Llamas with hats part 2 lyrics
by Jason Steele
What on earth was all that?!
Umm i'm not sure what your reffering to
You sunk an entire crew ship carol!
Are you sure that was me?
i-i would think i would remember
something like that
I watched you fire a harporing into
the Captains face!
That sounds dangerous
You were head-butting children off
the side of the ship!
That umm that must be horrifying
to watch
And then you started making out
with the ice-sculptures!
Well thank god the children were
on board to see that!
Aghh Caarrrl
Why is the lifeboat all red and
Well i guеss you can say its red
and sticky
What are we standing on?
Would you bеlieve it's
Strawberry Milkshake
No! i would not believe that!
Um melted gum drops
Boat nectar
Some of god's tears
Tell me the truth Carol!
Fine it's the lovely elderly couple
from two beings
Well they were uhh they were taking all
the cresent rolls
I can't believe what i'm hearing!
I will not apologize for art
Where are the other life boats?!
Woah! you won the prize i didn't
even notice that
Where are the other life boats Carol!
Looking at the gerectory of the Moon
And the sun...probably at the bottom
of the ocean i bit lots of holes in them
I have a problem
I have a serious problem
You are just...Terrible today
Do you hear that?
That's the sound of forgiveness
That's the sound of people drowning Caaaaarl!
That is what forgiveness sound like
Screaming and then silence