Shattered (Script) lyrics
by Samuel L. Jackson
Gunships arrive in the city and land. Pan down to the aftermath of the battle. A number of Mandalorians are being held captive by clone troopers, including Gar Saxon. Saxon resists a clone as he’s brought to his feet.
CLONE: Watch it.
Saxon and other Mandalorians are led away. Bo-Katan passes them and makes eye contact with Saxon. She stops and watches them for a moment, then turns when she hears another gunship landing. She approaches it. The gunship’s doors open. Inside is Ahsoka. She walks towards Bo-Katan, revealing Maul imprisoned behind her.
BO-KATAN: You actually captured him. I’m impressed.
Bo-Katan hands Ahsoka her lightsabers.
AHSOKA: It is what the council wanted.
They begin walking towards a Republic ship.
BO-KATAN: Still, you succeeded where many failed.
AHSOKA: I’ve learned from the best. Including you.
They stop.
BO-KATAN: I wish I was good at something other than war.
She surveys the still smoking city.
AHSOKA: Your people need a new kind of leader.
Bo-Katan looks at Mandalorian civilians gathered nearby.
BO-KATAN: My sister tried that. I never understood her idealism.
REX: Commander. I have the council waiting.
Rex and two other clones approach.
AHSOKA: And Master Skywalker? Were you able to contact him?
REX: He was at the meeting when I left to get you.
BO-KATAN: Go on. I can handle this.
Ahsoka, Rex, and the other clones leave.
Cut to Rex and Ahsoka entering a communications center. Inside are holograms of Mace Windu, Yoda, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Aayla Secura.
MACE: I sense a plot to destroy the jedi. The dark side of the force surrounds the Chancellor.
KI-ADI-MUNDI: If he does not give up his emergency powers after the destruction of Grievous, then he should be removed from office.
MACE: The Jedi Council would have to take control of the Senate in order to secure a peaceful transition.
YODA: To a dark place this line of thought will carry us. Hmm. Great care we must take.
Ahsoka and Rex arrive.
MACE: I understand your mission was a success.
AHSOKA: Yes, I have Maul in custody. I will escort Commander Rex when he delivers him to Coruscant.
YODA: A great service to the republic, you have done.
AHSOKA: I did my duty as a citizen.
YODA: Not as a jedi?
AHSOKA: No. Not yet. Actually, I was hoping to speak with General Skywalker.
MACE: I sent him to inform the Chancellor that General Grievous has indeed been located on Utapau.
AHSOKA: Master Kenobi?
YODA: Engaged the enemy, he has.
AHSOKA: Then the war could be over soon.
MACE: That depends on the Chancellor.
Yoda gives Mace a look.
AHSOKA: What do you mean?
MACE: I’m sorry, citizen. These matters are for the council to discuss.
AHSOKA: I understand.
Aayla, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Mace all disconnect.
YODA: Ahsoka. More to say, have you? A message for Skywalker, perhaps?
Ahsoka says nothing for a moment.
AHSOKA: No, master. Thank you. I'll tell him myself when I see him.
YODA: May the force be with you, padawan.
Yoda disconnects.
REX: You didn't tell them what Maul said about General Skywalker.
AHSOKA: No, I didn't.
They leave.
Back outside, the Republic forces are preparing to leave Mandalore. Rex and Ahsoka arrive as Maul is escorted onto the ship by Bo-Katan, Ursa Wren, and some other Mandalorians. As the group passes, Rex joins the escort and Bo-Katan walks to the side next to Ahsoka. We see a shot of Maul closing his eyes.
AHSOKA: Impressive. I suspect even Maul couldn't get out of there.
BO-KATAN: A relic of a bygone era, when Mandalorians had reason to imprison you force-wielding maniacs.
AHSOKA: I thought your sister outlawed such devices.
BO-KATAN: She did. This is the last one.
Ahsoka walks to face Bo-Katan. Bo-Katan extends her hand and they shake hands.
BO-KATAN: Goodbye, Ahsoka Tano.
Ahsoka nods and leaves. Ursa comes to stand by Bo-Katan. The Republic ship departs.
