Prologue: 911 Emergency / I Have So Many Songs lyrics
by Chip Zien
Gordon! Gordon!
911 emergency
Take him down to NYU
Stroke's a possibility
I should try to locate Roger!
Lift him carefully on one, two, three
And up!
Take the pulse and watch his eyes
Call the Department of Neurology
I should try to locate his mother
Somebody try to locate his mother!
When was he last seen eating?
I don't know!
Hysterics are self-defeating
Don't you know?
Presence of bleeding
Where this whole mess is leading
We cannot say for sure yet
Roger's sailing near Martha's Vineyard
Patient's name?
Gordon Schwinn
Are you next of kin?
I wish! We work together. He's gay
Is he HIV?
I can't be absolutely sure but I don't think so. No! The answer is no! I think?
First the blood test then EKG
And then?
Get a CAT scan and watch his eyes!
And then?
Call the Department of Neurology!
I should try to cancel my meeting
And then?
I should get in touch with his mother!
And then?
I should try to locate Roger!
All the songs I never wrote
Fizzle and remain
All the songs I did not start
All the rhymes I never made
All the stories I delayed in telling
Are welling up inside my brain
I should explain
I have so many songs!
I have so many songs!
I have so many songs!
Stories of passion
Stories of friendship
And tales of how romance survives
I have so many songs!
Stories of yes-es
Of frogs making messes
And poor, unsuccessful and fat people's lives
Stories of living
Stories of living
Stories of dying
Stories of dying
And ways we can deal with our fears
Stories of horses
Parental divorces
And how rich or poor
It's a very small sphere
Where we appear