Father, especially at this time of year, Christmas
Thank you for sending Jesus to the earth, two thousand and thirteen years ago
Thank you, Father, for his death, his sacrifice for us that removes our sin
Thank you, Father, for guaranteeing, three days later
That all of us can be raised form the dead as he was
We love you for that
Thank you for your grace and mercy
And it's in Jesus' name I pray
The Robertson's love Christmas
Nowadays there's way more presents, the meals are bigger
And the Christmas lights might number in the millions
But we have not forgotten the true meaning for the season
We gather to honor our lord as a family
We talk of Christmas' of old, watch the kids rip into their presents
And of course we sing!
God says
"make a joyful noise
And when it comes to our savior being born on this earth
We will do just that
We will sing from our hearts
But as far as Uncle Si goes
We may have told him to take a tiny step back from the mike
I feel like a third rate racehorse alright?
And my jockey, hey, he won't turn me lose and let me run