We see the ship leave Mandalore’s atmosphere. Inside, the camera pans through the clones and Ahsoka, coming to a close-up of Maul, who watches through the small window in his prison, though he cannot hear anything being said outside. He closes his eyes. Ahsoka glances at him. Cut to a shot of the ship approaching a Republic cruiser.
The ship lands in the cruiser’s landing bay as clones mill about. Dozens stand prepared as Ahsoka, Rex, and the others onboard escort Maul out. We cut to a shot of his cell being escorted through the ship’s corridors by clones and into a guarded room. Cut to Ahsoka and Rex arriving on the bridge. Some soldiers salute them. They reach the front of the bridge and the ship jumps to light speed.
REX: Something on your mind?
AHSOKA: As a Jedi, we were trained to be keepers of the peace, not soldiers. But all I’ve been since I was a padawan is a soldier.
REX: Well, I've known no other way. Gives us clones all a mixed feeling about the war. Many people wish it never happened. But without it, we clones wouldn’t exist.
AHSOKA: Well then perhaps some good has come from all of it. The Republic couldn’t have asked for better soldiers, nor I a better friend.
Rex smiles. They salute each other. A soldier approaches them.
SOLDIER: Commander Rex, the latest briefing has come in.
REX: Want to have a look? It might have an update on General Kenobi’s efforts.
AHSOKA: You go. I’m sure it's more good news.
He leaves for the briefing, leaving Ahsoka alone on the bridge as they continue through space. Cut to Maul in his holding cell. His eyes suddenly open wide as he hears the sounds of the confrontation between Palpatine, Anakin, and Mace, through the force. Lightsabers hitting each other and muffled voices are heard.
PALPATINE: You must choose.
Cut to Ahsoka, who is also sensing the confrontation.
MACE: Don’t listen to him, Anakin!
ANAKIN: It’s not the Jedi way. He must live!
MACE: He’s too dangerous to be left alive!
PALPATINE: Please don’t.
ANAKIN: I need him.
PALPATINE: Unlimited power!
More lightsabers are heard. Mace screams. Ahsoka staggers, reeling from the experience.
ANAKIN: What have I done?
AHSOKA: Anakin?
In the nearby communication room, Rex receives a message from a hologram of Palpatine.
PALPATINE: Execute order sixty-six.
REX: Yes, Lord Sidious.
The hologram cuts out. Ahsoka runs to the room.
AHSOKA: Rex, it’s Anakin. I feel like something terrible has happened.
Rex’s helmet trembles in his hand. He drops it to the floor. Indistinct radio chatter is heard. Two nearby clones turn to Ahsoka and point their guns at her.
REX: No! I’ll do it.
He turns to her.
AHSOKA: Rex, what’s happening?
He points his guns at her.
REX: Stay back! Find him. Find him. Fives. Find him! Fives!
He shoots at her. The other clones begin to fire as well. She runs towards him and tackles him into the holotable. He hits his head and falls to the floor. She gets on the table and pulls out her lightsabers. She deflects the other clones’ shots, hitting them both. She closes the door to the bridge with the force as Rex gets up.
Five more troopers come in from another entrance. They begin firing at her, as does Rex. She deflects them all upwards to a vent shaft above the table. Smoke gathers as she deflects dozens of shots, until she is completely obscured and able to jump into the vent.
CLONE 1: She’s down, she’s down!
CLONE 2: Hold your fire! We got her.
They all approach the table and find her missing as the smoke clears. Rex is the first to notice the ceiling access she escaped through.
CLONE 3: Sir, are you all right?
REX: Fine, just tired is all. I want you to go to the detention level, execute Maul.
He puts his helmet back on.
CLONE 3: Yes, sir. Alright, men.
Some of the clones leave. Rex addresses those still in the room.
REX: Alright, we know Ahsoka Tano is on board. She’s been marked for termination by order sixty-six. Under this directive, any and all Jedi leadership must be executed for treason against the Republic. Any soldier that does not comply with the order will also be executed for treason. Understood?
CLONES: Yes, sir!
REX: There are only so many places to hide on this ship. Gather up search parties. We’ll fan out and move section by section. Come on, let’s get moving.
The clones all run out of the room.
