Maokai vs Ivern (Rap Battle) lyrics
by Instalok
(Maokai: Get ready for me to treebag you, huhuhuh)
(Ivern: Hey now, can't we just be friends?)
Can someone tell me who the hell is this guy?
'cause there's already a talking tree, the one and only Maokai
I'm like a giant Sequoia you're just a Bonsai
'cause I'm more than enough wood to keep the summoner's rift satisfied
I know you're scared, so hide inside a brush
The next thing this tree's huggin' is about to get crushed
So listen up and let me tell you what's happening
I 'm blowin' up on this track like I'm blowin' up all these sapplings
(You're all bark and no bite)
Keep on complaining and I'll have put you on mute
All you do is Mao-CRY, I should call you baby Groot
I understand that you have been a part of League of Legends' roots
But you need to get with the times... you were due for a reboot
The only fruit that you can bear are member berries
Like "member when I was so good I could even AD Carry"
What a joke, if you go bot you'll die to poke
And I'm just here to school ya, like my name's Professor Oak
(You think you got me stumped. ay?)
Friend of the Forrest? Well, you're no friend of mine
I'm about to turn that twig body into a Twisted Treeline
I'm a classic, majestic as a sycamore
You're just so tall and weird kinda like an alolan exeggutor
Keep getting carried in battle by your friend daisy
And you don't even really jungle, why are you so lazy
Even the way you walk is utterly obscene
You're the worst thing that ever happened in all of 2016
(Hey! I made the jungle great again)
Didn't want any trouble, can you just leaf me alone?
Why are you so annoying. like a weed that's overgrown
I wish I just could put a grove underneath you... send you home
And I'll keep your movement rooted, I don't wanna get in your zone
I'm the Green Father. They're callin' you the Green Bother
Just like that glowing knife, yup. There ain't a champion hotter
I'm the king of the treants and I'll even prove you've been outclassed
So just take another step inside my jungle and you'll get amBUSHED, I'm gonna beat your grass!