Double Thinks lyrics
by Bernard Cribbins
I wonder what she meant when she said "Yes" like that. It was the way she said it: "Yeees". Not "Yes" but "Yeees". I wonder if she meant "No". Hmm. I should have asked her what she meant. That's what I shoulda done. That woulda finished her off, wouldn't it?
[chuckles softly]
I'll bet she's been goin' around for years saying "Yeees" just like that; driving people nearly bonkers and gettin' away with it. Oh, I wish I'd asked her. I didn't think of it
Mind you, if she said "Maybe" I wouldn't have minded so much. I mean, it's honest, innit? A person says "Maybe" and you're on their sidе; you warm to them. But, not when they say "Yeees". It puts your back up. Wеll, it's only natural, I suppose, really. Hmm
'Ere, I wonder if she did it on purpose. I bet she did. Probably at this very minute she's sitting there glorying in it. Well, I'm not 'avin' that. I wanna ring her up and I'm 'onna tell her. "Look here," I'll say, "if you can't do better than that, dolly, you'd better stay at home and watch the telly!" Hm! That'll shake her
Yeah. Yeah, I'll ring her. Mmm. No, I won't. I mean, why should I? It's exactly what she wants. I expect she's sittin' on top of that phone like a broody hen. Well, I'm not ringin' her She can wait. Do her good
On the other hand, last time she said "Yes", she meant "Yes"
Of course, that was at Margate; the sea air might've had something to do with it. There's not much to see here at Hammersmith tube station. Yeah, and at Margate I seem to think she said, "Oh yes". Yeah, yeah, she did, yeah. Mmm
I know: I'll ring her, and I'll not mention it. You know, then she'll have to
Yeah, but supposing she doesn't? Well now, she's bound to, isn't she? Well, she—no, she might not. Well, then I'll—I'll say, um, uh … no. No, it's too risky, innit? Yeah
Here, here, wait a minute, look. Uh, suppose I pretend not to have noticed, eh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's it. Yeah, then she'll never know whether I knew unless she asks. Haha! Yeah, that's the way to play it, isn't it? Dead casual. Keep her in suspense a bit. Hahahahaha! Yeah. That'll just about do the trick, I think
Marvellous, marvellous
I wonder what she meant when she said "Yes" like that