Darkness, sparkle
Eyeball zoom out
She looks excited, is it Christmas?
No. She's... dead...
Burning guy, hallway
Dancing burning guy, legs
Stop, drop, and roll, man!
Running, fall up
Princess of Persia, running
Back to checkpoint
Hugging Dad, WAIT, she's a zombie
Flashback, them too
At least that one's hot
Just looking on the bright side
Never give a zombie girl a piggy back ride
I'm not crying
There's something in both my eyes
Pull a hatchet in
Girl almost made it out
Dad's a badass
Flirt with the zombie
After he kills her boyfriend
No I didn't order room service
Thanks anyway. Why'd you vacation
At a place called Dead Island?
Didn't you read the pamphlet?
Yelp it next time
She got bitten
Dad keeps hitting
Zombies suck man
Chop off her ha-hand
Embrace Dad
This vacation sucked
Title card
Home movies without Zombies
When Dead Island... wasn't
Wave, goodbye