I’m Breaking Down (Parody) lyrics
by Alan Walker
Both: You were the nucleus to my cell, you held DNA
And now you're gone, I'm fading away
Both: Afraid of viruses that knock on the cell membrane... and I...
Both: I'm breaking down
I'm breaking down
I'm breaking down
Both: Was it all in the ribosomes.... (I'm breaking down)
Were they malfunctionary...
No protein now
(Music Break)
Both: I'm dying, see...
I'm dying, see...
Both: I'm breaking down
And now I'm lean
The vacuoles are pretty empty inside of me
I'm breaking...
Both: I'm breaking...
My cell wall is breaking...
I'm breaking.....
My chloroplast is breaking
Both: The chloroplasts never give energy needed...
They make glucose, and help me thrive
Mitochondria make energy
Both: No glucose...
Both: They're breaking down
They're breaking down
Both: The ribosomes
Without DNA
They are futile
Both: I'm breaking down...
I'm breaking down...
(Short Music Break)
Both: I'm breaking down
They carry the...
Both: They break waste down
The lysosome
The garbage is piling up inside of me
Both: I'm breaking...
The Golgi
With no protein to package...
Both: I'm breaking...
So long...
I'm breaking...