Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutram (Sanskrit Heart Sutra) lyrics


黄慧音 (Imee Ooi)

Ārya-avalokiteśvara bodhisattva gambhīrāṃ ​
Prajñā-pāramitā caryāṃ caramāṇo ​
When the Noble Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was coursing through the Perfection of Wisdom​
Vyavalokiti sma panca-skandhā assata, ​
Sca svābhava śūnyān paśyati sma.​
He looked upon the five aggregates and saw their self-nature were empty, ​
And he crossed beyond all suffering.​

Iha śāriputra, rūpaṃ śūnyam śūnyata iva rūpaṃ; ​
Here Sariputra, Form is emptiness. Emptiness is form. ​
Rūpā na vrtta śūnyatā śunyatāyā na vrtta sa rūpaṃ; yad rūpaṃ sā śūnyatā; yad śūnyatā sa rūpaṃ. ​
Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form; ​
Form is indeed emptiness. Emptiness is indeed form.​
舍利子, 色不异空, 空不异色; 色即是空, 空即是色。​

Evam eva vedanā saṃjñā saṃskāra vijñānaṃ.​
Thе same is true for sensations, pеrceptions, volitions and consciousness.​
受想行识, 亦复如是。​
Iha śāriputra, sarva-dharmā śūnyatā-lakṣaṇā; anutpannā aniruddhā, amalā avimalā, anūnā aparipūrṇā.​
Here Sariputra, all phenomena are empty of characteristics; they are not produced nor destroyed,​
Defiled nor immaculate, and they neither increase nor diminish.​
舍利子, 是诸法空相, 不生不灭, 不垢不净, 不增不减。​

Tasmāj śāriputra śūnyatayāṃ na rūpaṃ na vedanā na saṃjñā na saṃskārā na vijñānam;​
Therefore Sariputra, in emptiness there is no form, sensations, perceptions, volitions or consciousness;​

Na cakṣuḥ-śrotra-ghrāna-jihvā-kāya-manāsa. na rūpa-śabda-gandha-rasa-spraṣṭavaya-dharmā;​
No eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body or mind; no sights, sounds, smells, tastes, objects of touch or objects of mind;​
无眼耳鼻舌身意, 无色声香味触法。​
Na cakṣūr-dhātur yāvat na manovijñāna-dhātu;​
No field of eyes, up to and including no field of consciousness;​
无眼界, 乃至无意识界;​

Na-avidyā, na-avidyā-kṣayo, yāvat na jarā-maraṇam, na jarā-maraṇa-kṣayo.​
No ignorance and ending of ignorance, up to and including no old age and death, ​
And no cessation of old age and death.​
无无明, 亦无无明尽, 乃至无老死, 亦无老死尽。​

Na duhkha-samudaya-nirodha-margā. Na jñānam, na prāpti, na-abhisamaya.​
No Suffering, Origination, Cessation, nor Path. There is no understanding, attainment nor non-attainment.​
无苦集灭道, 无智亦无得。​

Tasmāj na prapti tva bodhisattvanam, prajñā-pāramitām āśritya viharatya cittā avaraṇa. ​
Because nothing is attained, a Bodhisattva through the Perfection of Wisdom, is unimpeded in his mind.​
以无所得故, 菩提萨埵, 依般若波罗蜜多故,心无罣碍,​

Cittā avaraṇa na sthitvā na trastro, ​
Viparyāsa ati-krānta niṣṭhā-nirvāṇam.​
Because there is no impediment, he has no fear, he has overcome all dream-like illusions,​
And realises ultimate Nirvana!​
无罣碍故, 无有恐怖, 远离颠倒梦想, 究竟涅槃。​

Tryadhva-vyavasthitā sarva-buddhāḥ prajñā-pāramitām āśrityā anuttarāṃ samyak-sambodhim abhi-sambuddhāḥ.​
All Buddhas in the three periods of time fully awake to absolute,​
Perfect Enlightenment through reliance on the Perfection of Wisdom.​
三世诸佛, 依般若波罗蜜多故, 得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提,​

Tasmāj jñātavyam: prajñā-pāramitā mahā mantra, mahā-vidyā mantra, anuttara mantra, asama-samati mantra. ​
Sarva duḥkha praśamana, satyam amithyatvā. ​
Therefore the Perfection of Wisdom should be recognised as the great mantra, the mantra of great Wisdom, ​
The most sublime mantra, the unequalled mantra, the alleviator of all suffering. ​
In truth by reason of its non-falsehood.​
故知般若波罗蜜多,是大神咒, 是大明咒, 是无上咒, 是无等等咒, 能除一切苦, ​真实不虚

Prajñā-pāramitā mukha mantra. ​
That is why the Perfection of Wisdom was delivered.​

Tadyathā: Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā.​
Recite as such: Gate gate pāragate pārasaṃgate bodhi svāhā.​
即说咒曰, 揭谛揭谛,波罗揭谛,波罗僧揭谛,菩提萨婆诃。​
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