Whale Song lyrics
by Steam Powered Giraffe
Wha-ale song
This one's for you
Wha-ale song
Thank you! I love you too
I sing you my song
As you float along
You’ll stay in my heart
Though we all may part
I wish you all well
Wherever life takes you whales
I hope you eat lots of squid
And make lots of whale kids
You made me smile
Just for a while
I wish my friends could see
All your majesty
But they’re all in bed
Being lazy heads
So you’re a pod I hear
And you're so lovely dears
Thank you for flying by
I’ll keep you in my mind’s eye
[Spine, Spoken]
Hey! What's with all the singing?
Yeah, why the hubub?
Oh, oh... Would ya look at that! Space whales...
Check it out, guys
Well I'll be...
Hey Hatchey, grab the bass
No problem
Spine, could you give us some guitar?
Oh, yeah, of course
Like this?
Yeah, you've got it
Take it for a walk
Here we go, boys!
[S.P.G., Sung]
Wha-ale song
This one's for you
Wha-ale song
Thank you! We love you too
We sing you our song
As you float along
You’ll stay in our hearts
Though we all may part
We wish you all well
Wherever life takes you whales
I hope you eat lots of squid
And make lots of whale kids
Wha-ale song
This one's for you
Wha-ale song
Goodbye my darlings
Goodbye my friends
Goodbye my little whales
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye
[Rabbit, Spoken]
Goodbye! I love you!
[EarthSpace Militia 10]
Commander Cosmo, come in. Commander Cosmo, come in. This is Space Militia 10
[Commander Cosmo]
EarthSpace Militia 10, this is Commander Cosmo
[EarthSpace Militia 10]
It's good to hear from you, Commander. The Astronaut has been eliminated. Your plan did seem to work, sir
[Commander Cosmo]
Once I got them separated, I got her to see reason. She let him die
[EarthSpace Militia 10]
What about her? Is she eliminated as well?
[Commander Cosmo]
Don't worry about her, she's with me. General, there's something out here. I'm going to need to recruit a few heroes
[EarthSpace Militia 10]
Heroes? You mean like yourself? Who did you have in mind, Commander?
[Commander Cosmo]
All of them