The camera pans up from the base of Maul’s cell to the eye-level window. He watches as the clones guarding him enter. They open the containment unit and aim their weapons at him. As the unit fully opens, Ahsoka arrives. She force pushes one of the guards into a wall, knocking him out. She cuts the other’s gun in half with a lightsaber and uses the force to slam him into the ceiling. He falls to the ground, also unconscious. Ahsoka approaches Maul and holds one of her lightsabers to his face.
MAUL: Don’t make me regret this.
She frees him. He falls to his knees, coughing.
MAUL: You… You survived.
AHSOKA: Is this your doing? Choose your words carefully.
She holds her lightsaber to his neck.
MAUL: No, no, it was not my doing. I do not know what has occured, but surely, you have felt it. The voices crying out. The death.
AHSOKA: The clones turned against me. Even Rex.
She backs away.
AHSOKA: I don't know why, they just suddenly weren’t themselves.
Maul lightly chuckles.
MAUL: Brilliant, brilliant. I was not privy to my master’s plan, but now, now I see it. He turned the Jedi's own army against them. Well, you've done the right thing by coming to me. Only together can we survive this. Now, if you follow my lead-
She holds up her lightsaber to his neck and interrupts.
AHSOKA: You don’t understand. I’m not here to team up with you. I need a diversion, and you’re it. Now go cause some chaos. It's what you're good at.
She leaves the cell and enters the corridor. Maul follows.
MAUL: Er… care to give me a fighting chance?
AHSOKA: I'm not rooting for you. Now get going.
After a moment, he leaves. She goes in the opposite direction. Cut to a shot of clones running through a corridor. Rex and two others walk in the other direction. More clones approach them.
CLONE: Sir, we finished our sweep of the detention level. The prisoner has escaped. There’s no sign of Tano or Maul.
REX: Destroy the escape pods and increase security on the hangar decks.
CLONE: Right away, sir.
He and the other clones leave. Cut to another group of clones running through the corridors. They run past Ahsoka, who then makes her way to a droid bay. Inside, she activates R7. The droid powers up and beeps.
AHSOKA: Shh. R7, I need your help.
R7 beeps frantically.
AHSOKA: I know, I know. Shh, quiet.
The lights come on and two other droids activate. They each beep and approach her. All three droids crowd around her, beeping.
AHSOKA: I don’t know. I don’t know why the clones are doing this. But we might be able to do something about it.
They all beep.
AHSOKA: Are you sure you want to help? It could be dangerous.
They all beep again.
AHSOKA: Okay, let’s get started. R7, patch into the central computer. Bring up every secure file on clone trooper CT-5555.
R7 approaches a nearby console and begins looking for files. He displays them to Ahsoka as he browses.
AHSOKA: Okay, Rex, what am I looking for?
A video file of a Kaminoan begins playing.
KAMINOAN: An independent investigation confirmed that the clone trooper CT-5555 experienced a malfunction with his inhibitor chip. Both the Senate committee and the Jedi council have accepted these findings. However, a grievance report was filed by CT-7567.
AHSOKA: R7, bring up that report.
R7 beeps and shakes his head.
AHSOKA: It’s sealed? Try Anakin’s passcode. 8108.
R7 beeps, and after a moment plays Rex’s grievance report.
REX: I already know this report is gonna fall on deaf ears, but I owe it to Fives to record what I saw. I’m not sure I believe it myself, but there’s a possibility that the inhibitor chips the Kaminoans put inside of us have a purpose that we don’t yet fully understand.
Cut to a shot of clone troopers firing in a corridor.
CLONE: Fall back! Fall back!
The clones continue backing down a corridor. Some are knocked over when one is thrown into them. Maul rounds the corner. He pulls a piece of metal plating from a wall, knocking out a clone. He uses it as a shield. He throws one clone into the ceiling and then behind him. He throws the metal plating, beheading some clones. He crushes two clones between more metal plating from the walls and continues slowly advancing. He uses one piece of plating to pin a clone to a wall.
CLONE: Ridge is down! Maul’s advancing toward the main hanger!
Rex responds over radio.
REX: You must seal the blast doors. Stop his advance!
Maul uses the force to disarm two of the guards.
CLONE: Seal the blast door, now!
