that diner.
PEGGY CARTER: Did you have something against running away?

STEVE ROGERS: You start running they'll never let you stop. You stand up, push back. Can't say no forever, right?

PEGGY CARTER: I know a little of what that's like. To have every door shut in your face.

STEVE ROGERS: I guess I just don't why you'd wanna join the army if you're a beautiful dame. Or a beautiful...a woman. An agent, not a dame! You are beautiful, but...

PEGGY CARTER: You have no idea how to talk to a woman, do you?

STEVE ROGERS: This is the longers conversation I've had with one. Women aren't exactly lining up to dance with a guy they might step on.

PEGGY CARTER: You must have danced?

STEVE ROGERS: Well, asking a woman to dance always seems so terrifying. And the past few years just didn't seem to matter that much. Figured I'd wait.


STEVE ROGERS: The right partner.

[Peggy smiles at him as they arrive in front of a tailor shop]

This way.

STEVE ROGERS: What are we doing here?
PEGGY CARTER: Follow me.

[They enter the tailor shop where an old woman waits at the counter]

OLD WOMAN: Wonderful weather this morning, isn't it?

PEGGY CARTER: Yes, but I always carry an umbrella.

[They follow the old woman in a backroom where a bookcase opens up to reveal a secret door. Steve, confused, follows Peggy as they go deeper. They enter the secret room where the procedure will go on and everyone looks up at both of them.]

Dr. ABRAHAM ERSKINE: [sees Steve and Peggy] Good morning.
[Steve and the doctor shake hands and someone takes a picture] Please, not now.

PEGGY CARTER: [looks at Steve] You ready? [Steve nods] Good. Take off your shirt your tie and your hat.

[meanwhile the colonel speaks to the senator and another individual, Fred Clemson]

Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: Senator Brandt, glad you could make it.

SENATOR BRANDT: Why exactly am I in Brooklyn?

Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: We needed access to the cities power grid. Of course if you had given me a generalized requisition.

SENATOR BRANDT: A lot of people are asking for funds... Oh, this is Clem, uh...

FRED CLEMSON: Fred Clemson, state department. If this project of yours comes through. We'd like to see it used for something other than headlines.
SENATOR BRANDT: [sees Steve get into a small chamber] Jesus. Somebody get that kid a sandwich.

[Erskine helps Steve get into the chamber]

Dr. ABRAHAM ERSKINE: Comfortable?

STEVE ROGERS: It's a little big. You save me any of that schnapps?

Dr. ABRAHAM ERSKINE: Not as much as I should have. Sorry.

STEVE ROGERS: Next time.

Dr. ABRAHAM ERSKINE: [turns his head] Mr. Stark. How are your levels?

HOWARD STARK: Levels at 100%.


HOWARD STARK: We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready as we'll ever be.

Dr. ABRAHAM Erskine: Agent Carter, don't you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?

PEGGY CARTER: Oh yes, ah, sorry.

Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: [tries on the mic] Can you hear me? Is this on? [to the small group gathered to watch Steve being prepared to become a super-solider] Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace. We begin with a series of micro injections into the subjects major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change. And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with vita rays.

STEVE ROGERS: [after preliminary injection] That wasn't so bad.

Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: That was penicillin. [looks away] Serum infusion beginning in, five... four... three... two... one. [the serum is injected into Steve's arm] Now, Mr. Stark. [Howard Stark lifts some levers; the capsule in which Steve is in lifts up and closes. Erskine knocks on the window of said capsul] Steven, can you hear me?

STEVE ROGERS: It's probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?

Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: We will proceed.

HOWARD STARK: That's ten percent. Twenty percent. Thirty.
That's forty percent.

RANDOM SCIENTIST: Vital signs are normal.

HOWARD STARK: That's fifty percent. Sixty. Seventy.

[Suddenly, Steve is screaming in pain as he is receiving the vita rays]

Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: Steven! Steven!

PEGGY CARTER: Shut it down!

Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Kill the reactor!

STEVE ROGERS: No! Don't! I can do this!

HOWARD STARK: Eighty... Ninety. That's one hundred percent!

[The machines go haywire for a while and then stop. The light in the machine dies down]


[The capsule opens up to reveal a taller and buffed up Steve Rogers]

Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: Son of a b*tch did it.


Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: Yes, yes. I think we did it.

HOWARD STARK: You actually did it.

PEGGY CARTER: How do you feel?


PEGGY CARTER: You look taller.

Col. CHESTER PHILLIPS: How do you like Brooklyn now, Senator?

SENATOR BRANDT:I can think of some folks in Berlin who are about to get very nervous. [The senator walks up to Erskine ] Congratulations!

Dr. ABRAHAM ESRKRINE: Thank you, sir.

[Erskine turns around to see Fred Clemson, who turns out to be Heinz Kruger, open a lighter and blow up the booth.]


[Heinz Kruger steals the last vial and shoots Erskine in the chest. Steve runs towards him]

STEVE ROGERS: You all right? Hey! This guy's been shot!

[Erskine grabs Steve with one hand and with the other points his finger towards Steve's heart, reminding him of the promise he made of always being a good man]

[As Peggy shoots the driver of the getaway car and is about to be run over by Kruger, Steve steps out and tackles her out of the way]

PEGGY CARTER: I had him.

STEVE ROGERS: Sorry, I'm sorry.

[Steve chases down the car which Kruger drives. After the car breaks down, Kruger kidnaps a boy and puts a gun to his head. Steve follows him next to the river]


HEINZ KRUGER: Go on. Let me go.

STEVE ROGERS: No, don't hurt him.

[Kruger aims his gun at Steve, but there are no bullets left. He throws the kid into the water and runs. However, when Steve is about to go in to save the kid, he emerges from the water with ease]

KID: Go get him! I can swim.

[Kruger tries to escape with a one-man submarine, but Steve dives, punches the window and throws him back on dry land. The last vial of the serum break and spreads the liquid on the ground. Steve grabs Kruger]

STEVE ROGERS: Who the hell are you?

HEINZ KRUGER: The first of many. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail Hydra! [he pops a fake tooth loose and swallows it, he starts to foam at the mouth and then dies]
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