The disarmed clones run back to the blast door. One slams a button, which causes the blast doors to slowly close. All three clones make it through, but Maul begins using the force to pull one through. He struggles and the other two clones try to assist, but his arm is cut off when the blast doors fully close. Maul is able to hear Rex on the severed arm’s communicator.
REX: Trooper, did you seal the doors? Trooper, if you read this, seal the door. We want to redirect his approach. Over.
Maul kneels and grimaces. Cut to clones running through a corridor. R7 and Cheep watch them. Rex is the last clone in the column. After the other clones have passed, R7 runs out and blocks him.
REX: Hey, hey. Out of the way.
Cheep closes the blast doors all around Rex, cutting him off from the rest of the clones.
REX: Are you cross-wired?
The droids beep. R7 begins displaying a holographic message from Ahsoka.
AHSOKA: Rex, I think I know what's happening. I saw your report of Fives. It isn't your fault. You were programmed. Your mind was altered to do this when you were very young. I can help you.
The message ends. Rex pulls a gun on R7.
REX: Where is she?
R7 beeps.
AHSOKA: I’m right here.
The camera pans to show her standing behind Rex. He points his gun at her, but R7 electrifies him. He screams and falls to the ground.
AHSOKA: Careful! We’re trying not to hurt him.
The third droid, G-G, is with her. She picks Rex up.
Muffled voices of clones can be heard through the walls.
CLONE: They’ve got the commander. Bring the charges.
AHSOKA: Cheep, are all the doors sealed, so the way is clear?
Cheep beeps.
AHSOKA: Okay. Let’s get him to the medical bay.
She lays Rex on top of the droids. They all make their way to the medical bay. The clones break through the first door as Ahsoka closes another.
CLONE: Start working on these doors.
The group arrives at the medical bay. Ahsoka has removed Rex’s helmet. She lays Rex on a medical table.
AHSOKA: R7, run a scan. See if you can find the inhibitor chip the report talked about.
R7 begins scanning while Ahsoka types into a console, activating a medical droid. The medical droid beeps and scans Rex. Ahsoka looks at a brain scan, but does not see the chip. R7 beeps.
AHSOKA: But the chip has to be there! Check again.
Outside, more clones arrive, and begin making their way through another door. In the medical bay, Cheep beeps.
AHSOKA: How close are they?
Cheep beeps again.
AHSOKA: G-G, if they override the door controls, you have to reseal it fast.
G-G beeps and goes for the door.
AHSOKA: R7, anything?
R7 beeps and shakes his head. Ahsoka walks over to Rex. Outside, the clones continue trying to open a door. Inside, Ahsoka grabs Rex’s head.
AHSOKA: I am one with the force, and the force is with me.
Rex begins to stir and speak with her..
AHSOKA AND REX: I am one with the force, and the force is with me. I am one with the force, and the force is with me. I am one with the force, and the force is with me.
The inhibitor chip pops up on the scan.
AHSOKA: You found it?
Ahsoka looks at the scan on a screen on the wall.
AHSOKA: R7, get him under and remove that thing!
R7 beeps.
AHSOKA: I don’t know if it will work, but if it doesn’t, we’re dead anyway.
R7 beeps again. He sends Rex into a medical machine. Outside, the clones have nearly opened the door.
CLONE: Go, go!
Ahsoka hears a banging noise. She turns and sees sparks around the border of the entrance to the medical facility.
AHSOKA: Get ready on the door!
G-G goes to a nearby panel. Ahsoka pulls out her lightsabers. The door is slid up by a clone, who holds it open as other clones shoot inside. Some enter as Ahsoka deflects their shots. She uses the force to push them out. Rex continues to stir and slightly opens his eyes. Ahsoka continues preventing the clones from entering as Rex reaches for his guns. Ahsoka is hit and drops one of her lightsabers.
AHSOKA: The door, G-G, the door!
G-G continues working on closing the door. Rex fires into the hallway, hitting some clones. G-G is able to get the door closed.
AHSOKA: Rex? Are you okay?
REX: Yeah. Yeah, kid. I’m okay. I’m sorry for what happened earlier. I almost killed you.
AHSOKA: How widespread is this?
REX: Ahsoka… It’s all of us. The entire Grand Army of the Republic has been ordered to hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights.
They hear a noise and turn. The droids back away from the door as it starts being opened from the other side once more.